:help 'autochdir'
Automatically change working directory to the directory path of the currently open file.
If you put this in your vimrc ...
set autochdir
... the working directory will change automatically.
In this example I have 3 files open which are placed in different directories (a, b and c).
Look at the statusline (bottom of window) how the working directory changes automatically after I set autochdir
There might be situations where this option might come in handy, but I think that in most project based editing you need a fix working directory, which is probably the root of your project. You start searching files from there, and you grep and you might have .tags file placed there as well that Vim has to find. If you have to switch directory to the location of the currently open file, then you can create for example the following mapping and trigger the directory change manually whenever you need it. Luckily
is free for your own mapping and also a nice mnemonic forchange directory
nnoremap cd :cd %:p:h<CR>