Infinitum Web offers a REST client that provides support for caching, simplified authentication, and a number of other features that allow developers to consume REST APIs with ease. The framework offers both fine- and coarse- grained clients, meaning developers can choose to deal with HTTP responses at a low level (i.e. manually performing message interpretation, deserialization, etc.) or a high level (i.e. allowing the framework to handle message conversion).
- Fine-grained REST client: low-level client for dealing directly with HTTP responses
- Coarse-grained REST client: high-level client for retrieving HTTP responses as objects
- Fully extensible: REST client can be easily extended or re-implemented for specific business needs
- Flexible: register JSON or XML deserializers or implement your own message converter
- Caching: HTTP/1.1-compliant caching in REST clients
- Authentication support: enable token-based/shared-secret web service authentication or implement your own authentication strategy
- Token generation: provides support for custom token generation for situations where a changing, per-user, or per-session shared secret is desirable