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Releases: JetBrains/resharper-unity

v2020.2.2 for Rider 2020.2.2 and ReSharper 2020.2

18 Sep 12:41
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Note: this release is for informational purposes only. This release is bundled with Rider 2020.2.2, and available to download from the Extension Manager for ReSharper 2020.2 (2020.2.2.311).



  • Correctly handle lambdas, actions and local functions in performance critical and Burst contexts (#1787)
  • Recognise OnValidate as a valid message for ScriptableObject in Unity 2020.1.x projects (RIDER-49130, #1807)
  • Find shader includes in file: based packages (#1817)
  • Rider: Correctly resolve local packages with too many parent segments in path (#1796, #1811)
  • Rider: Correctly resolve embedded package where folder name does not match package name (#1778, #1811)

See also the Rider 2020.2.2 milestone, and the CHANGELOG.

See previous release notes for changes in 2020.2.1.

v2020.2.1 for Rider 2020.2.1 and ReSharper 2020.2

21 Aug 14:52
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Note: this release is for informational purposes only. This release is bundled with Rider 2020.2.1, and available to download from the Extension Manager for ReSharper 2020.2 (2020.2.0.281).


  • Add __RESHARPER__ conditional symbol to shader files to help code insight features (RIDER-45361)
  • Add implicitly defined symbols for shaders such as INTERNAL_DATA (RIDER-48368, #1798)
  • Remove shader files from Solution Wide Error Analysis
  • Improve suppression of unresolved error highlighting for shader files (RIDER-49123)


Note that there was no milestone for this hotfix. Please see the CHANGELOG for more details.

See previous release notes for changes in 2020.2.

v2020.2 for Rider 2020.2 and ReSharper 2020.2

19 Aug 11:13
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Note: this release is for informational purposes only. This release is bundled with Rider 2020.2, and available to download from the Extension Manager for ReSharper 2020.2 (2020.2.0.261).


  • Add Unity code cleanup patterns that do not reorder serialised fields (#88, #1676)
  • Use Range and Min attributes to provide hints to integer dataflow analysis (#1673, #1714)
  • Improve namespace suggestions for packages (#1161, RIDER-36546, #1677, #1689)
  • Add Unity specific spell check dictionary (#1187, #1570)
  • Add support for UnityEditor.dll being split into modules in Unity 2020.2 (#1699, RIDER-46544, #1724)
  • Rider: Add "pausepoints" a type of breakpoint that doesn't suspend code execution, but pauses the Unity editor (#1272, #1661)
  • Rider: Add USB debugging for iPhone/iPad (RIDER-25430, #1734)
  • Rider: Add analysis and inspections for Burst compiled code (#1665)
  • Rider: Add option to disable debugger extensions (#840, #1741)
  • Rider: Add "Active Scene" and "this.gameObject" as automatic debugger watch expressions (#1741)
  • Rider: Add debugging summary information for various Unity types, such as GameObject, MeshFilter and Behaviour (#1741)
  • Rider: Automatically use UnityYamlMerge to merge asset files (RIDER-33411, #1682)
  • Rider: Automatically add run configuration for standalone player build targets (#1708)
  • Rider: Add sample text for "Unity", "ShaderLab" and "Cg/HLSL" Colour Scheme options pages (#1667)
  • Rider: Filter .meta files from the navigation bar (RIDER-28425, #1703)


