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mlpack automatic bindings to other languages

mlpack has a system to automatically generate bindings to other languages, such as Python and command-line programs, and it is extensible to other languages with some amount of ease. The maintenance burden of this system is low, and it is designed in such a way that the bindings produced are always up to date across languages and up to date with the mlpack library itself.

This document describes the full functioning of the system, and is a good place to start for someone who wishes to understand the system so that they can contribute a new binding language, or someone who wants to understand so they can adapt the system for use in their own project, or someone who is simply curious enough to see how the sausage is made.

The document is split into several sections:


C++ is not the most popular language on the planet, and it (unfortunately) can scare many away with its ultra-verbose error messages, confusing template rules, and complex metaprogramming techniques. Most practitioners of machine learning tend to avoid writing native C++ and instead prefer other languages---probably most notably Python.

In the case of Python, many projects will use tools like SWIG to automatically generate bindings, or they might hand-write Cython. The same types of strategies may be used for other languages; hand-written MEX files may be used for MATLAB, hand-written Rcpp bindings might be used for R bindings, and so forth.

However, these approaches have a fundamental flaw: the hand-written bindings must be maintained, and risk going out of date as the rest of the library changes or new functionality is added. This incurs a maintenance burden: each major change to the library means that someone must update the bindings and test that they are still working. mlpack is not prepared to handle this maintenance workload; therefore an alternate solution is needed.

At the time of the design of this system, mlpack shipped headers for a C++ library as well as many (~40) hand-written command-line programs that used the mlpack::IO object to manage command-line arguments. These programs all had similar structure, and could be logically split into three sections:

  • parse the input options supplied by the user
  • run the machine learning algorithm
  • prepare the output to return to the user

The user might interface with this command-line program like the following:

$ mlpack_knn -r reference.csv -q query.csv -k 3 -d d.csv -n n.csv

That is, they would pass a number of input options---some were numeric values (like -k 3); some were filenames (like -r reference.csv); and a few other types also. Therefore, the first stage of the program---parsing input options---would be handled by reading the command line and loading any input matrices. Preparing the output, which usually consists of data matrices (i.e. -d d.csv) involves saving the matrix returned by the algorithm to the user's desired file.

Ideally, any binding to any language would have this same structure, and the actual "run the machine learning algorithm" code could be identical. For MATLAB, for instance, we would not need to read the file reference.csv but instead the user would simply pass their data matrix as an argument. So each input and output parameter would need to be handled differently, but the algorithm could be run identically across all bindings.

Therefore, design of an automatically-generated binding system would simply involve generating the boilerplate code necessary to parse input options for a given language, and to return output options to a user.

Writing code that can be turned into a binding

This section details what a binding file might actually look like. It is good to have this API in mind when reading the following sections.

Each mlpack binding is typically contained in the src/mlpack/methods/ folder corresponding to a given machine learning algorithm, with the suffix _main.cpp; so an example is src/mlpack/methods/pca/pca_main.cpp.

These files have roughly two parts:

  • definition of the input and output parameters with PARAM macros and documentation with BINDING macros
  • implementation of BINDING_FUNCTION(), which is the actual machine learning code

Here is a simple example file:

// This is a stripped version of mean_shift_main.cpp.
#include <mlpack/core.hpp>

// Define the name of the binding (as seen by the binding generation system).
#define BINDING_NAME mean_shift

#include <mlpack/core/util/mlpack_main.hpp>

#include <mlpack/core/kernels/gaussian_kernel.hpp>
#include "mean_shift.hpp"

using namespace mlpack;
using namespace mlpack::meanshift;
using namespace mlpack::kernel;
using namespace std;

// Define the help text for the program.  The PRINT_PARAM_STRING() and
// PRINT_DATASET() macros are used to print the name of the parameter as seen in
// the binding type that is being used, and the PRINT_CALL() macro generates a
// sample invocation of the program in the language of the binding type that is
// being used.  Note that the macros must have + on either side of them.  We
// provide some extra references with the "SEE_ALSO()" macro, which is used to
// generate documentation for the website.

// Program Name.
BINDING_USER_NAME("Mean Shift Clustering");

// Short description.
    "A fast implementation of mean-shift clustering using dual-tree range "
    "search.  Given a dataset, this uses the mean shift algorithm to produce "
    "and return a clustering of the data.");

// Long description.
    "This program performs mean shift clustering on the given dataset, storing "
    "the learned cluster assignments either as a column of labels in the input "
    "dataset or separately."
    "The input dataset should be specified with the " +
    PRINT_PARAM_STRING("input") + " parameter, and the radius used for search"
    " can be specified with the " + PRINT_PARAM_STRING("radius") + " "
    "parameter.  The maximum number of iterations before algorithm termination "
    "is controlled with the " + PRINT_PARAM_STRING("max_iterations") + " "
    "The output labels may be saved with the " + PRINT_PARAM_STRING("output") +
    " output parameter and the centroids of each cluster may be saved with the"
    " " + PRINT_PARAM_STRING("centroid") + " output parameter.");

// Example.
    "For example, to run mean shift clustering on the dataset " +
    PRINT_DATASET("data") + " and store the centroids to " +
    PRINT_DATASET("centroids") + ", the following command may be used: "
    "\n\n" +
    PRINT_CALL("mean_shift", "input", "data", "centroid", "centroids"));

// See also...
BINDING_SEE_ALSO("@kmeans", "#kmeans");
BINDING_SEE_ALSO("@dbscan", "#dbscan");
BINDING_SEE_ALSO("Mean shift on Wikipedia",
BINDING_SEE_ALSO("Mean Shift, Mode Seeking, and Clustering (pdf)",
BINDING_SEE_ALSO("mlpack::mean_shift::MeanShift C++ class documentation",

// Define parameters for the executable.

