This directory contains tooling for helping you build a Livegrep image to serve the Livegrep UI.
Building the Livegrep image
You can build the image with the following command:
make build
Running the Livegrep instance with local Codesearch
Before running the Livegrep container, you must have a Codesearch image container running for the Livegrep server to use.
If you are running your Codesearch image locally, you can start your Livegrep image with the following command:
make run
Running the Livegrep instance with remote Codesearch
If you are running your Codesearch elsewhere, you'll need to notify your Livegrep container of the location of the Codesearch image.
You can use the following commands:
export BACKEND_ADDR=<ip of your Codesearch container> docker run -p 8910:8910 -e "BACKEND_ADDR=${BACKEND_ADDR}:9999" livegrep
Your Livegrep container will be accessible in your browser at