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The PowerShell Style Guide

by Carlos Perez (darkoperator)


In the Python world developers have a great programming style reference (PEP-8), on the PowerShell world there is no document to follow officaly from Microsoft, but the community itself has come up with several rules they follow.

The guide is written following the power of the "Default" which is to cover mainly those versions of PowerShell that come pre-installed by default with Windows (PS v.2.0, PS v3.0 and PSv4.0).

The practices in the guide are just recommendations so as to allow a scriptiers and programers to write PowerShell code that can easyly be maintained in the real world and at the same time help enforce the best practices that the community has developed.

Table of Content

Code Layout

  • Avoid using aliases for cmdlets and advanced functions since aliases can change and make the code hard to read and understand for people not familiar with the alias.

    # Bad
    gwmi -Class win32_service
    Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service
  • Avoid using positional parameters or abbreviations of the parameter names since it may make it hard to understand for a person maintaining the code. It may introduce bugs in the code since a different parameter set may be in play instead of the intended one.

    # Bad
    Get-WmiObject win32_service name,state
    # Good
    Get-WmiObject -Class win32_service -Property name,state
  • Avoid in scripts the use of ~ to represent the home folder since it changes depending on the provider the user is located at the time of execution, also it can be changed representing a whole other path.

    PS C:\Windows\system32> cd ~
    PS C:\Users\Carlos> cd HKCU:\Software
    PS HKCU:\Software> cd ~
    cd : Home location for this provider is not set. To set the home location, call "(get-psprovider 'Registry').Home = 'path'".
    At line:1 char:1
    + cd ~
    + ~~~~
        + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (:) [Set-Location], PSInvalidOperationException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvalidOperation,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.SetLocationCommand
  • when working with scripts always use full paths instead of relative paths since depending if using cmdlets or .Net API calls may use different paths as their default path.

  • Comment your code where it makes sense so as to make it more maintainable by a third party. Try to avoid over commenting the code.

    Over comment:

    # We get the service BITS object to process
    # The service is also known as Background Intelligent Transfer Service
    # the service is used for the transfer of files in a intelligent manner
    # in networks where congestion may be a problem.
    $BitsObj = Get-Service -Name BITS
  • When commenting leave a space between the # and the start of the comment.

    #This is a bad style of commenting
    # This is more readable
  • If for ever reason the comment needs to span more than 2 lines use a comment block.

          This is a very
          long comment block
          that would span more than
          two lines.
  • Don't use ; at the end of each line. Even do PowerShell will not complain it is not C# so there is no need to add it to the line endings.

    This is common when declaring hashes where each element is one per line also:

    # Not necessary the ;
    $MyHash = @{one = 1;
              two = 2;
              three = 3;}
    # Preferred
    $MyHash = @{one = 1
              two = 2
              three = 3}
  • Use four spaces per indentation level. No hard tabs.

    # Good 4 spaces
    if ($Age -gt 21)
        $Person = "Adult"
    # Bad hard Tabs, depending on the application being seen this space can be
    # in 4 spaces or 8 spaces.
    if ($Age -gt 21)
    	$Person = "Adult"
  • Do not use Unix-style line endings.

    • If you're using Git you might want to add the following configuration setting to protect your project from Unix-Style line endings creeping in:
    $ git config --global core.autocrlf false
  • Use spaces around the = operator.

  • Use spaces around operators, after commas, colons and semicolons, around { and before }. White-space might be (mostly) irrelevant to PowerShell, but its proper use is the key to writing easily readable code.

    $Animal = @('dog', 'cat')

    In the case of { and } when declaring a hash there should be no space after of before but for script blocks it is acceptable since it makes it more readable.

    # Spacing in a Hash
    $Numbers = @{one = 1; two = 2; three = 3}
    # Script Block
    Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock { Get-Service -Name BITS }

    In the case of ( and ) in string expesions a space is recommended since it makes it more readable.

    # Bad Spacing
    $FirstName = 'Carlos'
    'Message' = "Hello $($FirstName)"
    # More readable
    $FirstName = 'Carlos'
    'Message' = "Hello $( $FirstName )"
  • No spaces after (, [ or before ], ).

