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SolrNet IQueryable provider. Extend SolrNet functionality by adding LINQ to SOLR support for basic methods. Compatible with OData.

Code Sample


To use LINQ with SolrNet you need to have ISolrOperations<TEntity> or even ISolrBasicReadOnlyOperations<TEntity>. By default TEntity should be a type with properties marked with SolrField attribute, however it is not mandatory if you going to set another mapping manager when initializing a query. For instance

public class Product
    public string Id { get; set; }

    public ICollection<string> Categories { get; set; }

    public decimal? Popularity { get; set; }

IQueryable initialization

Once you have solr operations interface, call AsQueryable() extension method to create IQueryable<T>. For instance

var solr = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<ISolrOperations<Product>>();
IQueryable<Product> solrLinq = solr.AsQueryable()

Now you can use supported linq methods.

Getting results

To get result you can

  • Call ToSolrQueryResultsAsync() or ToSolrQueryResults() extensions methods to get normal SolrNet query result
SolrQueryResults<Product> result = solrLinq.Where(p => p.Popularity.HasValue).Take(10).ToSolrQueryResults();
  • Trigger result by starting enumeration like any other IQueryable result triggering
Product[] result = solrLinq.Where(p => p.Popularity.HasValue).Take(10).ToArray();

Customization and workarounds for not suppported capabilities

It is possible to combine linq and regular SolrNet QueryOptions and main query. For instance if you need to append facets:

IQueryable<Product> solrLinq = solr.AsQueryable(setup =>
    // Set q parameter. By default *:* will be used.
    // LINQ Where method append fq (Filter Query) to query options and not affect main query
    options.MainQuery = new SolrQuery("some query");

    // Configure SolrNet QueryOptions.
    // This function will be called after applying query options from LINQ
    // You can setup options not covered by LINQ, for instance facets
    options.SetupQueryOptions = queryOptions =>

    // override default serializer if needed
    options.SolrFieldSerializer = new DefaultFieldSerializer();

    // override default mapping manager if needed
    options.MappingManager = new AttributesMappingManager();

Supported methods

OrderBy, OrderByDescending, ThenBy, ThenByDescending

  • Order by field
Product[] result = solrLinq.OrderBy(p => p.Price).ThenBy(p => p.Id).ToArray();
  • Order by functions (not all of SOLR functions currently supported)
Product[] result = solrLinq.OrderBy(p => Math.Pow(p.Price,3) + 1).ToArray();


  • Simple comparison
// result fq  
// price:{12 TO *}
Product[] result = solrLinq.Where(p => p.Price > 12).ToArray();
  • Not equal
// result fq  
// (*:* NOT id:(qwe))
Product[] result = solrLinq.Where(p => p.Id != "qwe").ToArray();
  • Conditional expressions
// result fq  
// (popularity:{7 TO *} OR ((*:* NOT popularity:[* TO *]) AND price:{7 TO *}))
Product[] result = solrLinq.Where(p => (p.Popularity != null ? p.Popularity.Value : p.Price) > 7).ToArray();
  • Contains() method
// result fq  
// (price:((1) OR (2) OR (3)))
List<decimal> list = new List<decimal> {1, 2, 3};
Product[] result = solrLinq.Where(p => list.Contains(p.Price)).ToArray();
  • Any() method
// result fq  
// cat:(qwe)
Product[] result = solrLinq.Where(p => p.Categories.Any(s => s == "qwe")).ToArray();


  • Anonymous and regular types with fields, pseudo field, functions and transformers
var result = solrLinq.Select(p => 
    new {
            Qwe = Math.Pow(2,2), // evaluated locally
            Next = new Product2 {Id = p.Id} // evaluated locally after selecting required info from solr
            ValStr = SolrExpr.Transformers.Value("qwe"), // value transformer evaluated in solr
            Score= SolrExpr.Fields.Score() // score pseudo field evaluated in solr
        }).OrderBy(arg => arg.Score) // allowed to use expressions evaluated in solr for ordering
  • Combine Select with other methods
var result = solrLinq
  .Where(p => p.Id != null)
  .Select(p => new {p.Id, p.Price, p.Categories, Score= SolrExpr.Fields.Score()})
  .Where(arg => arg.Categories.Any(s => s == "electronics"))
  .OrderBy(arg => arg.Id).ThenBy(arg=>arg.Score) 
  .Select(arg => new {arg.Id})
  .FirstOrDefault(arg2 => arg2.Id != null);


  • Top
  • Skip


  • Any
  • AnyAsync


  • Count
  • CountAsync
  • LongCount
  • LongCountAsync


  • First
  • FirstAsync
  • FirstOrDefault
  • FirstOrDefaultAsync


  • Single
  • SingleAsync
  • SingleOrDefault
  • SingleOrDefaultAsync


Cast to interface and get SolrQueryResults object of interface type

SolrQueryResults<IProduct> result = solrLinq
  .Where(p => p.Id != null)



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