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508 lines (464 loc) · 90 KB

bioRxiv preprint stats

Hao Ye 2019-09-05


## ── Attaching packages ─────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse 1.2.1 ──

## ✔ ggplot2 3.2.1     ✔ purrr   0.3.2
## ✔ tibble  2.1.3     ✔ dplyr   0.8.3
## ✔ tidyr   0.8.3     ✔ stringr 1.4.0
## ✔ readr   1.3.1     ✔ forcats 0.4.0

## ── Conflicts ────────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
## ✖ dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
## ✖ dplyr::lag()    masks stats::lag()

Data Overview

See the compute_paper_stats.R file for the code used to generate the paper stats data.

The data collects information on preprints, with one row per preprint. Stats are computed by summing up monthly views and downloads for up to the first 3 months after posting date (posted_date + 3 months >= traffic_date >= posted_date). Traffic stats are collected monthly, so we assign a date equal to the last day of the month for the traffic.

Columns are:

  • id - unique numerical id for the preprint
  • downloads - number of pdf downloads
  • views - number of views of the abstract
  • traffic_date - latest traffic date for the summed views and downloads
  • posted_date - date of initial posting to bioRxiv
  • collection - the subject area designation on bioRxiv
  • duration - the # of days, computed as traffic_date - posted_date + 1
  • downloads_per_day - downloads / duration
  • views_per_day - views / duration
  • pub_date - date of publication of preprint (NA if not yet published)
paper_stats <- readRDS("paper_stats.RDS")
## Classes 'tbl_df', 'tbl' and 'data.frame':    56060 obs. of  10 variables:
##  $ id               : num  386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 ...
##  $ downloads        : num  142 102 100 447 34 39 66 86 187 81 ...
##  $ views            : num  1065 520 504 1236 337 ...
##  $ traffic_date     : Date, format: "2018-07-31" "2018-10-31" ...
##  $ posted_date      : Date, format: "2018-05-21" "2018-08-03" ...
##  $ collection       : chr  "microbiology" "microbiology" "microbiology" "microbiology" ...
##  $ duration         : num  72 90 90 93 90 90 90 90 90 91 ...
##  $ downloads_per_day: num  1.972 1.133 1.111 4.806 0.378 ...
##  $ views_per_day    : num  14.79 5.78 5.6 13.29 3.74 ...
##  $ pub_date         : Date, format: "2019-01-04" "2019-01-29" ...

Filter papers

We want to focus on “low-visibility” preprints, so use only the papers that are unpublished or published after the last date of traffic collection (posted date + 3 months).

paper_stats <- paper_stats %>%
    mutate(unpublished = | 
               pub_date > traffic_date)

Examine statistical quantiles of views per day

Compute quantiles:

quantile_vec <- c(0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 0.95)

views_quantiles <- paper_stats %>%
    filter(unpublished) %>%
    select(collection, views_per_day, downloads_per_day) %>%
    nest(-collection) %>%
    mutate(views_q = map(data, ~ quantile(.$views_per_day, probs = quantile_vec)), 
           views_q = map(views_q, ~ bind_rows(.) %>% gather())) %>%
    select(-data) %>% 
    unnest() %>%
    mutate(key = factor(key, levels = c("5%", "10%", "25%", "50%", "75%", "90%", "95%"))) %>%
    spread(key, value)

collection 5% 10% 25% 50% 75% 90% 95%
animal-behavior-and-cognition 3.659956 4.098578 5.109633 6.723077 10.144444 15.86632 20.32472
biochemistry 3.634848 4.355556 5.619383 7.739130 11.244444 17.57143 24.95576
bioengineering 2.871371 3.360342 4.476923 6.181818 9.748686 17.28893 26.93382
bioinformatics 4.375417 5.303664 7.220319 10.561910 16.699878 26.29810 35.50930
biophysics 3.584343 4.363636 5.644958 7.854839 11.294733 17.41772 24.72743
cancer-biology 3.382740 4.102465 5.380282 7.473106 11.143809 17.71127 23.20409
cell-biology 3.505562 4.112500 5.480379 7.666667 11.657239 18.76923 25.71091
clinical-trials 4.571548 4.906239 6.744136 8.873563 12.554486 17.85068 26.67536
developmental-biology 3.502465 4.297835 5.847222 7.962025 11.724138 17.66352 23.45082
ecology 2.394613 2.925329 3.895943 5.384168 8.100733 12.18857 15.77949
epidemiology 2.322565 2.723317 3.597170 4.894845 7.175446 11.47048 15.45469
evolutionary-biology 3.453079 4.212121 5.666667 8.173913 12.444272 19.60377 27.11551
genetics 3.727032 4.517102 6.357519 9.656470 15.657213 27.35199 41.62478
genomics 4.595370 5.582189 8.000000 12.476744 21.559524 37.78824 55.14722
immunology 3.801020 4.461326 5.723077 7.666667 11.616279 18.28019 25.58618
microbiology 2.918966 3.442377 4.574856 6.560976 10.258444 16.58691 22.74561
molecular-biology 3.255369 3.935508 5.199466 7.612903 12.171359 20.34815 28.45934
neuroscience 3.376471 4.120000 5.580247 8.000000 12.423224 19.25397 26.92897
NULL 1.379310 1.602410 6.256410 8.484849 15.517857 30.10526 86.27273
paleontology 4.528357 4.808138 6.977011 10.285714 12.721519 18.32421 30.40724
pathology 2.612284 2.993182 3.647636 4.699631 6.695514 11.05046 15.73520
pharmacology-and-toxicology 2.681746 3.151899 3.925926 4.943662 7.207317 10.91858 14.37532
physiology 2.305619 2.727273 3.404054 4.616377 6.923115 10.96394 14.20284
plant-biology 3.918788 4.814074 6.235294 8.869048 12.640625 18.71366 23.76184
scientific-communication-and-education 2.885185 3.559551 4.524390 7.729730 17.641975 48.30246 87.45330
synthetic-biology 4.857839 6.072276 8.103596 11.521164 18.361991 31.28075 46.76590
systems-biology 3.728750 4.713350 6.333333 8.554886 13.128507 20.64376 27.93924
zoology 2.900903 3.257258 4.137005 5.409350 7.438027 10.39593 13.66403

