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Irish Gold Distillers Website

Table of Contents


According to The Irish Whiskey Association, whiskey distilleries in Ireland have grown from just four in 2010 to 32 in 2019, demonstrating the scale of Ireland's Whiskey Renaissance. The purpose of the Irish Gold Distillers website is to satisfy the demand for, and interest in, Irish whiskey products by providing the end user with a fully responsive and interactive website showcasing the whiskey distilleries across the country.

I was inspired to create this website when I was travelling around the west coast of Ireland during the summer of 2020 and I struggled to find a website which housed and clearly displayed a list of all the whiskey distilleries in Ireland and their location. At that moment, I noted this as a great opportunity to fill the gap.

Please note, this website was created for the Code Institute’s Milestone Project 2 as part of their Diploma in Full Stack Software Development. It was developed using the knowledge gained from the HTML, CSS, User Centric Design, JavaScript and Interactive Front-end Development modules.

Please see the Irish Gold Distillers live website.

Irish Gold Distiller's website on different device sizes

User Experience Design

User stories

First-time Visitor Goals

  • As a first-time visitor, I want to navigate through the website easily on both mobile and desktop devices
  • As a first-time visitor, I want to be able to quickly identify that the website provides information on whiskey distilleries in Ireland
  • As a first-time visitor, I want to see a visually pleasing website with attractive whiskey imagery

Returning Visitor Goals

  • As a returning visitor, I want to explore the whiskey distilleries in Ireland and filter by county
  • As a returning visitor, I want to easily find the location of whiskey distilleries on an interactive map
  • As a returning visitor, I want to read about and see photos of the whiskey distilleries in Ireland

Frequent Visitor Goals

  • As a frequent visitor, I want to read about the history of Ireland's whiskey distilleries
  • As a frequent visitor, I want to check to see if the distillery is running tours during the COVID-19 pandemic


The Irish Gold Distiller's site was designed as single page website so the user can easily access its key functionality - showcasing whiskey distilleries in Ireland - with minimal clicks.

Wireframes were created for mobile, tablet and desktop using balsamiq. Please see the wireframes below for the varying devices:


The fonts chosen for this website were Merriweather and Open Sans.

Merriweather is a serif font which was designed specifically for screens and is pleasant to read on them. I got inspiration to use this font from looking at whiskey websites, as well as whiskey bottle labelling, to explore the type of fonts they used. I deicded to use Merriweather for key headings on the website.

Open Sans was sourced as a popular pairing with Merriweather from Google Fonts. Open Sans is a sans serif font which provides a nice contrast with Merriweather and is optimised for web and mobile interfaces. I used Open Sans for minor body text on the website.

I sampled both of these fonts prior to using them on the site using Google Fonts 'preview' tool.

Colour Scheme

The colour scheme chosen for this website was black and gold. Gold is used to represent the colour of whiskey and black evokes a feeling of quality and professionalism on the website. It also creates a great contrast with gold providing a good visual experience for the user. Finally, the gold colour was sourced from the Irish Distiller's website.

  • Black Hex value #231f20
  • Gold - Hex value #e09900

Website colours


Logo and Favicon

The logo consists of a gold droplet to represent whiskey and the text ‘Irish Gold Distillers’. The font used is Merriweather Light for ‘Irish Gold’ and Merriweather Black for ‘Distillers’. In addition, the favicon is a gold droplet of whiskey.

The gold and black used in the logo matches that on the website and two versions were created for dark and bright backgrounds. Furthermore, the favicon and logo were designed using Adobe Illustrator and saved in the appropriate file formats to ensure a reduced file size.

Irish Gold Distillers logo

Stock Images

The website uses strong and impactful whiskey imagery to capture the users interest from the start. The stock images used on the website were sourced from Unsplash and referenced within the code.

Distillery Images

The images for each of the distilleries were taken from Irish Whiskey 360, as well as their descriptive content.