// Required option: the user must give us a matrix.
PARAM_MATRIX_IN_REQ("input", "Input dataset to perform clustering on.", "i");

// Output options: the user can save the output matrix of labels and/or the
// centroids.
PARAM_UCOL_OUT("output", "Matrix to write output labels to.", "o");
PARAM_MATRIX_OUT("centroid", "If specified, the centroids of each cluster will "
    "be written to the given matrix.", "C");

// Mean shift configuration options.
PARAM_INT_IN("max_iterations", "Maximum number of iterations before mean shift "
    "terminates.", "m", 1000);
PARAM_DOUBLE_IN("radius", "If the distance between two centroids is less than "
    "the given radius, one will be removed.  A radius of 0 or less means an "
    "estimate will be calculated and used for the radius.", "r", 0);

void BINDING_FUNCTION(util::Params& params, util::Timers& timers)
  // Process the parameters that the user passed.
  const double radius = params.Get<double>("radius");
  const int maxIterations = params.Get<int>("max_iterations");

  if (maxIterations < 0)
    Log::Fatal << "Invalid value for maximum iterations (" << maxIterations <<
        ")! Must be greater than or equal to 0." << endl;

  // Warn, if the user did not specify that they wanted any output.
  if (!params.Has("output") && !params.Has("centroid"))
    Log::Warn << "--output_file, --in_place, and --centroid_file are not set; "
        << "no results will be saved." << endl;

  arma::mat dataset = std::move(params.Get<arma::mat>("input"));
  arma::mat centroids;
  arma::Col<size_t> assignments;

  // Prepare and run the actual algorithm.
  MeanShift<> meanShift(radius, maxIterations);

  Log::Info << "Performing mean shift clustering..." << endl;
  meanShift.Cluster(dataset, assignments, centroids);

  Log::Info << "Found " << centroids.n_cols << " centroids." << endl;
  if (radius <= 0.0)
    Log::Info << "Estimated radius was " << meanShift.Radius() << ".\n";

  // Should we give the user the output matrix?
  if (params.Has("output"))
    params.Get<arma::Col<size_t>>("output") = std::move(assignments);

  // Should we give the user the centroid matrix?
  if (params.Has("centroid"))
    params.Get<arma::mat>("centroid") = std::move(centroids);

We can see that we have defined the name of the binding with the BINDING_NAME macro, and basic program information in the BINDING_USER_NAME(), BINDING_SHORT_DESC(), BINDING_LONG_DESC(), BINDING_EXAMPLE() and BINDING_SEE_ALSO() macros. This is, for instance, what is displayed to describe the binding if the user passed the --help option for a command-line program.

Then, we define five parameters, three input and two output, that define the data and options that the mean shift clustering will function on. These parameters are defined with the PARAM macros, of which there are many. The names of these macros specify the type, whether the parameter is required, and whether the parameter is input or output. Some examples:

  • PARAM_STRING_IN() -- a string-type input parameter
  • PARAM_MATRIX_OUT() -- a matrix-type output parameter
  • PARAM_DOUBLE_IN_REQ() -- a required double-type input parameter
  • PARAM_UMATRIX_IN() -- an unsigned matrix-type input parameter
  • PARAM_MODEL_IN() -- a serializable model-type input parameter

Note that each of these macros may have slightly different syntax. See the links above for further documentation.

In order to write a new binding, then, you simply must define BINDING_NAME, then write BINDING_USER_NAME(), BINDING_SHORT_DESC(), BINDING_LONG_DESC(), BINDING_EXAMPLE() and BINDING_SEE_ALSO() definitions of the program with some documentation, define the input and output parameters as PARAM macros, and then write a BINDING_FUNCTION() function that actually performs the functionality of the binding.

Inside of BINDING_FUNCTION(util::Params& params, util::Timers& timers):

  • All input parameters are accessible through params.Get<type>("name").
  • All output parameters should be set by the end of the function with the params.Get<type>("name") method.
  • The params.Has("name") function will return true if the parameter "name" was specified.
  • Timers can be started and stopped with timers.Start("timer_name") and timers.Stop("timer_name").

Then, assuming that your program is saved in the file program_name_main.cpp, generating bindings for other languages is a simple addition to the CMakeLists.txt file in src/mlpack/methods/CMakeLists.txt:

add_all_bindings(program_dir program_name "category")

In this example, this will also add a Markdown binding, which will generate documentation that is typically used to build the website. The category parameter should be one of the categories in src/mlpack/bindings/Categories.cmake.

How to write mlpack bindings

This section describes the general structure of the automatic binding system and how one might write a new binding for mlpack. After reading this section it should be relatively clear how one could use the provided functionality in the Params and Timers class along with CMake to add a binding for a new mlpack machine learning method. If it is not clear, then the examples in the following sections should clarify.

Providing a name with BINDING_NAME

Every binding must have the macro BINDING_NAME defined, specifying a name (without spaces, generally all lowercase) that will be used to represent the binding. It is suggested to #undef any previous setting of BINDING_NAME just to prevent any strange error messages in case it is already defined.

Here is an example that can be adapted:

#define BINDING_NAME my_binding_name

// BINDING_NAME should be defined before including mlpack_main.hpp!
#include <mlpack/core/util/mlpack_main.hpp>

If this macro is not defined, compilation of the binding will fail in many ways with potentially obscure error messages! (Sorry that they are bad error messages. The preprocessor doesn't give us too much to work with.)

