Releases: IBM/varnish-operator
Releases · IBM/varnish-operator
Release 0.28.1
#50 Upgrade webhooks cert generator to support kubernetes 1.22.
Release 0.28.0
- Upgrade the default Varnish version from
. See the release notes for what's changed since6.1.1
. One of the breaking changes is removing thereturn(miss)
routine. It was fixed in default VCL, but existing users may still using it. The proposed fix is described here. - Upgrade base image from
#45 - Improve VCL list parsing. Use the JSON flag if available instead of parsing raw text. #48
- Various docs fixes and improvements #41 #44
- Upgrade Go dependencies and fix deprecated code #47
Don't return from VCL discard failure
VCL discard failures will now only be logged instead of forcing the loop to be terminated early.
Release 0.27.2
- Make management port available outside of the pod
- Fix cleaning up already discarded VCLs
- Fix VarnishCluster and Varnish Operator's grafana dashboards. Do not pull metrics from other VarnishClusters and operators.
- Improve Helm chart examples to use more features built in into the operator
- #23 RBAC fix for config maps deletion and handle the new
field correctly
Release 0.27.1
Update the operator to better support helm3.
Replaced minimum and maximum validations with validating webhooks code due to a bug in kubernetes.
Add kubernetes 1.19 and 1.20 to e2e tests.
Make grafana dashboard name unique and create title override.
Fix pulling in metrics from foreign varnishclusters in the built-in grafana dashboard.
Release 0.27.0
- Add support for providing pull secrets for container images. Useful for cases when it is desirable to pull the image from a private registry.
- Run helm package on push. Push only on release.
Release 0.26.0
First open source release!