- Download
from GitHub releases java -jar twc.repo-crawler-<version>-all.jar <args>
with arguments (see below)
Running the jar without arguments prints out the usage instructions.
- Running the crawler without workspace, resource, branch, and revision will result in crawling the repository structure of the given scope
- Running the crawler with workspace, resource, branch, and revision will result in crawling the model content of the given revision
-S twc.openmbee.org -P 8111 -ssl -W 9c368adc-10cc-45d9-bec6-27aedc80e68b -C 2000 -u openmbeeguest -pw guest
-S twc.openmbee.org -P 8111 -ssl -W 9c368adc-10cc-45d9-bec6-27aedc80e68b -R c6bede89-cd5e-487b-aca8-a4f384370759 -B 29110c0f-bdc1-4294-ae24-9fd608629cac -REV 350 -C 2000 -u openmbeeguest -pw guest
-S twc.openmbee.org -P 8111 -ssl -W 9c368adc-10cc-45d9-bec6-27aedc80e68b -R 6819171d-1f52-4792-a08d-15d50d47985a -B a95e8bd1-f7d2-433e-a0a1-0c1cd7702e59 -REV 229 -C 2000 -u openmbeeguest -pw guest
- Java has to start with
-Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=<path to JKS file> -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=<password of JKS file>
- Note: These are JVM parameters that should be added before the
part - You can add
to check whether Java loaded the certificate correctly
- Note: These are JVM parameters that should be added before the
- Make sure that
is enabled in CLI arguments
- Clone this repository or download the sources for a release.
- Install
IntelliJ IDEA
with Kotlin plugin. - Open IntelliJ IDEA and open project.
File -> Open.. -> <project_path>
if needed.) Build -> Build Project
Run -> Run... -> com.incquerylabs.twc.repo.crawler.Crawler.kt
(set arguments in Configuration)
./gradlew run --args='<args>'
with arguments (see above)
./gradlew shadowJar
java -jar build/libs/twc.repo-crawler-<version>-all.jar <args>
with arguments (see above)