Documenting a program with macros

Any mlpack binding should be documented with the BINDING_USER_NAME(), BINDING_SHORT_DESC(), BINDING_LONG_DESC(), BINDING_EXAMPLE() and BINDING_SEE_ALSO() macros, which is available from the <mlpack/core/util/mlpack_main.hpp> header. The macros are of the form

BINDING_USER_NAME("program name");
BINDING_SHORT_DESC("This is a short, two-sentence description of what the program does.");
BINDING_LONG_DESC("This is a long description of what the program does."
    " It might be many lines long and have lots of details about different options.");
BINDING_EXAMPLE("This contains one example for this particular binding.\n" +
BINDING_EXAMPLE("This contains another example for this particular binding.\n" +
// There could be many of these "see alsos".

The short documentation should be two sentences indicating what the program implements and does, and a quick overview of how it can be used and what it should be used for. When writing new short documentation, it is a good idea to take a look at the existing documentation to get an idea of the general format.

For the "see also" section, you can specify as many SEE_ALSO() calls as you see fit. These are links used at the "see also" section of the website documentation for each binding, and it's very important that relevant links are provided (also to other bindings). See the SEE_ALSO() documentation for more details.

Although it is possible to provide very short documentation, it is certainly better to provide a long description including

  • what the program does
  • a basic overview of what input and output parameters the program has
  • at least one example invocation

Examples are very important, and are probably what most users are going to immediately search for, instead of taking a long time to read and carefully consider all of the written documentation.

However, it is difficult to write language-agnostic documentation. For instance, in a command-line program, an output parameter --output_file would be specified on the command line as an input parameter, but in Python, the output parameter 'output' would actually simply be returned from the call to the Python function. Therefore, we must be careful how our documentation refers to input and output parameters. The following general guidelines can help:

  • Always refer to output parameters as "output parameters", which is a fairly close term that can be interpreted to mean both "return values" for languages like Python and MATLAB and also "arguments given on the command line" for command line programs.

  • Use the provided PRINT_PARAM_STRING() macro to print the names of parameters. For instance, PRINT_PARAM_STRING("shuffle") will print --shuffle for a command line program and 'shuffle' for a Python binding. The PRINT_PARAM_STRING() macro also takes into account the type of the parameter.

  • Use the provided PRINT_DATASET() and PRINT_MODEL() macro to introduce example datasets or models, which can be useful when introducing an example usage of the program. So you could write "to run with a dataset " + PRINT_DATASET("data") + "...".

  • Use the provided PRINT_CALL() macro to print example invocations of the program. The first argument is the name of the program, and then the following arguments should be the name of a parameter followed by the value of that parameter.

  • Never mention files in the documentation---files are only relevant to command-line programs. Similarly, avoid mentioning anything language-specific.

  • Remember that some languages give output through return values and some give output using other input parameters. So the right verbiage to use is, e.g., the results may be saved using the PRINT_PARAM_STRING("output") parameter, and not the results are returned through the PRINT_PARAM_STRING("output") parameter.

Each of these macros (PRINT_PARAM_STRING(), PRINT_DATASET(), PRINT_MODEL(), and PRINT_CALL()) provides different output depending on the language. Below are some example of documentation strings and their outputs for different languages. Note that the output might not be exactly as written or formatted here, but the general gist should be the same.

Input C++ (snippet):

  "The parameter " + PRINT_PARAM_STRING("shuffle") + ", if set, will shuffle "
  "the data before learning."

Command-line program output (snippet):

  The parameter '--shuffle', if set, will shuffle the data before learning.

Python binding output (snippet):

  The parameter 'shuffle', if set, will shuffle the data before learning.

Julia binding output (snippet):

  The parameter `shuffle`, if set, will shuffle the data before learning.

Go binding output (snippet):

  The parameter "Shuffle", if set, will shuffle the data before learning.

Another example:

Input C++ (snippet):

  "The output matrix can be saved with the " + PRINT_PARAM_STRING("output") +
  " output parameter."

Command-line program output (snippet):

  The output matrix can be saved with the '--output_file' output parameter.

Python binding output (snippet):

  The output matrix can be saved with the 'output' output parameter.

Julia binding output (snippet):

  The output matrix can be saved with the `output` output parameter.

Go binding output (snippet):

  The output matrix can be saved with the "output" output parameter.

And another example:

Input C++ (snippet):

  "For example, to train a model on the dataset " + PRINT_DATASET("x") + " and "
  "save the output model to " + PRINT_MODEL("model") + ", the following command"
  " can be used:"
  "\n\n" +
  PRINT_CALL("program", "input", "x", "output_model", "model")

Command-line program output (snippet):

  For example, to train a model on the dataset 'x.csv' and save the output model
  to 'model.bin', the following command can be used:

  $ program --input_file x.csv --output_model_file model.bin

Python binding output (snippet):

  For example, to train a model on the dataset 'x' and save the output model to
  'model', the following command can be used:

  >>> output = program(input=x)
  >>> model = output['output_model']

Julia binding output (snippet):

  For example, to train a model on the dataset `x` and save the output model to
  `model`, the following command can be used:

  julia> model = program(input=x)

Go binding output (snippet):

  For example, to train a model on the dataset "x" and save the output model to
  "model", the following command can be used:

    // Initialize optional parameters for Program().
    param := mlpack.ProgramOptions()
    param.Input = x

    model := mlpack.Program(param)

And finally, a full program example:

Input C++ (full program, random_numbers_main.cpp):

  // Program Name.
  BINDING_USER_NAME("Random Numbers");

  // Short description.
  BINDING_SHORT_DESC("An implementation of Random Numbers");