  • All applicable quick fixes are now bulk actions, and can be applied over project scope (#1648, #1649)
  • Significant reduction in memory usage while indexing assets (#1645)
  • Improved method signature validation and usage suppression using Unity's RequiredSignature attribute (#1679)
  • Fields must have correct type to be considered a serialised field (#1605, #1638, #1720)
  • Update API information to Unity 2020.2.0a18 (#1760)
  • Added undocumented event functions for Editor and EditorWindow (#986, #1453, #1760)
  • Improve searching for Linux Unity installations (#1763)
  • Rider: Better support for prefab modifications in Find Usages and showing Inspector values (#1645)
  • Rider: Show method handlers for Unity events in the editor (#1645)
  • Rider: Allow aborting tests while waiting for Unity (#1675, 36389, #1692)
  • Rider: Allow launching and debugging standalone player via run configuration (#1708)
  • Rider: Group processes by project in Attach to Unity Process dialog (#1730)
  • Rider: Filter deprecated Unity base type properties from debugger views (#1741)
  • Rider: Show various Unity types such as Vector3 with full float precision (#1515, #1741)
  • Rider: Group large lists of child game objects into chunks and lazily evaluate results (#1741)
  • Rider: Improve editor discovery to refresh while Attach to Unity Process dialog is open (#1730)
  • Rider: Disable "Start Unity" action when Unity is running (RIDER-36108, #1554)
  • Rider: Unity Log view optionally scrolls to show new items (RIDER-14377, #1678)
  • Rider: Play/pause/step buttons no longer disabled while Rider is indexing (#1678)
  • Rider: Support local tarball packages in Unity Explorer (#1589, #1769)
  • Rider: Support UPM_CACHE_PATH environment variable for package cache fallback in Unity Explorer (#1766, #1769)
  • Rider: Update .meta file icons to something less distracting (RIDER-45675, #1698)


  • Fix meta file handling when references to Unity assemblies are invalid (#1623)
  • Fix incorrect method signature validation for methods marked with OnOpenedAsset (#1053, #1679)
  • Fix missing information in .asmdef schema file (#1739, #1743)
  • Rider: Fix debugger sometimes treating user code as external code (#1671, RIDER-43846, #1697)
  • Rider: Fix timeout in debugger due to logging while evaluating properties (RIDER-37068, #1765)
  • Rider: Fix grouping assets by directory in Find Usages results (#1668)
  • Rider: Fix exception trying to upgrade Unity editor plugin (RIDER-42475, #1658)
  • Rider: Fix unit tests not running unless Rider has focus (RIDER-37990, #1672)
  • Rider: Fix test runner hanging using continuous testing (#1695, #1692)
  • Rider: Rewrite player discovery to be more efficient and to process all broadcast messages (#1730)
  • Rider: Fix editor discovery listing incorrect processes in Attach to Unity Process dialog (#1478, #1730)
  • Rider: Suppress incorrect refresh behaviour when saving files that are in multiple projects (e.g. Player projects) (#1669)
  • Rider: Fix incorrect component name shown in Code Vision (#1713)
  • Rider: Fix issues moving files in Unity Explorer when player projects are generated (RIDER-46467, #1738)
  • Rider: Fix git packages resolving in Unity Explorer in Unity 2019.4+ (RIDER-47191, [#1769](
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v2020.1.3 for Rider 2020.1.3

19 Aug 11:08
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Note: this release is for informational purposes only. This release is bundled with Rider 2020.1.3. There is no update for ReSharper, as the changes were Rider only. The latest ReSharper release for 2020.1 is available in the Extension Manager (2020.1.0.179).


  • Rider: Fix unit test discovery in non-Unity solutions inside a Unity folder (RIDER-44139, #1657)

v2020.1.2 for Rider 2020.1.2 and ReSharper 2020.1

19 Aug 11:06
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Note: this release is for informational purposes only. This release is bundled with Rider 2020.1.2, and available to download from the Extension Manager for ReSharper 2020.1 (2020.1.0.179)


  • Rider: Show serializable Code Vision for more fields (#1624)
  • Rider: Improve presentation for asset Find Usages results (#1624)
  • Rider: Improve presentation of Player projects in Unity Explorer (#1634)
  • Unity Editor: Reduce frequency of refreshing Unity on save to explicit calls to Save All (RIDER-37420, #1629)


