An example project demonstrating automation of playwright tests using TypeScript
We are using Salesforce website as the Application Under Test. This App is a Salesforce Frontend
- URL:
- OS : macOS
- IDE : Visual Studio Code
Scenario: Create a new Chatter post message with test url and share it with followers
and click the test url link
Test Steps:
1. Create a new chatter post message
2. Add a test URL to the message body
3. Share the new message with the followers.
4. Check whether the message with the test URL is visible in the Chatter feed
5. Verify the target location when the test URL is clicked.
Testname: TC_01_messageWithTestUrl.test.ts
Scenario: Create a new Chatter post message by attaching a test file and share it with followers
and download that same file
Test Steps:
1. Create a new Chatter post message
2. Attach a test file from your local disk or folder to the message
3. Share the new message with the followers.
4. Check whether the message with the test file are visible in the Chatter feed
5. Verify that the test file can be downloaded from the posted message
Testname: TC_02_uploadAndDownLoadFile.test.ts
Login to Salesforce application
username: [email protected]
password: Test@123
Login to Gmail
To get the code as OTP for using playwright codegen to skip login
Gmail username: [email protected]
Gmail password: Test@123
Install the dependencies and devDependencies to run the test.
- Clone (OR) Download this repo as zip folder on to your local machine
- Navigate to project's directory on terminal and run the following commands:
Clone the repository
git clone
Install dependencies git init
npm install
npx playwright install
Save the cookies for test run
npm run save:cookies
Note: Follow the document "Skip Login.docx" attached to this project folder to save cookies with cookie.json file
Run tests on chrome
npm run test:one - Runs the testcase TC_01_messageWithTestUrl.test.ts on chrome browser
npm run test:two - Runs the testcase TC_02_uploadAndDownLoadFile.test.ts on chrome browser
npm run test:chrome - Runs the two tests parallel on chrome browser
Test-Report : npm run test:chrome