The project implement 2d convolution on Intel FPAG(Cyclone V) using pipeline architecture. Splitting 2d conviolituon in three different stages:
- reading input from global to local memory
- calculation partial result
- writing partila result from local to global memory allows more efficiency utilize FPGA resource.
The basic building block in form of 2d convolution with 3x3 kernel is implemted using OpenCL as HSL for Intel FPGA.
On each iteration new 8 elements vector of input are inserted into hardware shift register by discading the oldest 8 element vector. Convolution is unrolled to completly flat inner filter convolution
test sobel by using four methods : arm , neon , opencl on Intel FPGA(Cyclone V)
Methods | Frequency | Time |
Cortex-A9 | 800Mhz | 168ms |
Neon | 37ms | |
OpenCL on Cyclone V | 140Mhz | 2,56ms |