  // Long description.
      "This program generates random numbers with a "
      "variety of nonsensical techniques and example parameters.  The input "
      "dataset, which will be ignored, can be specified with the " +
      PRINT_PARAM_STRING("input") + " parameter.  If you would like to subtract"
      " values from each number, specify the " +
      PRINT_PARAM_STRING("subtract") + " parameter.  The number of random "
      "numbers to generate is specified with the " +
      PRINT_PARAM_STRING("num_values") + " parameter."
      "The output random numbers can be saved with the " +
      PRINT_PARAM_STRING("output") + " output parameter.  In addition, a "
      "randomly generated linear regression model can be saved with the " +
      PRINT_PARAM_STRING("output_model") + " output parameter.");

  // Example.
      "For example, to generate 100 random numbers with 3 subtracted from them "
      "and save the output to " + PRINT_DATASET("rand") + " and the random "
      "model to " + PRINT_MODEL("rand_lr") + ", use the following "
      "\n\n" +
      PRINT_CALL("random_numbers", "num_values", 100, "subtract", 3, "output",
          "rand", "output_model", "rand_lr"));

Command line output:

    Random Numbers

    This program generates random numbers with a variety of nonsensical
    techniques and example parameters.  The input dataset, which will be
    ignored, can be specified with the '--input_file' parameter.  If you would
    like to subtract values from each number, specify the '--subtract'
    parameter.  The number of random numbers to generate is specified with the
    '--num_values' parameter.

    The output random numbers can be saved with the '--output_file' output
    parameter.  In addition, a randomly generated linear regression model can be
    saved with the '--output_model_file' output parameter.

    For example, to generate 100 random numbers with 3 subtracted from them and
    save the output to 'rand.csv' and the random model to 'rand_lr.bin', use the
    following command:

    $ random_numbers --num_values 100 --subtract 3 --output_file rand.csv
      --output_model_file rand_lr.bin

Python binding output:

    Random Numbers

    This program generates random numbers with a variety of nonsensical
    techniques and example parameters.  The input dataset, which will be
    ignored, can be specified with the 'input' parameter.  If you would like to
    subtract values from each number, specify the 'subtract' parameter.  The
    number of random numbers to generate is specified with the 'num_values'

    The output random numbers can be saved with the 'output' output parameter.
    In addition, a randomly generated linear regression model can be saved with
    the 'output_model' output parameter.

    For example, to generate 100 random numbers with 3 subtracted from them and
    save the output to 'rand' and the random model to 'rand_lr', use the
    following command:

    >>> output = random_numbers(num_values=100, subtract=3)
    >>> rand = output['output']
    >>> rand_lr = output['output_model']

Julia binding output:

    Random Numbers

    This program generates random numbers with a variety of nonsensical
    techniques and example parameters.  The input dataset, which will be
    ignored, can be specified with the `input` parameter.  If you would like to
    subtract values from each number, specify the `subtract` parameter.  The
    number of random numbers to generate is specified with the `num_values`

    The output random numbers can be saved with the `output` output parameter.
    In addition, a randomly generated linear regression model can be saved with
    the `output_model` output parameter.

    For example, to generate 100 random numbers with 3 subtracted from them and
    save the output to `rand` and the random model to `rand_lr`, use the
    following command:

    julia> rand, rand_lr = random_numbers(num_values=100, subtract=3)

Go binding output:

    Random Numbers

    This program generates random numbers with a variety of nonsensical
    techniques and example parameters.  The input dataset, which will be
    ignored, can be specified with the "Input" parameter.  If you would like to
    subtract values from each number, specify the "Subtract" parameter.  The
    number of random numbers to generate is specified with the "NumValues"

    The output random numbers can be saved with the "output" output parameter.
    In addition, a randomly generated linear regression model can be saved with
    the "outputModel" output parameter.

    For example, to generate 100 random numbers with 3 subtracted from them and
    save the output to "rand" and the random model to "randLr", use the
    following command:

    // Initialize optional parameters for RandomNumbers().
    param := mlpack.RandomNumbersOptions()
    param.NumValues = 100

    rand, randLr := mlpack.RandomNumbers(param)

Defining parameters for a program

There exist several macros that can be used after a BINDING_LONG_DESC() and BINDING_EXAMPLE() definition to define the parameters that can be specified for a given mlpack program. These macros all have the same general definition: the name of the macro specifies the type of the parameter, whether or not the parameter is required, and whether the parameter is an input or output parameter. Then as arguments to the macros, the name, description, and sometimes the single-character alias and the default value of the parameter.

To give a flavor of how these definitions look, the definition

PARAM_STRING_IN("algorithm", "The algorithm to use: 'svd' or 'blah'.", "a");

will define a string input parameter algorithm (referenced as --algorithm from the command-line or 'algorithm' from Python) with the description The algorithm to use: 'svd' or 'blah'. The single-character alias -a can be used from a command-line program (but means nothing in Python).

There are numerous different macros that can be used:

  • PARAM_FLAG() - boolean flag parameter
  • PARAM_INT_IN() - integer input parameter
  • PARAM_INT_OUT() - integer output parameter
  • PARAM_DOUBLE_IN() - double input parameter
  • PARAM_DOUBLE_OUT() - double output parameter
  • PARAM_STRING_IN() - string input parameter
  • PARAM_STRING_OUT() - string output parameter
  • PARAM_MATRIX_IN() - double-valued matrix (arma::mat) input parameter
  • PARAM_MATRIX_OUT() - double-valued matrix (arma::mat) output parameter
  • PARAM_UMATRIX_IN() - size_t-valued matrix (arma::Mat<size_t>) input parameter
  • PARAM_UMATRIX_OUT() - size_t-valued matrix (arma::Mat<size_t>) output parameter
  • PARAM_TMATRIX_IN() - transposed double-valued matrix (arma::mat) input parameter
  • PARAM_TMATRIX_OUT() - transposed double-valued matrix (arma::mat) output parameter
  • PARAM_MATRIX_AND_INFO_IN() - matrix with categoricals input parameter (std::tuple<data::DatasetInfo, arma::mat>)
  • PARAM_COL_IN() - double-valued column vector (arma::vec) input parameter
  • PARAM_COL_OUT() - double-valued column vector (arma::vec) output parameter
  • PARAM_UCOL_IN() - size_t-valued column vector (arma::Col<size_t>) input parameter
  • PARAM_UCOL_OUT() - size_t-valued column vector (arma::Col<size_t>) output parameter
  • PARAM_ROW_IN() - double-valued row vector (arma::rowvec) input parameter
  • PARAM_ROW_OUT() - double-valued row vector (arma::rowvec) output parameter
  • PARAM_VECTOR_IN() - std::vector input parameter
  • PARAM_VECTOR_OUT() - std::vector output parameter
  • PARAM_MODEL_IN() - serializable model input parameter
  • PARAM_MODEL_OUT() - serializable model output parameter