  • Fix incorrect base type required warning for ExecuteAlways attribute (#1642)
  • Fix generation of static constructor for redundant [InitializeOnLoad] when member generator set to "default return value" (#1625, #1644)
  • Rider: Fix solution hang on "constructing components" due to excessive FileSystemWatcher initialisation (RIDER-41812, #1631)
  • Rider: Fix exception finding file icon causing explorer view to be blank (RIDER-43038, #1632)
  • Rider: Fix handling of file system folders in Packages with the same name as a package (#1626, #1632)
  • Rider: Fix size of tooltip for packages with many projects (#1628, #1632)
  • Rider: Avoid potential deadlocks when updating Packages tree in Unity Explorer (RIDER-43317, #1643)
  • Rider: Fix ability to customise Unity Explorer nodes from plugins (RIDER-39139, #1646)
  • Rider: Fix C# language level detection on Linux (#1640)
  • Unity Editor: Fix list of folders to search for .NET Framework references (RIDER-42873, #1630)

See also the Rider 2020.1.2 milestone.

See previous release notes for changes in 2020.1. Note that the release bundled with 2020.1.1 contained no changes to the Unity plugin.

v2020.1 for Rider 2020.1 and ReSharper 2020.1

29 Apr 23:12
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Note: this release is for informational purposes only. This release is bundled with Rider 2020.1, and available to download from the Extension Manager for ReSharper 2020.1 (2020.1.0.161)


  • Add performance inspection - prefer jagged array to multidimensional array access, with Quick Fix (RIDER-22818, #1459)
  • Exclude Boo and UnityScript namespaces, as well as the System.Diagnostics.Debug type from import completion (#574, #1473)
  • Add more attributes to external annotations. E.g. ShortcutAttribute will mark the method as in use (#1546, RIDER-40330, #1548)
  • Find Usages for serialised fields now includes asset usages (#1530)
  • Add context action to create Unity Assets menu item for a ScriptableObject (#1567)
  • Show serialised field values for scriptable objects (#1567)
  • Show usages of scriptable objects in assets (#1567)
  • Rider: Open corresponding .asmdef in Unity Inspector from .csproj editor notification (#1574)
  • Rider: Treat .inputactions as a JSON file (RIDER-38538)


  • Indexing of assets deferred until after project loaded and will not interfere with existing code insight features (#1530)
  • Improved memory usage while parsing assets (#1530)
  • Improved support of nested and variant prefabs (#1530)
  • Serialised field values Code Vision now includes values from FomerlySerialisedAs attribute (#1530)
  • Serialised field values Code Vision now includes derived classes (#1550)
  • Show performance critical highlights for known methods without requiring Solution Wide Analysis enabled (#1459)
  • Stop marking a method as expensive if it only contains a null check (#1459)
  • Move vector multiplication order inspection to performance critical context only (#1459)
  • Sort commonly used event functions higher in Generate dialog (#1566)
  • Generate event functions at location of context action, rather than at end of class (#1542, #1566)
  • Updated API information to 2020.1.0a25 (#1553)
  • Remove messages that use obsolete parameter types (#1545, #1553)
  • Rider: Adding file to Unity Explorer will add to correct C# project (RIDER-23169, #1470, #1501)
  • Rider: Show folders ending with ~ by default in Unity Explorer (#1444, 1506)
  • Rider: Move Unity Explorer settings to main "gear" icon (#1506)
  • Rider: Interesting content in builtin packages is now visible by default (#1556)
  • Rider: Only show "Show in Unity" link for Unity generated files when connected to Unity (#1574)
  • Rider: Improve detection of Unity version, especially after upgrading project (#1507, #1572)
  • Unity Editor: Move caret to correct column when opening file (RIDER-27450, #1486)
  • Unity Editor: Delete the old Rider plugin when opening a project in Unity 2019.2+ (#1591)