  • Avoid line continuation back tick where not required. In practice, avoid using line continuations. In the case of multiple parameters for a Cmdlet or function it is better to use a technique called splatting (more info can be obtained by running help about_Splatting

    # Hard to read and troubleshoot
    Get-WmiObject `
        -Class win32_service `
        -Filter "name = 'BITS'" `
        -ComputerName "FS01"
    # Easier to read and troubleshoot
    $Params = @{Class = win32_service 
                Filter = "name = 'BITS'"
                ComputerName = "FS01"}
    Get-WmiObject @Params
  • Align the parameters of a method call if they span more than one line. When aligning parameters is not appropriate due to line-length constraints, single indent for the lines after the first is also acceptable.

    # Bad double indentation
    # Good  
    # Better
  • Limit lines to 80 characters when possible.

  • Avoid trailing whitespace, this could cause in the use of source control software to have lines shown as modified where only a space was added or removed making the analysis of the changes more difficult in some cases.

  • End each file with a newline.


  • Avoid using the return keyword in your functions, just place the object variable on its own.

  • When declaring simple functions leave a space between the function name and the parameters.

    function MyFunction ($param1, $param2)

Advanced Functions

  • For advanced functions and scripts use the format of <verb- for naming. For a list of approved verbs the cmdlet Get-Verb will list them. On the noun side it can be composed of more than one joined word using Camel Case and only singular nouns.

  • In Advanced Functions do not use the keyword return to return an object.

  • In Advanced Functions you return objects inside the Process {} block and not in Begin {} or End {} since it defeats the advantage of the pipeline.

# Bad
function Get-USCitizenCapability

    Begin {}

        $Capabilities = @{MilitaryService = $salse
                          DrinkAlcohol = $false
                          Vote = $false}
        if ($Age -ge 18)
            $Capabilities['MilitaryService'] = $true
            $Capabilities['Vote'] = $true

        $Obj = New-Object -Property $Capabilities -TypeName psobject
        Return $Obj
    End {}

# Good
 function Get-USCitizenCapability

    Begin {}

        $Capabilities = @{MilitaryService = $salse
                          DrinkAlcohol = $false
                          Vote = $false}
        if ($Age -ge 18)
            $Capabilities['MilitaryService'] = $true
            $Capabilities['Vote'] = $true

        $Obj = New-Object -Property $Capabilities -TypeName psobject
    End {}
  • For Advanced Functions always use CmdletBinding attribute should always have at least a Process {} code block if any parameters takes values from the Pipeline.

  • When possible use in advanced functions a OutputType attribute if it returns an object or collection of objects. If the function returns different object types depending on the parameter set provide one per parameter set

    [OutputType([<TypeLiteral>], ParameterSetName="<Name>")]
    [OutputType("<TypeNameString>", ParameterSetName="<Name>")]
  • If ParameterSetName is used in any of the parameter provide always a DefaultParameterSetName in the CmdletBinding attribute.

     function Get-User
         [OutputType("System.Int32", ParameterSetName="ID")]
         [OutputType([String], ParameterSetName="Name")]
         Param (      
             [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="ID")]
             [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="Name")]
       <function body>
    • When using advanced functions or scripts with CmdletBinding attribute avoid validating parameters in the body of the script when possible and use parameter validation attributes instead

      • AllowNull Validation Attribute

        The AllowNull attribute allows the value of a mandatory parameter to be null ($null).

      • AllowEmptyString Validation Attribute

        The AllowEmptyString attribute allows the value of a mandatory parameter to be an empty string ("").

      • AllowEmptyCollection Validation Attribute

        The AllowEmptyCollection attribute allows the value of a mandatory parameter to be an empty collection (@()).

      • ValidateCount Validation Attribute

        The ValidateCount attribute specifies the minimum and maximum number of parameter values that a parameter accepts. Windows PowerShell generates an error if the number of parameter values in the command that calls the function is outside that range.

      • ValidateLength Validation Attribute

        The ValidateLength attribute specifies the minimum and maximum number of characters in a parameter or variable value. Windows PowerShell generates an error if the length of a value specified for a parameter or a variable is outside of the range.

