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PheonixVX edited this page Aug 5, 2020 · 8 revisions

Beacon Setup

Beacon is a server-side plugin api/plugin development helper for fabric. Beacon combines the power of plugins and server-side mods to achieve a broader spectrum than normal plugins and greatly eases the burden of writing server-side code.

Type or copy the following into the terminal:
$ git clone

This will download and create the necessary source files for Beacon to be built as a dependency. If you're new to fabric, or just generally need to update your sources and caches, run these commands:

$ gradlew genSources
$ gradlew build

This will generate the latest sources provided by Beacon and will build the project. If you are wanting to particularly edit Beacon's source code, make run configurations for your IDE available at Fabric's website

After you've built the mod, you can now download the example plugin from Beacon Example Plugin and continue these tutorials.

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