Releases: InseeFr/Bauhaus-Back-Office
3.0.17 - Upgrade to java11
- Java11
- Bump dependencies in front
- Add publication for classification
Front: Fix issue with geography picker for Operations
3.0.16 Update version to 3.0.16
3.0.15 - Fix issue with infinite loop
- Bump dependancies
- Fix issue with infinite loop when series
- Fix issue with top concepts
3.0.13 - Update dependencies
Update some dependencies and try to fix "too many files open" issue
Add creation and update date to series, operations, families, indicators and SIMS
- be able to update a geography
- manage root codes
- check unicity of a territory
- add dateCreation fo the Consultation API
- get operations with sims
- list all series when the user is ADMIN
- add created and updated date for families
- add creation and update date to series / operations and indicator
- sort series without special characters
- add creation and update date to a SIMS
- add format object to Melodi API for Components
- add contraints to Components.
- add parent code list IRI
- get indicators with sims
- solve issue when fetching series indicator
- solve reorder for codeslits
- add UTF-8 charset when sending email
- change the returned value when creating and updating codelist
3.0.9 : End of developments for "Geography"
Improve consultation: Add Parents/Childrens
Correction of a bug when exporting indicators in odt
Get the creator of the series when calling from one of its operations
Taking into account the change of the ontology "Geography" for "France" (GEO\Country)
3.0.8 - solve issue with Open ID Connect
Add service to get temp xml files before export
Fix issue with multiple same rubric return
Change control for rights to modify a file
create and update codes
add component list to Consultation Gestion API
add validationStatus to concept
add ConsultationGestion Structure Component API
be able to rename a SIMS
Sonar refactoring
3.0.7 - Change help link
Change to version 3.0.7
3.0.6 - Change to spring5 and fix issues
- Concepts and collections exports are managed with XSLT instead of JasperReport
- Spring is in version 5
- Altlabels are added in classification's items
- Some bugs are fixed in operations part : rights, series' creations, export, helppage
- Authentication issue is fixed (was visibled in advanced search)