- Location: Zoom
- Date:
- Time:
- Agenda
- Recap of Previous Meeting
- Possible Projects
- Interesting Events
- Contacts: Chris ([email protected]), Ana ([email protected])
- References:
- SIG Webpage: https://www.turing.ac.uk/research/interest-groups/facilitating-responsible-participation-data-science
- MD Cheat Sheet: https://www.markdownguide.org/cheat-sheet/
- Emoji Cheat Sheet: https://www.webfx.com/tools/emoji-cheat-sheet/ :::
- Christopher Burr (Alan Turing Institute)
- Ethics Fellow working in the Public Policy Programme helping make the use of data science and AI in the public sector more ethical and responsible. Specific research focus on assurance and ethics of digital mental healthcare.
- Sarah Gibson (Alan Turing Institute -> 2i2c.org)
- Open and equitable infrastructure (Project Jupyter, The Turing Way)
- Ismael Kherroubi Garcia (Alan Turing Institute)
- All things research ethics!
- Malvika Sharan
- The Turing Way, Alan Turing Institute
- Aggie Chidlow (Uni Birmingham) broadly speaking, working on credibility, rigour, replicability and equivalence of cross-national data (& big data/data science), data collection and analysis within international business field.
- Sarah Morgan (Cambridge)
- Data science for mental health
- Aleks B. (Nesta) Centre for Collective Intelligence Design, Nesta
- working on broad range of digitally enabled participatory methods; at the moment project on new applications of collective intelligence & AI for crisis management and piloting approaches to participatory AI.
- Anya Skatova UKRI Future Leaders Fellow at Population Health Sciences, University of Bristol and Turing Fellow.I work on embedding transactional data into population health research. At Turing I lead project on public attitudes to using transaction data for health research.
- Polly Hudson (UCL)
- Alejandro Coca (Alan Turing Institute)
- PDRA working on the Environmental monitoring: blending satellite and surface data project, developing and deploying reproducible and interpretable methods to increase scientific understanding, build tools to help environmental measurement planning, and provide the underpinning tools for intelligent real-time monitoring.
- Mhairi Aitken
- Georgia Aitkenhead (The Alan Turing Institute)
- researcher in participatory science, citizen science and open source_
- Jon Crowcroft
- Erin Young (Alan Turing Institute)
- Ana Basiri (University of Glasgow)
- Professor of Geospatial Data Science and UKRI Future Leaders Fellow working on methods and applications of using Missingness and biases in crowdsourced data as useful data to make inference.
- Hyesop Shin
Congratulations to Mhairi Aitken, Ana Basiri, and Jon Crowcroft for their fantastic evening of comedy and public engagement as part of the Cabaret of Dangerous Ideas!
Here's the video 👇
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/reOMyLafUVY" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>🌟
We need to develop a document that sets out how members can contibute to the SIG, which also include an informal set of principles for the community. The following document has been set up to help collaboratively draft this, taking inspiration from the Turing Way community handbook.
The Zotero library for co-creating a curated set of resources on the topic of responsible participation is live. Please add to the library to help build a shared set of curated resources.
To discuss organisation of seminars or lunchtime talks on topic of responsible participation.
Name | Institution/Organisation | Potential Date | Topic |
Polly Hudson | Turing | Second half of June | |
Georgia Aitkenhead | Turing | August | |
Hyesop Shin | University of Glasgow | July | VGI |
Aleks Berditchevskaia | Nesta | July (w/c 19th) | |
Yo Yehudi | Wellcome Trust | Asked for interest |
| Name | Institution/Organisation | Invited by | | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | | Simon Burall | Involve | | | | Muki Haklay | UCL | | | | Kate Devlin | KCL | | | | Renee Sieber | McGill University | | | | Leslie Chan or anyone from Knowledge Equity Lab | https://knowledgeequitylab.ca/ | Malvika |
- Topic 1
- Use of deliberative prompts that could promote discussion among participants who are either not able to attend or do not feel comfortable speaking live.
- Example notes here: https://hackmd.io/@ols-2/example-breakout-notes/edit (live example notes online: https://openlifesci.org/ols-2/schedule/#week-02)
- otter.ai for live transcripts and silent notetaking for facilitating non-verbal discussions
- We have a preprint describing this: https://osf.io/k3bfn/
- can we use this as an opportunity for participatory science in action, e.g. inviting people who are going to be impacted by the research to co-present
What does responsible participation mean?
Using the project lifecycle to understand interconnected roles and responsibilities.
Using principles of open design and open science to make peer review accessible and resilient.
- Chris: please share the following call for expressions of interest in a scoping workshop to help us design a series of workshop
- Community call with Invest in Open Infrastructure https://investinopen.org/community/ioi-webinar-maintenance-labor-of-open-infrastructure/
- Malvika: Here are the previous images that we were talking about: https://zenodo.org/record/3332807 - new versions will come with option of having no text so you can edit and reuse
- Aggie: I am in the process of organising a number of webinars in the new academic year around responsible business & research methods… I will be delighted to share these with you all so that you could attend them (if they are of interest)
- Chris: test courses in ethics, RRI: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=p_SVQ1XklU-Knx-672OE-dxav9xbraJGpD_BP5Yb3HhUMTIwQzlXSEI3RVQxU0YyNTRJUEtKOFBLWi4u