And for input parameters, the parameter may also be required:


See the source documentation for each macro to read further details. Note also that each possible combination of IN, OUT, and REQ is not available---output options cannot be required, and some combinations simply have not been added because they have not been needed.

The PARAM_MODEL_IN() and PARAM_MODEL_OUT() macros are used to serialize mlpack models. These could be used, for instance, to allow the user to save a trained model (like a linear regression model) or load an input model. The first parameter to the PARAM_MODEL_IN() or PARAM_MODEL_OUT() macro should be the C++ type of the model to be serialized; this type must have a function template<typename Archive> void serialize(Archive&) (i.e. the type must be serializable via cereal). For example, to allow a user to specify an input model of type LinearRegression, the follow definition could be used:

PARAM_MODEL_IN(LinearRegression, "input_model", "The input model to be used.",

Then, the user will be able to specify their model from the command-line as --input_model_file and from Python using the input_model option to the generated binding.

From the command line, matrix-type and model-type options (both input and output) are loaded from or saved to the specified file. This means that _file is appended to the name of the parameter; so if the parameter name is data and it is of a matrix or model type, then the name that the user will specify on the command line will be --data_file. This displayed parameter name change only occurs with matrix and model type parameters for command-line programs.

The PARAM_MATRIX_AND_INFO() macro defines a categorical matrix parameter (more specifically, a matrix type that can support categorical columns). From the C++ program side, this means that the parameter type is std::tuple<data::DatasetInfo, arma::mat>. From the user side, for a command-line program, this means that the user will pass the filename of a dataset that can have categorical features, such as an ARFF dataset. For a Python program, the user may pass a Pandas matrix with categorical columns. When the program is run, the input that the user gives will be processed and the data::DatasetInfo object will be filled with the dimension types and the arma::mat object will be filled with the data itself.

To give some examples, the parameter definitions from the example random_numbers program in the previous section are shown below.

PARAM_MATRIX_IN("input", "The input matrix that will be ignored.", "i");
PARAM_DOUBLE_IN("subtract", "The value to subtract from each parameter.", "s",
    0.0); // Default value of 0.0.
PARAM_INT_IN("num_samples", "The number of samples to generate.", "n", 100);

PARAM_MATRIX_OUT("output", "The output matrix of random samples.", "o");
PARAM_MODEL_OUT(LinearRegression, "output_model", "The randomly generated "
    "linear regression output model.", "M");

Note that even the parameter documentation strings must be a little agnostic to the binding type, because the command-line interface is so different from the Python interface to the user.

Using Params in a BINDING_FUNCTION() function

mlpack's util::Params class provides a unified abstract interface for getting input from and providing output to users without needing to consider the language (command-line, Python, MATLAB, etc.) that the user is running the program from. This means that after the BINDING_LONG_DESC() and BINDING_EXAMPLE() macros and the PARAM_*() macros have been defined, a language-agnostic void BINDING_FUNCTION(util::Params& params, util::Timers& timers) function can be written. This function then can perform the actual computation that the entire program is meant to.

Inside of a BINDING_FUNCTION() function, the given util::Params object can be used to access input parameters and set output parameters. There are two main functions for this, plus a utility printing function:

  • params.Get<T>() - get a reference to a parameter
  • params.Has() - returns true if the user specified the parameter
  • params.GetPrintable<T>() - returns a string representing the value of the parameter

So, to print hello if the user specified the print_hello parameter, the following code could be used:

if (params.Has("print_hello"))
  std::cout << "Hello!" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "No greetings for you!" << std::endl;

To access a string that a user passed in to the string parameter, the following code could be used:

const std::string& str = params.Get<std::string>("string");

Matrix types are accessed in the same way:

arma::mat& matrix = params.Get<arma::mat>("matrix");

Similarly, model types can be accessed. If a LinearRegression model was specified by the user as the parameter model, the following code can access the model:

LinearRegression& lr = params.Get<LinearRegression>("model");

Matrices with categoricals are a little trickier to access since the C++ parameter type is std::tuple<data::DatasetInfo, arma::mat>. The example below creates references to both the DatasetInfo and matrix objects, assuming the user has passed a matrix with categoricals as the matrix parameter.

using namespace mlpack;

typename std::tuple<data::DatasetInfo, arma::mat> TupleType;
data::DatasetInfo& di = std::get<0>(params.Get<TupleType>("matrix"));
arma::mat& matrix = std::get<1>(params.Get<TupleType>("matrix"));

These two functions can be used to write an entire program. The third function, params.GetPrintable(), can be used to help provide useful output in a program. Typically, this function should be used if you want to provide some kind of error message about a matrix or model parameter, but want to avoid printing the matrix itself. For instance, printing a matrix parameter with params.GetPrintable() will print the filename for a command-line binding or the size of a matrix for a Python binding. params.GetPrintable() for a model parameter will print the filename for the model for a command-line binding or a simple string representing the type of the model for a Python binding.