      • ValidatePattern Validation Attribute

        The ValidatePattern attribute specifies a regular expression that is compared to the parameter or variable value. Windows PowerShell generates an error if the value does not match the regular expression pattern.

      • ValidateRange Validation Attribute

        The ValidateRange attribute specifies a numeric range for each parameter or variable value. Windows PowerShell generates an error if any value is outside that range.

      • ValidateScript Validation Attribute

        The ValidateScript attribute specifies a script that is used to validate a parameter or variable value. Windows PowerShell pipes the value to the script, and generates an error if the script returns "false" or if the script throws an exception.

        When you use the ValidateScript attribute, the value that is being validated is mapped to the $_ variable. You can use the $_ variable to refer to the value in the script.

            [ValidateScript({$_ -ge (get-date)})]
      • ValidateSet Attribute

        The ValidateSet attribute specifies a set of valid values for a parameter or variable. Windows PowerShell generates an error if a parameter or variable value does not match a value in the set. In the following example, the value of the Detail parameter can only be "Low," "Average," or "High."

            [ValidateSet("Low", "Average", "High")]
      • ValidateNotNull Validation Attribute

        The ValidateNotNull attribute specifies that the parameter value cannot be null ($null). Windows PowerShell generates an error if the parameter value is null.

        The ValidateNotNull attribute is designed to be used when the type of the parameter value is not specified or when the specified type will accept a value of Null. (If you specify a type that will not accept a null value, such as a string, the null value will be rejected without the ValidateNotNull attribute, because it does not match the specified type.)

      • ValidateNotNullOrEmpty Validation Attribute

        The ValidateNotNullOrEmpty attribute specifies that the parameter value cannot be null ($null) and cannot be an empty string (""). Windows PowerShell generates an error if the parameter is used in a function call, but its value is null, an empty string, or an empty array.



  • Control what gets exported in a module
  • Specify when to use a Manifest for a module


  • Try to use PSCredential object for credentials since by requiring it as a parameter it allows for not showing passwords on screen, history or exposing password to generic memory scrapper malware.

  • If you need to use a credential in clear text like passing it to .Net API call or a third party library it is better to decrypt the credential as it is being passed instead of saving it in a variable.

# create a credential object.
$cred = (Get-Credential "acmelabs\carlos")

# Get the cleartext username.

# Get the domain for the account.

# Get the cleartext password. 
  • For strings that may be sensitive in a parameter use the SecureString type so as to protect the value of the string. When using parameters the string can be provided by a user using Read-Host -AsSecureString it can be turned to a plain text string back if needed.
 # Decrypt the secure string.
 $SecureStringToBSTR = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($SecString)
 $PlainText = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($SecureStringToBSTR)

PowerShell Supported Version

  • When working in an environment where there are multiple versions of PowerShell make sure to specify the lowest version your script will support by prividing a Requires statement at the top of the script.
#Requires -Version 2.0
  • When a module uses specific cmdlets or syntax that is only present on a specific minimun version of PowerShell in the module manifest ps1d file.
PowerShellVersion = '3.0'
  • If the script or module being created will support as the least



  • When to use format file.
  • why avoid format cmdlets in functions and scripts

Loading Third Party .Net Libraries


  • Use of Add-Type in PS v2.0 and above instead of reflective loading.
  • When embedding C# code makes sense and when it is better to just compile it in to a DLL and load it as a Type.
  • How to set assemblies in module manifest instead of hand loading

Comment Based Help


  • leave a newline between comment based help and function declaration
  • What should be the least required information in a comment based help
  • When to use comment help vs MAML XML files
  • When to create about contextual help files



  • Proper selection of ForEach method and Foreach-Object Cmdlet
  • Give examples of where using .Net API calls is faster than Cmdlets.
  • Use of wrapper functions around .Net API
  • Give examples for the fastest way to create objects in PS v2.0 and PS v3.0 and above.
  • Give example of casting as a faster method
  • Give example the where-object is slower than .where() on PS v3.0 and above.

Error Handling


  • Why avoid $?
  • Why not rely on $Error[0]
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