This document is a draft for contributing documentation. Please modify it if needed.
While contributing, please ensure your compliance to the following policies, in order to keep the project clean :)
Please open an issue before building something bigger than a small typo ;)
Pull Requests should be merged in develop
branch, tested and eventually merged in master.
The master branch is dedicated for stable releases of this project. Theorically, it should always be stable and safe to use directly this branch in production.
Simple hot-fixes should be commited in this branch, and then eventually propagated to other branches.
Note : does not have version numbers / specific releases. Each master commit is a tiny release.
Unstable features should be tested in this branch. develop
should ALWAYS be more updated than master
(or even).
When needed, and if all tests are successful, this branch can be merged in master
Used when necessary, then merged in develop
and destroyed.
Doctrine migrations are used for database structure updates directly in production. It is a really hazardous and critical point of the project. A wrong or forgotten migration file could corrupt a production database, so be really cautious.
For dev purposes, you can only use :
php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force
But when merging develop
into master
, you HAVE TO build a new migration for production purposes.
php checkout master # The current database structure
php bin/console doctrine:schema:drop --force # Clean-up the database
php bin/console doctrine:schema:create
php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load
php checkout develop # Update to the last structure
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:diff # Create a raw migration file
Then edit the file generated under app/DoctrineMigrations
to fit your needs. You may not have to edit it.
Then, you can test your new migration with :
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
Of course, this file should be included on your final commit before merging to master.
On the production side, it's then really easy.
git clone
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:status # Just to check the situation
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate # Execute missed migrations safely