4: uint32_t - Section Type == 1
4: uint8_t - Count
8: uint64_t - Total Size of Mesh Primitive Section
N: Mesh Primitive Definition
2: uint16_t - Primitive Type
1: uint8_t - Front face winding order (Default is counter-clockwise (CCW))
1: uint8_t - Cull Mode (Default is Back)
8: uint64_t - Depth State Index / Pointer (Default: NULL / 0, DepthState object which keeps writeEnabled, depthFunction...)
8: uint64_t - Material Index / Pointer
4: uint16_t - Input/Attrib Count
12: float32[3] - AABB Min
12: float32[3] - AABB Max
8: uint64_t - Indices Index / Pointer (Accessor)
N: Attribs
Primitive Types:
0: Points
1: Triangles
2: Triangle Fans
3: Triangle Strips
4: Lines
5: Line Loop
6: Line Strip
7: Polylist
8: Polygons
Cull mode:
0: Undefined
1: Cull Back
2: Cull Front
3: Cull Is Disabled
A material can override depth state, cull mode and similar properties...