Putting all of these ideas together, here is the BINDING_FUNCTION() function that could be created for the random_numbers program from earlier sections.

// BINDING_NAME should be defined here: ...

#include <mlpack/core/util/mlpack_main.hpp>

// BINDING_EXAMPLE(), BINDING_SEE_ALSO() and PARAM_*() definitions should go
// here: ...

using namespace mlpack;

void BINDING_FUNCTION(util::Params& params, util::Timers& timers)
  // If the user passed an input matrix, tell them that we'll be ignoring it.
  if (params.Has("input"))
    // Print the filename the user passed, if a command-line binding, or the
    // size of the matrix passed, if a Python binding.
    Log::Warn << "The input matrix "
        << params.GetPrintable<arma::mat>("input") << " is ignored!"
        << std::endl;

  // Get the number of samples and also the value we should subtract.
  const size_t numSamples = (size_t) params.Get<int>("num_samples");
  const double subtractValue = params.Get<double>("subtract");

  // Create the random matrix (1-dimensional).
  arma::mat output(1, numSamples, arma::fill::randu);
  output -= subtractValue;

  // Save the output matrix if the user wants.
  if (params.Has("output"))
    params.Get<arma::mat>("output") = std::move(output); // Avoid copy.

  // Did the user request a random linear regression model?
  if (params.Has("output_model"))
    LinearRegression lr;
    lr.Parameters().randu(10); // 10-dimensional (arbitrary).
    lr.Lambda() = 0.0;
    lr.Intercept() = false; // No intercept term.

    params.Get<LinearRegression>("output_model") = std::move(lr);

More documentation on using util::Params

More documentation for the util::Params class can either be found in the source code for util::Params, or by reading the existing mlpack bindings. These can be found in the src/mlpack/methods/ folders, by finding the _main.cpp files. For instance, src/mlpack/methods/neighbor_search/knn_main.cpp is the k-nearest-neighbor search program definition.

Structure of IO module and associated macros

This section describes the internal functionality of the IO module, which stores all known parameter sets, and the associated macros. If you are only interested in writing mlpack programs, this section is probably not worth reading.

There are eight main components involved with mlpack bindings:

  • the IO module, a thread-safe singleton class that stores parameter information
  • the BINDING_FUNCTION() function that defines the functionality of the binding
  • the BINDING_NAME() macro that defines the binding name
  • the BINDING_SHORT_DESC() macro that defines the short description
  • the BINDING_LONG_DESC() macro that defines the long description
  • (optional) the BINDING_EXAMPLE() macro that defines example usages
  • (optional) the BINDING_SEE_ALSO() macro that defines "see also" links
  • the PARAM_*() macros that define parameters for the binding

The mlpack::IO module is a singleton class that stores, at runtime, the binding name, the documentation, and the parameter information and values for any bindings available in the translation unit. When the binding is called, the mlpack::IO class instantiates a util::Params and util::Timers object, populating them with the correct options for the given binding, then calls BINDING_FUNCTION() with those instantiated objects.

In order to do this, each parameter and the program documentation must make themselves known to the IO singleton. This is accomplished by having the BINDING_USER_NAME(), BINDING_SHORT_DESC(), BINDING_LONG_DESC(), BINDING_EXAMPLE(), BINDING_SEE_ALSO() and PARAM_*() macros declare global variables that, in their constructors, register themselves with the IO singleton.

  • The BINDING_USER_NAME() macro declares an object of type mlpack::util::BindingName.
  • The BINDING_SHORT_DESC() macro declares an object of type mlpack::util::ShortDescription.
  • The BINDING_LONG_DESC() macro declares an object of type mlpack::util::LongDescription.
  • The BINDING_EXAMPLE() macro declares an object of type mlpack::util::Example.
  • The BINDING_SEE_ALSO() macro declares an object of type mlpack::util::SeeAlso.
  • The BindingName class constructor calls IO::AddBindingName() in order to register the given program name.
  • The ShortDescription class constructor calls IO::AddShortDescription() in order to register the given short description.
  • The LongDescription class constructor calls IO::AddLongDescription() in order to register the given long description.
  • The Example class constructor calls IO::AddExample() in order to register the given example.
  • The SeeAlso class constructor calls IO::AddSeeAlso() in order to register the given see-also link.

All of those macro calls use whatever the value of the BINDING_NAME macro is at the time of instantiation. This is why it is important that BINDING_NAME is set properly at the time mlpack_main.hpp is included and before any options are defined.

The PARAM_*() macros declare an object that will, in its constructor, call IO::Add() to register that parameter for the current binding (again specified by the BINDING_NAME macro's value) with the IO singleton. The specific type of that object will depend on the binding type being used.

The IO::AddParameter() function takes the name of the binding it is for and an mlpack::util::ParamData object as its input. This ParamData object has a number of fields that must be set to properly describe the parameter. Each of the fields is documented and probably self-explanatory, but three fields deserve further explanation:

  • the std::string tname member is used to encode the true type of the parameter---which is not known by the IO singleton at runtime. This should be set to TYPENAME(T) where T is the type of the parameter.

  • the ANY value member (where ANY is whatever type was chosen in case std::any is not available) is used to hold the actual value of the parameter. Typically this will simply be the parameter held by a ANY object, but for some types it may be more complex. For instance, for a command-line matrix option, the value parameter will actually hold a tuple containing both the filename and the matrix itself.

  • the std::string cppType should be a string containing the type as seen in C++ code. Typically this can be encoded by stringifying a PARAM_*() macro argument.

Thus, the global object defined by the PARAM_*() macro must turn its arguments into a fully specified ParamData object and then call IO::Add() with it.