The Irish Gold Distillers website is an interactive single page website divided into seven key sections. Each section is described in greater detail below, outlining their features and how they meet the user stories identified at the beginning of the website build.

Existing Features

Section 1 - Navbar


The navbar is fully responsive and collapses down into a hamburger menu on smaller devices. It provides a short list of links to the key sections on the website.

The navbar was not fixed to the top of the page as the webpage is short and requires minimal scrolling to reach its key functionality. Instead greater focus is given to providing the user with as much screen display as possible for its interactive elements.

Links were provided in the footer to ensure the user could easily access key sections of website without scrolling back to the top to access the navbar.

As a first-time visitor, I want to navigate through the website easily on both mobile and desktop devices

Section 2 - Hero Image & CTA

Hero Image

The hero image and headings are a key component of the website as they allow the user to quickly establish the purpose of the site. The CTA directs the user directly to its interactive search functionality.

On mobile, the H1 and CTA are removed from the hero image to not obstruct the image, however the H2 remains to ensure the website's purpose is clear.

As a first-time visitor, I want to be able to quickly identify that the website provides information on whiskey distilleries in Ireland

As a first-time visitor, I want to see a visually pleasing website with attractive whiskey imagery

Section 3 - Grid View

Grid View

The Grid View section of the website allows the user to filter distilleries by county and see a grid list of results. The results include the distillery's name, address, description, image and whether they're currently running tours. It also has a link to their website so the user can find out more information.

The county was intentionally highlighted above the address so users can quickly see that their filter selection is correct. Furthermore, icons were used to break up content and let users decipher information easily.

As a returning visitor, I want to explore the whiskey distilleries in Ireland and filter by county

As a returning visitor, I want to read about and see photos of the whiskey distilleries in Ireland

As a frequent visitor, I want to check to see if the distillery is running tours during the COVID-19 pandemic

Section 4 - Map View

Map View

In addition to the Grid View above, users can also see a list of distilleries displayed on an interactive map. The map used is from a free open-source JavaScript library called Leaflet.

When they hover over the marker, or click on mobile, more information is displayed about the distillery. The marker was customised to match the gold droplet in the logo.

As a returning visitor, I want to easily find the location of whiskey distilleries on an interactive map

Section 5 - History

History Section

For website users looking for delve a little deeper into Ireland's whiskey distilleries, this section provides them with a short but insightful description of whiskey distilleries in Ireland.

As a frequent visitor, I want to read about the history of Ireland's whiskey distilleries

Section 6 - Images

Image Section

The Images Section provides the user with rich imagery of whiskey and whiskey casks. This makes the website more visually appealing and provides a nice break between the history text and footer.

As a first-time visitor, I want to see a visually pleasing website with attractive whiskey imagery

Section 7 - Footer


The Footer highlights the website's contact information, links and logo. These were included in the Footer as this is the location they're most commonly expected by a website user. The links allow the user to go back to the section of the page they wish without having to scroll back to the top.

Features Left to Implement

  • A submission form for distillery owners to implement their details if they're not already included on the website and wish to be listed
  • Include a full comprehensive list of distilleries in Ireland and update this as and when more come about

Technologies Used

  • GitHub

    • GitHub is the hosting site used to store the source code for the Website
  • Git

    • Git was used as the version control software to add, commit and push code to the GitHub repository
  • Gitpod

    • Gitpod was used as the development environment to write my code
  • HTML

    • HTML was the main language used to create this website
  • CSS

    • Custom CSS was used to add bespoke design
  • JavaScript

    • JavaScript was used to create interactive elements on the website
  • Bootstrap

    • Bootstrap was used throughout the website for the grid layout, navbar and buttons
  • balsamiq

    • balsamiq was used to create low-fidelity wireframes of the website
  • Adobe Illustrator

    • Illustrator was used to create the logo and favicon for the website
  • Google Fonts

    • Google Fonts was used to find, sample and import fonts for the logo and website
  • TinyPNG

    • TinyPNG was used to compress all images before uploading them to Gitpod to ensure a good website speed
  • Google Chrome Developer Tools