  • Fix incorrect redundant SerializeField attribute warning for property backing field (#1016, #1464)
  • Avoid creating meta files outside of Asset or Packages folders (from 2019.3.2) (#1481, #1491, #1489)
  • Fix overwriting IEnumerator when auto-completing an event function that can be a coroutine (#1258, #1566)
  • Fix duplicate "Generate Unity event functions" context action when gutter icons are visible (#1537, #1566)
  • Fix completion of tag value adding extra closing quote (RIDER-33067)
  • Fix exception with building shortcut cache (RIDER-41206)
  • Rider: Fix Unity tests working with .slnf files (#1571, #1577)
  • Rider: Fix tooltip display for packages in Unity Explorer (#1506)
  • Rider: Fix resolving git based packages in Unity 2019.3+ (#1616)
  • Rider: Fix settings search not finding Unity pages (from 2019.3.3) (#1516, #1520)
  • Rider: Fix discovery and running of all tests in a project (#1509, #1500)
  • Rider: Fix finding location of Unity based on custom Hub install location (RIDER-42118, #1604)
  • Rider: Use correct process ID for profiling and coverage (DTRC-26621, #1612)
  • Rider: Mark editor as disconnected if response is not timely (#1610)
  • Unity Editor: Fix jumping to default desktop when opening files on Mac (#1611)

See also the Rider 2020.1 milestone.

See previous release notes for changes in 2019.3.3.

v2019.3.3 for Rider 2019.3.3

29 Apr 22:59
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Note: this release is for informational purposes only. This release is bundled with Rider 2019.3.3. There are no changes for ReSharper in this release. Previous versions are available to download from the Extension Manager for ReSharper 2019.3.x


  • Rider: Fix settings search not finding Unity pages (#1516, #1522)

See also the Rider 2019.3.3 milestone.

See previous release notes for changes in 2019.3.2.

v2019.3.2 for Rider 2019.3.2 and ReSharper 2019.3.x

29 Apr 22:50
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Note: this release is for informational purposes only. This release is bundled with Rider 2019.3.2, and available to download from the Extension Manager for ReSharper 2019.3.x (2019.3.0.208)


  • Unity Editor: Find Usages window now allows replacing current open scene (#1479, #1480)


  • Avoid creating meta files outside of Asset or Packages folders (#1489, #1491)

See also the Rider 2019.3.2 milestone.

See previous release notes for changes in 2019.3.1.

v2019.3.1 for Rider 2019.3.1 and ReSharper 2019.3.x

29 Apr 22:44
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Note: this release is for informational purposes only. This release is bundled with Rider 2019.3.1, and available to download from the Extension Manager for ReSharper 2019.3.x (2019.3.0.162)



  • Rider: Entire plugin is no longer disabled if the CSS plugin is disabled (RIDER-36523, #1443)
  • Rider: Make Attach to Unity Process dialog resizable (#1446, #1450)
  • Rider: Identify child processes by role in Attach to Unity Process dialog (#1328, #1450)


  • Fix usage count for custom event based event handlers in Unity 2018.4+ (#1448, #1449)
  • Rider: Show correct project name when Unity started with certain command line on Windows (#1450)
  • Rider: Show correct project name when multiple Unity processes listed in Attach to Process popup list (#1456, #1450)
  • Rider: Fix exception in Attach to Unity Process dialog causing list to be empty (#1454, #1450)
  • Rider: Show run configuration dialog for Unity class library projects (#1445, #1450)
  • Rider: Fix finding existing Unity instance to debug (RIDER-36256, #1450)
  • Rider: Fix EditorInstance.json being locked by Rider (#1450)

See also the Rider 2019.3.1 milestone.

See previous release notes for changes in 2019.3.

v2019.3 for Rider 2019.3 and ReSharper 2019.3

29 Apr 14:35
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Note: this release is for informational purposes only. This release is bundled with Rider 2019.3. Note that the ReSharper release was delayed until 2019.3.1.