With different binding types, different behavior is often required for the params.Get<T>(), params.Has(), and params.GetPrintable<T>() functions. In order to handle this, the IO singleton also holds a function pointer map, so that a given type of option can call specific functionality for a certain task. Given a util::Params object (which can be obtained with IO::Parameters("binding_name")), this function map is accessible as params.functionMap, and is not meant to be used by users, but instead by people writing binding types.

Each function in the map must have signature

void MapFunction(const util::ParamData& d,
                 const void* input,
                 void* output);

The use of void pointers allows any type to be specified as input or output to the function without changing the signature for the map. The IO function map is of type

std::map<std::string, std::map<std::string,
    void (*)(const util::ParamData&, const void*, void*)>>

and the first map key is the typename (tname) of the parameter, and the second map key is the string name of the function. For instance, calling

const util::ParamData& d = params.Parameters()["param"];
params.functionMap[d.tname]["GetParam"](d, input, output);

will call the GetParam() function for the type of the "param" parameter. Examples are probably easiest to understand how this functionality works; see the params.Get<T>() source to see how this might be used.

The IO singleton expects the following functions to be defined in the function map for each type:

  • GetParam -- return a pointer to the parameter in output.
  • GetPrintableParam -- return a pointer to a string description of the parameter in output.

If these functions are properly defined, then the IO module will work correctly. Other functions may also be defined; these may be used by other parts of the binding infrastructure for different languages.

Command-line program bindings

This section describes the internal functionality of the command-line program binding generator. If you are only interested in writing mlpack programs, this section probably is not worth reading. This section is worth reading only if you want to know the specifics of how the BINDING_FUNCTION() function and macros get turned into a fully working command-line program.

The code for the command-line bindings is found in src/mlpack/bindings/cli.

The BINDING_FUNCTION() definition

Any command-line program must be compiled with the BINDING_TYPE macro set to the value BINDING_TYPE_CLI. This is handled by the CMake macro add_cli_executable().

When BINDING_TYPE is set to BINDING_TYPE_CLI, the following is set in src/mlpack/core/util/mlpack_main.hpp, which must be included by every mlpack binding:

  • The options defined by PARAM_*() macros are of type mlpack::bindings::cli::CLIOption.

  • The parameter and value printing macros for BINDING_LONG_DESC() and BINDING_EXAMPLE() are set:

    • The PRINT_PARAM_STRING() macro is defined as mlpack::bindings::cli::ParamString().
    • The PRINT_DATASET() macro is defined as mlpack::bindings::cli::PrintDataset().
    • The PRINT_MODEL() macro is defined as mlpack::bindings::cli::PrintModel().
    • The PRINT_CALL() macro is defined as mlpack::bindings::cli::ProgramCall().
  • The function int main() is defined as:

int main(int argc, char** argv)
  // Parse the command-line options; put them into CLI.
  mlpack::util::Params params =
      mlpack::bindings::cli::ParseCommandLine(argc, argv);
  // Create a new timer object for this call.
  mlpack::util::Timers timers;
  timers.Enabled() = true;

  // A "total_time" timer is run by default for each mlpack program.
  BINDING_FUNCTION(params, timers);

  // Print output options, print verbose information, save model parameters,
  // clean up, and so forth.
  mlpack::bindings::cli::EndProgram(params, timers);

Thus any mlpack command-line binding first processes the command-line arguments with mlpack::bindings::cli::ParseCommandLine(), then runs the binding with BINDING_FUNCTION(), then cleans up with mlpack::bindings::cli::EndProgram().

The ParseCommandLine() function reads the input parameters and sets the values in IO. For matrix-type and model-type parameters, this reads the filenames from the command-line, but does not load the matrix or model. Instead the matrix or model is loaded the first time it is accessed with params.Get<T>().

The --help parameter is handled by the mlpack::bindings::cli::PrintHelp() function.

At the end of program execution, the mlpack::bindings::cli::EndProgram() function is called. This writes any output matrix or model parameters to disk, and prints the program parameters and timers if --verbose was given.

Matrix and model parameter handling

For command line bindings, the matrix, model, and matrix with categorical type parameters all require special handling, since it is not possible to pass a matrix of any reasonable size or a model on the command line directly. Therefore for a matrix or model parameter, the user specifies the file containing that matrix or model parameter. If the parameter is an input parameter, then the file is loaded when params.Get<T>() is called. If the parameter is an output parameter, then the matrix or model is saved to the file when EndProgram() is called.

The actual implementation of this is that the ANY value member of the ParamData struct does not hold the model or the matrix, but instead a std::tuple containing both the matrix or the model, and the filename associated with that matrix or model.

This means that functions like params.Get<T>() and params.GetPrintable<T>() (and all of the other associated functions in the function map) must have special handling for matrix or model types. See those implementations for more details---the special handling is enforced via SFINAE.

Parsing the command line

The ParseCommandLine() function uses CLI11 to read the values from the command line into the ParamData structs held by the IO singleton.

In order to set up CLI11---and to keep its headers from needing to be included by the rest of the library---the code loops over each parameter known by the IO singleton and calls the AddToPO function from the function map. This in turn calls the necessary functions to register a given parameter with CLI11, and once all parameters have been registered, the facilities provided by CLI11 are used to parse the command line input properly.

Python bindings

This section describes the internal functionality of the mlpack Python binding generator. If you are only interested in writing new bindings or building the bindings, this section is probably not worth reading. But if you are interested in the internal working of the Python binding generator, then this section is for you.

The Python bindings are significantly more complex than the command line bindings because we cannot just compile directly to a finished product. Instead we need a multi-stage compilation:

  • We must generate a file that can be used to compile the bindings.
  • We must generate the .pyx (Cython) bindings for each program.
  • Then we must build each .pyx into a .so that is loadable from Python.
  • We must also test the Python bindings.