    • Chrome Developer Tools was used to test the site's responsiveness on different devices and to debug the code
  • Font Awesome

    • Sourced icons on website from Font Awesome
  • Responsinator

    • Responsinator was used to test the website's responsiveness across different screen sizes
  • Am I Responsive

    • Am I Responsive was used to test the website's responsiveness across different screen sizes
  • W3C Markup Validation Service

    • The W3C Markup validator was used regularly to check for any errors in the HTML on the site
  • W3C CSS Validation Service

    • The W3C CSS validator was used regularly to check for any errors in the CSS on the site
  • JSHint

    • JSHint was regularly used to detect errors and potential problems in the JavaScript code


Automated Testing


To check the responsiveness of the website across all devices, Am I Responsive and Responsinator were used. I input the project's live URL to view it across multiple device sizes.

Furthermore, I regularly used Google Chrome Developer Tools to simulate the website on different device sizes throughout coding this project to ensure it rendered correctly.

W3C Validator Tools

The website's HTML, CSS and JavaScript were regularly checked using the W3C Markup Validation Service and CSS Validation Service, as well as JSHint. A final validation check was performed with no errors before submitting the project:

Problems Encountered

  • JSHint gave warnings that some of the syntax is only available in ES6 e.g. template literals

Manual Testing

User Story Testing

A manual review of the user stories was carried out where automation was not possible. Please view these here.


The website was tested on different physical devices with varying screen sizes including:

  • Apple iPhone XS Max
  • Samsung A71
  • Apple iPad (6th generation)
  • Macbook 12


The website was tested across different browsers including Google Chrome and Safari. It rendered well on both browsers and worked as intended, but with some styling issues on Safari.

Issues Encountered

Overall the website worked well across all device types and browsers, however a few minor issues were encountered:

  • Button styling on the iPhone XS Max and the Safari browser appeared differently to that set in the CSS, this was resolved by adding some extra code to set the appearance property to none and use -WebKit- and -Moz- vendor prefixes
  • The hover menu on mobile doesn't close when clicked which forces the user to click outside of the menu to try and close it. This was fixed by applying JavaScript code to close the hover menu on click.


GitHub Project Creation

The Irish Gold Distillers project was created using the following steps:

  1. Click the green 'New' button in my GitHub repositories section
  2. Select the Code Institute template
  3. Name repository "Irish Gold Distillers" and give it a description
  4. Set repository to 'Public' to ensure the commit history is visible
  5. Click 'Create repository'

GitHub Pages

The website was deployed using these steps:

  1. Open the Irish Gold Distillers repository in GitHub
  2. Navigate to the 'Settings' tab at the top
  3. Scroll down to the 'GitHub Pages' section
  4. Select 'Branch Master' as the source
  5. Click save
  6. Click link to live deployed website

Run Locally

To run the code locally, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Irish Gold Distiller's repository
  2. Click the 'Code' drop down menu
  3. Select to copy the GitHub URL from HTTPS box or 'Download Zip'
  4. Open a new terminal and type the 'git clone' command in the CLI and paste copied URL
  5. Alternatively, click 'Open with GitHub Desktop' and follow the steps to complete the clone



  1. Sourced code for navbar from Bootstrap -
  2. Sourced code for icons from Font Awesome -
  3. Sourced code for Leaflet.js map from Leaflet -
  4. Obtained content for History section from Drinks Ireland -!OpenDocument
  5. Code for tab buttons was taken from W3Schools -
  6. Hover dropdown menu sourced from W3Schools -
  7. Code to make button styling work on Safari -

All other minor guiding resoures were referenced within the code.


  • The Irish Gold Distiller's logo and favicon were created by me using Adobe Illustrator
  • The icons used on the site were sourced from Font Awesome
  • The images across the website were obtained from Unsplash and Irish Whiskey 360


  • Thank you to the tutors and my mentor at the Code Institute for helping me to tackle all the challenges which JavaScript threw my way