  • Update API information to 2019.3.0b11 (#1412)
  • Methods with the [SettingsProvider] attribute are now marked as implicitly used (#1225, #1362)
  • Support Find Usages on UnityEvent based event handlers (#1142)
  • Add context action for creating method from unresolved string literal in StartCoroutine and StopCoroutine (#RIDER-27707, #1416)
  • Rider: Add support for play mode tests (#1293, RIDER-19513)
  • Rider: Add code coverage and continuous testing for Unity tests (#1410)
  • Rider: Add syntax highlighting, schema generation and validation of UXML files (#1399)
  • Rider: Add syntax highlighting, validation and completion for USS files (#957, RIDER-20576, #1402)
  • Rider: Add Unity performance options to new inspection control panel (#1408)
  • Rider: Show prompt to set Rider as default external editor when Unity is started by Rider (#1127, #1270)
  • Rider: Show prompt for Linux users to install Mono 5.16+ (#1375, #1383)
  • Rider: Show prompt if currently selected external editor does not match current Rider (RIDER-35297, #1409)
  • Rider: Add Unity specific Live Templates settings page (#1351)
  • Rider: Add project name to "Attach to Unity Process" and "Attach to Unity Editor" run configuration dialogs (#1009, #RIDER-31184, #1298)
  • Rider: Add support for Clear on Play now in Rider's Unity log viewer (#1281, #1294)
  • Unity Editor: Bring Unity Editor to foreground when Rider is showing Unity asset usages (#1344)


  • Improve performance parsing YAML scenes (#1408)
  • Rider: Return support for .asmdef files (RIDER-30018, #1373)
  • Rider: Improve UX of "Attach to Unity Process" dialog (#1278, #1298)
  • Rider: Improve display of count of merged log items (#1296, #1301)
  • Rider: Status bar icon will show when Unity Editor is paused (#1227, #1301)
  • Rider: Show Unity actions toolbar when opening a folder without a solution, to make it easy to launch Unity (#1325)
  • Rider: Show asset usage count on property setter and UnityEvent based event handlers (#1142)
  • Unity Editor: Use new 2019.2 API to open Rider at correct column as well as line (requires Rider package 1.1.0+) (#888)
  • Unity Editor: Don't create EditorInstance.json for Unity 2017.1+, since it does it itself (#1356)
  • Unity Editor: Reduce size of pre-compiled editor plugin for Unity 20192.2+ to help AppDomain restart performance (#1367, #1390)


  • Fix overridden Update methods not acting as performance critical context (RIDER-33934, #1408)
  • Fix Quick Fix incorrectly converting LinecastAll to CapsuleCastNonAlloc instead of LinecastNonAlloc (#1324, RIDER-33442, #1408)
  • Fix finding usages of methods used as event handler from prefab (#1331, #1408)
  • Fix moving .meta file during "Move to Folder" refactoring (#1370, #1389)
  • Fix orphan .meta file during "Safe Delete" refactoring (#856, #1389)
  • Fix correctly keeping .meta files up to date in Packages folder (#1231, #1389)
  • Fix "Add RequireComponent" context action to correctly add second attribute (#RIDER-34390, #1416)
  • Fix issues with ordering of multiplication of vector multiplication (RIDER-33981, RIDER-32798, RIDER-32851, #1168, #1428)
  • Rider: Fix race condition preventing "Attach to Unity Process" dialog from always listing players (RIDER-34039, #1298)
  • Rider: Prevent "Attach to Unity Process" attempting to attach to the same process multiple times (#1129, #1298)
  • Rider: Fix show usages on Code Vision link for auto property event handlers (#1142)
  • Rider: Work around Unity bug failing to send log events after leaving play mode (#1414)
  • Unity Editor: Stop suggesting C# 8 features when using a new msbuild from Mono (#1379, #1380)
  • Unity Editor: Avoid all initialisation when started in batch mode (#1396)
  • Unity Editor: Fix exception calling EditorApplication.isPlaying on wrong thread (#1308)

See also the Rider 2019.3 milestone.

See previous release notes for changes in 2019.2.4.