This is done with a combination of C++ code to generate the .pyx bindings, CMake to run the actual compilation and generate the file, some utility Python functions, and tests written in both Python and C++. This code is primarily contained in src/mlpack/bindings/python/.

Passing matrices to/from Python

The standard Python matrix library is numpy, so mlpack bindings should accept numpy matrices as input. Fortunately, numpy Cython bindings already exist, which make it easy to convert from a numpy object to an Armadillo object without copying any data. This code can be found in src/mlpack/bindings/python/mlpack/arma_numpy.pyx, and is used by the Python params.Get<T>() functionality.

mlpack also supports categorical matrices; in Python, the typical way of representing matrices with categorical features is with Pandas. Therefore, mlpack also accepts Pandas matrices, and if any of the Pandas matrix dimensions are categorical, these are properly encoded. The function to_matrix_with_info() from mlpack/bindings/python/mlpack/ is used to perform this conversion.

Passing model parameters to/from Python

We use (or abuse) Cython functionality in order to give the user a model object that they can use in their Python code. However, we do not want to (or have the infrastructure to) write bindings for every method that a serializable model class might support; therefore, we only desire to return a memory pointer to the model to the user.

In this way, a user that receives a model from an output parameter can then reuse the model as an input parameter to another binding (or the same binding).

To return a function pointer we have to define a Cython class in the following way (this example is taken from the perceptron binding):

cdef extern from "</home/ryan/src/mlpack-rc/src/mlpack/methods/perceptron/perceptron_main.cpp>" nogil:
  cdef int mlpack_perceptron(Params, Timers) nogil except +RuntimeError

  cdef cppclass PerceptronModel:
    PerceptronModel() nogil

cdef class PerceptronModelType:
  cdef PerceptronModel* modelptr

  def __cinit__(self):
    self.modelptr = new PerceptronModel()

  def __dealloc__(self):
    del self.modelptr

This class definition is automatically generated when the .pyx file is automatically generated.

CMake generation of

A boilerplate file can be found in src/mlpack/bindings/python/ This will be configured by CMake to produce the final file, but in order to do this, a list of the .pyx files to be compiled must be gathered.

Therefore, the add_python_binding() macro is defined in src/mlpack/bindings/python/CMakeLists.txt. This adds the given binding to the MLPACK_PYXS variable, which is then inserted into as part of the configure_file() step in src/mlpack/CMakeLists.txt.

Generation of .pyx files

A binding named program is built into a program called generate_pyx_program (this a CMake target, so you can build these individually if you like). The file src/mlpack/bindings/python/ is configured by CMake to set the name of the program and the *_main.cpp file to include correctly, then the mlpack::bindings::python::PrintPYX() function is called by the program. The PrintPYX() function uses the parameters that have been set in the IO singleton by the BINDING_USER_NAME(), BINDING_SHORT_DESC(), BINDING_LONG_DESC(), BINDING_EXAMPLE(), BINDING_SEE_ALSO() and PARAM_*() macros in order to actually print a fully-working .pyx file that can be compiled. The file has several sections:

  • Python imports (numpy/pandas/cython/etc.)
  • Cython imports of C++ utility functions and Armadillo functionality
  • Cython imports of any necessary serializable model types
  • Definitions of classes for serializable model types
  • The binding function definition
  • Documentation: input and output parameters
  • The call to BINDING_FUNCTION()
  • Handling of output functionality
  • Return of output parameters

Any output parameters for Python bindings are returned in a dict containing named elements.

Building the .pyx files

After building the generate_pyx_program target, the build_pyx_program target is built as a dependency of the python target. This simply takes the generated .pyx file and uses Python setuptools to compile this to a Python binding.

Testing the Python bindings

In addition to the C++ tests we have implemented for each binding, we also have tests from Python that ensure that we can successfully transfer parameter values from Python to C++ and return output correctly.

The tests are in src/mlpack/bindings/python/tests/ and test both the actual bindings and also the auxiliary Python code included in src/mlpack/bindings/python/mlpack/.

Adding new binding types

Adding a new binding type to mlpack is fairly straightforward once the general structure of the IO singleton and the function map that IO uses is understood. For each different language that bindings are desired for, the route to a solution will be particularly different---so it is hard to provide any general guidance for how to make new bindings that will be applicable to each language.

In general, the first thing to handle will be how matrices are passed back and forth between the target language. Typically this might mean getting the memory address of an input matrix and wrapping an arma::mat object around that memory address. This can be handled in the GetParam() function that is part of the IO singleton function map; see get_param.hpp for both the IO and Python bindings for an example (in src/mlpack/bindings/cli/ and src/mlpack/bindings/python/).

Serialization of models is also a tricky consideration; in some languages you will be able to pass a pointer to the model itself. This is generally best---users should not expect to be able to manipulate the model in the target language, but they should expect that they can pass a model back and forth without paying a runtime penalty. So, for example, serializing a model using a cereal text archive and then returning the string that represents the model is not acceptable, because that string can be extremely large and the time it takes to decode the model can be very large.

The strategy of generating a binding definition for the target language, like what is done with Python, can be a useful strategy that should be considered. If this is the route that is desired, a large amount of CMake boilerplate may be necessary. The Python CMake configuration can be referred to as an example, but probably a large amount of adaptation to other languages will be necessary.

Lastly, when adding a new language, make sure it works with the Markdown documentation generator. In order to make this happen, you will need to modify all of the add_markdown_docs() calls in src/mlpack/methods/CMakeLists.txt to contain the name of the language you have written a binding for. You will also need to modify every function in src/mlpack/bindings/markdown/print_doc_functions_impl.hpp to correctly call out to the corresponding function for the language that you have written bindings for.