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- Elements of AI Easy-to understand free online course
- We need to talk, AI Comic Essay by Dr. Julia Schneider & Lena Ziyal
- A people's guide to AI by Mimi Onuoha and Mother Cyborg (Diana Nucera)
- Flowchart "What is AI" by Karen Hao from MIT Tech Review
- Jay's visual intro to AI
- Living in the Age of AI by Wired
- A to Z of AI by Google
- All AI glossaries by Alexa Steinbrück
- Ways to think about Machine Learning by Benedict Evans
- Buch "Architects of Intelligence - The Truth about AI from the People Building it."
- TWIML AI Podcast Many interviews with AI researchers from all different fields of AI
- We analyzed 16.625 papers to figure out where AI is headed next by Karen Hao from MIT Technology Review
- NeurIPS An important AI conference
- The Nooscope Manifested: Artificial Intelligence as Instrument of Knowledge Extractivism by Matteo Pasquinelli and Vladan Joler
- Article about the Nooscope by SkynetToday
- AI isn't as advanced as you think
- Ist das wirklich ein Toaster in German on Zeit Online
- Greedy, brittle, opaque and shallow by WIRED
- Early AI in the US: Forefathers (1940s), Founding Fathers (1950s), Second Generation (1960s). - Talk by Pamela Mc Corduck for Deutsches Museum
- 2000s: The role of the dataset ImageNet for the field of Computer Vision. - Article named "Lines of Sight" by Alex Hanna and others.