diff --git a/frontend/templates/frontend/index.html b/frontend/templates/frontend/index.html
index 80289c8..b34a752 100644
--- a/frontend/templates/frontend/index.html
+++ b/frontend/templates/frontend/index.html
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
width: 300px;
- #slider {
+ .slider {
margin-top: 20px;
margin: 0.5em;
@@ -54,14 +54,21 @@
Select Date Range
Select Intensity
+ From:
+ To:
@@ -71,6 +78,7 @@ Select Date Range
const csrfToken = "{{ csrf_token }}";
let allData = [];
let slider; // Declare slider variable outside of fetch
+ let sliderIntensity; // Declare slider variable outside of fetch
// Initialize the Deck.gl map
const deckgl = new deck.DeckGL({
@@ -109,6 +117,10 @@ Select Date Range
+ if(!sliderIntensity){
+ setSliderIntensity(allData);
+ }
// Apply filter based on current slider range
const [startTimestamp, endTimestamp] = slider.noUiSlider.get().map(v => new Date(v).getTime());
const filteredData = filterDataByTimestamp(startTimestamp, endTimestamp);
@@ -126,52 +138,59 @@ Select Date Range
+ // Function to filter data by radiation value
+ function filterDataByRadiation(startRadiation, endRadiation) {
+ return allData.filter(measurement => {
+ return measurement.values.radiation >= startRadiation && measurement.values.radiation <= endRadiation;
+ });
+ }
// Function to update the map with data
// Function to update the map with data and color gradient based on radiation value
-function updateMap(data) {
- const points = data.map(measurement => {
- // Define the radiation value range
- const minRadiation = 50;
- const maxRadiation = 100; // Radiation over 80 will be fully red
- // Clamp the radiation value to stay within the range
- const radiation = Math.max(minRadiation, Math.min(maxRadiation, measurement.values.radiation));
- // Calculate the interpolation factor (0 means fully green, 1 means fully red)
- const t = (radiation - minRadiation) / (maxRadiation - minRadiation);
- // Interpolate between green and red
- const color = [
- Math.round((1 - t) * 0 + t * 155 + 100), // Red channel (100 to 255)
- Math.round((1 - t) * 155 + t * 0 + 100), // Green channel (255 to 100)
- 100 // Blue channel is constant (100)
- ];
- return {
- position: [measurement.longitude, measurement.latitude],
- values: measurement.values,
- dateTime: measurement.dateTime,
- size: 10,
- color: color // Use the interpolated color
- };
- });
- const scatterplotLayer = new deck.ScatterplotLayer({
- id: 'scatterplot-layer',
- data: points,
- getPosition: d => d.position,
- getRadius: d => d.size,
- getFillColor: d => d.color,
- radiusMinPixels: 5,
- radiusMaxPixels: 10,
- pickable: true,
- onHover: ({object, x, y}) => handleHover(object, x, y)
- });
- deckgl.setProps({
- layers: [scatterplotLayer]
- });
+ function updateMap(data) {
+ const points = data.map(measurement => {
+ // Define the radiation value range
+ const minRadiation = 50;
+ const maxRadiation = 100; // Radiation over 80 will be fully red
+ // Clamp the radiation value to stay within the range
+ const radiation = Math.max(minRadiation, Math.min(maxRadiation, measurement.values.radiation));
+ // Calculate the interpolation factor (0 means fully green, 1 means fully red)
+ const t = (radiation - minRadiation) / (maxRadiation - minRadiation);
+ // Interpolate between green and red
+ const color = [
+ Math.round((1 - t) * 0 + t * 155 + 100), // Red channel (100 to 255)
+ Math.round((1 - t) * 155 + t * 0 + 100), // Green channel (255 to 100)
+ 100 // Blue channel is constant (100)
+ ];
+ return {
+ position: [measurement.longitude, measurement.latitude],
+ values: measurement.values,
+ dateTime: measurement.dateTime,
+ size: 10,
+ color: color // Use the interpolated color
+ };
+ });
+ const scatterplotLayer = new deck.ScatterplotLayer({
+ id: 'scatterplot-layer',
+ data: points,
+ getPosition: d => d.position,
+ getRadius: d => d.size,
+ getFillColor: d => d.color,
+ radiusMinPixels: 5,
+ radiusMaxPixels: 10,
+ pickable: true,
+ onHover: ({ object, x, y }) => handleHover(object, x, y)
+ });
+ deckgl.setProps({
+ layers: [scatterplotLayer]
+ });
+ }
// Initialize the datetime range slider
const startValueEl = document.getElementById('start-value');
@@ -213,14 +232,53 @@ Select Date Range
- // Function to handle hover and display popup
+ // Initialize the intensity range slider
+ const intensityStartValueEl = document.getElementById('intensity-start-value');
+ const intensityEndValueEl = document.getElementById('intensity-end-value');
+ function setSliderIntensity(data) {
+ // Get the minimum and maximum timestamp from the data
+ const minRadiation = Math.min(...data.map(item => item.values.radiation));
+ const maxRadiation = Math.max(...data.map(item => item.values.radiation));
+ sliderIntensity = document.getElementById('slider-intensity'); // Initialize slider
+ noUiSlider.create(sliderIntensity, {
+ start: [minRadiation, maxRadiation],
+ connect: true,
+ range: {
+ min: minRadiation,
+ max: maxRadiation
+ },
+ tooltips: false,
+ format: {
+ to: value => value, // Display as readable datetime
+ from: value => value
+ }
+ });
+ // Update slider labels and filter data
+ sliderIntensity.noUiSlider.on('update', function (values, handle) {
+ const startRadiation = values[0];
+ const endRadiation = values[1];
+ // Update labels
+ intensityStartValueEl.innerHTML = startRadiation;
+ intensityEndValueEl.innerHTML = endRadiation;
+ // Filter data and update the map
+ const filteredData = filterDataByRadiation(startRadiation, endRadiation);
+ updateMap(filteredData);
+ });
+ }
+ // Function to handle hover and display popup
function handleHover(object, x, y) {
const popup = document.getElementById('popup');
const popupContent = document.getElementById('popup-content');
if (object) {
// check if the object is valid
- if(!object.values) {
+ if (!object.values) {
object.values = {};
popupContent.innerHTML = `