wcs-ocaml is a source development kit in OCaml and command line interface for Watson Assistant (formerly Watson Conversation Service, or WCS). It allows to program chat bots in OCaml.
provides a framework to write WCS programs, called workspaces. It also offers an OCaml binding to the service API and a generic client application.wcs
is a command line tool that interact with the service.
The documentation of the package is defined in the interface of the modules and available online:
The wcs
command line tool allows to do operations like listing the workspaces,
uploading or updating workspaces. The full documentation if avaible with the
command wcs -help
or online.
The easiest way to install wcs-ocaml is through the Opam package manager for OCaml. Instructions to install Opam on you system can be found on the website: http://opam.ocaml.org/doc/Install.html.
Then you can install wcs-ocaml with the following command:
opam install wcs
This will install the following packages:
Alternatively, you can only install the WCS SDK:
opam install wcs-lib
In order to illustrate the use of wcs-ocaml, we are going to program a
bot that tells a knock knock joke. It is going to use the wcs-lib
open Wcs_lib
Let's start with a dialog node that says "Knock knock"
let knock =
Wcs.dialog_node "Knock"
~conditions: "true"
~text: "Knock knock"
The function
creates a value of type
that corresponds to a JSON object of type
in WCS.
The user is expected to ask who is there?. To capture this intent without looking for an exact match, we can define a WCS intent using multiple examples to train the NLU:
let who_intent =
Wcs.intent "Who"
~examples: [
"Who's there?";
"Who is there?";
"Who are you?";
We can now define the next step of the dialog, answering the question who is there?:
let whoisthere =
Wcs.dialog_node "WhoIsThere"
~conditions_spel: (Spel.intent who_intent)
~text: "Broken Pencil"
~parent: knock
The condition is not a string but an expression written using the embedding of the Spel expression language (used by WCS) in OCaml.
We now expect the user to repeat the name of the character mentioned
by the bot. To test that the user input matches the same character,
we define an entity char_entity
containing the name and a list of
let char_entity =
Wcs.entity "Character"
~values: [ "Broken Pencil", ["Damaged Pen"; "Fractured Pencil"] ]
The bot terminates the joke if the input given by the user matches the
name of the character. Setting a return
field in the context triggers
the termination of the bot.
let answer =
Wcs.dialog_node "Answer"
~conditions_spel: (Spel.entity char_entity ())
~text: "Never mind it's pointless"
~parent: whoisthere
~context: (Context.return (Json.bool true))
If the user doesn't gives the name of the character, the bot can help with a generic answer using a fallback node:
let fallback =
Wcs.dialog_node "Fallback"
~conditions_spel: Spel.anything_else
~text: "You should repeat my name!"
~previous_sibling: answer
~next_step: (whoisthere, Wcs_t.Goto_body)
We can now build the entire workspace containing all the dialog nodes, entities, and intents:
let ws_knockknock =
Wcs.workspace "Knock Knock"
~entities: [ char_entity ]
~intents: [ who_intent ]
~dialog_nodes: [ knock; whoisthere; answer; fallback; ]
It is possible to print this workspace:
let () = print_endline (Wcs_pretty.workspace ws_knockknock)
It is also possible to directly deploy the workspace on WCS. The deployment requires the service credentials:
let wcs_cred = Wcs_bot.get_credential None
The function
retrieves the path stored in the environment variable WCS_CRED
find a file containing the service credentials in the following
"url": "https://gateway.watsonplatform.net/conversation/api",
"password": "PASSWORD",
"username": "USERNAME"
We can now deploy the workspace on WCS:
let create_rsp = Wcs_call.create_workspace wcs_cred ws_knockknock
Finally, we can try the bot with the function
providing the credentials and the workspace identifier that has just
been created:
let _ =
begin match create_rsp with
| { Wcs_t.crea_rsp_workspace_id = Some id } ->
Wcs_bot.exec wcs_cred id Json.null ""
| _ -> failwith "Deployment error"
To compile this program, we need to link the wcs-lib
. Using
the command is:
ocamlfind ocamlc -linkpkg -package wcs-lib knockknock.ml