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Ivan Angelkoski edited this page Jun 12, 2023 · 4 revisions

React - Library for building user interfaces

React is currently one of the most popular UI Frameworks. We are going to help you configure React + the Vite builder with the @injectivelabs packages and some polyfills since you'll need them to interact with Crypto wallets.

1. Installing React

Follow the Getting Started guide at Vite Docs and setup your application.

$ npm create vite@latest

2. Installing @injectivelabs packages

You can install the @injectivelabs packages using yarn.

$ yarn add @injectivelabs/sdk-ts @injectivelabs/networks @injectivelabs/ts-types @injectivelabs/utils

## If you need Wallet Connection
$ yarn add @injectivelabs/wallet-ts

These are the most commonly used packages from the injective-ts monorepo.

3. Configuring Vite and adding polyfills

First, add the needed polyfill packages

$ yarn add @bangjelkoski/vite-plugin-node-polyfills

4. Using a state management

React has a lot of different state managers, pick the one you are going to use and install it. You can use the build in Context API for state management without the need to install a third-party solution. The preffered third-party state managers are Redux and Zustand.

$ yarn add zustand

5. vite.config.ts

The last step is to configure Vite to use the node-polyfills that we installed earlier.

Open up vite.config.ts and add node-polyfills inside the plugins array.

Your config should look like this:

import { defineConfig } from "vite";
import react from "@vitejs/plugin-react-swc";
import { nodePolyfills } from "@bangjelkoski/vite-plugin-node-polyfills";

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [react(), nodePolyfills({ protocolImports: true })],

8. Booting our app

Finally, you can start your app locally using yarn dev or build for production using yarn build which you can deploy to any static page hosting like Netlify, Vercel, etc.


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