Distributions of views per day

paper_stats %>%
    ggplot(aes(x = views_per_day, color = unpublished)) + 
    geom_density() + 
    coord_cartesian(xlim = c(0, 100)) + 
    facet_wrap(~collection, scales = "free", ncol = 4) + 
    theme_bw(base_size = 12) + 
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1), 
          legend.position  = "top")
## Warning: Groups with fewer than two data points have been dropped.

How does recency of a preprint affect views

With more preprints being posted, we might expect the # of views per day to change with recency. For the least-visible preprints, the number of views per day seems to be mostly constant. However, depending on category, the upper-quantiles can vary, sometimes decreasing with recency if sample sizes are small.

paper_stats %>%
    ggplot(aes(x = posted_date, y = views_per_day)) + 
    geom_point() + 
    geom_quantile(quantiles = quantile_vec, formula = "y ~ x") + 
    facet_wrap(~collection, scales = "free", ncol = 4) + 
    theme_bw(base_size = 12)

How does traffic decrease over time for a sample of preprints

db <- readRDS("raw_stats.RDS")

selected_ids <- sample(db$id, 50)

db %>%
    filter(id %in% selected_ids) %>%
    mutate(id = factor(id)) %>%
    group_by(id) %>%
    ggplot(aes(x = traffic_date - posted, y = views, color = id)) + 
    geom_line() + 
    theme_bw(base_size = 20) + 
    guides(color = "none")
## Don't know how to automatically pick scale for object of type difftime. Defaulting to continuous.

Compute an “Invisibility” index

Compute index as fraction of preprints in the same collection with at least as many views_per_day.

paper_indices <- paper_stats %>%
    group_by(collection) %>%
    mutate(index = rank(views_per_day, ties.method = "min"), 
           index = 1 - index / n()) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    select(id, collection, views_per_day, index, 
           traffic_date, posted_date, pub_date, 
           views, downloads)

Select a few papers per collection to display

title_lookup <- db %>%
    select(id, title) %>%

selected_papers <- paper_indices %>%
    group_by(collection) %>%
    top_n(10, index) %>%
    arrange(collection, desc(index)) %>%
    left_join(title_lookup, by = "id") %>%
    mutate(pub = ifelse(, "N", "Y")) %>%
    select(collection, index, 
           "views/day" = views_per_day, 
           posted = posted_date, pub, title)

knitr::kable(selected_papers, digits = 3)
collection index views/day posted pub title
animal-behavior-and-cognition 0.999 1.831 2014-08-28 Y Amino acid and carbohydrate tradeoffs by honey bee nectar foragers and their implications for plant-pollinator interactions
animal-behavior-and-cognition 0.998 1.877 2017-07-20 N Pitch discrimination performance of ferrets and humans on a go/no-go task.
animal-behavior-and-cognition 0.997 1.931 2014-08-06 Y Ontogeny of aerial righting and wing flapping in juvenile birds
animal-behavior-and-cognition 0.995 2.145 2018-02-28 N Ontogeny of familiarity with foraging landscape and foraging abilities in the tropical social wasp Ropalidia marginata
animal-behavior-and-cognition 0.994 2.341 2018-12-03 N Adaptations in the echolocation behavior of fruit-eating bats when orienting under challenging conditions
animal-behavior-and-cognition 0.993 2.435 2017-06-01 N Recency Order Judgments In Short Term Memory: Replication And Extension Of Hacker (1980)
animal-behavior-and-cognition 0.992 2.462 2018-08-02 N Brood-holding causes workers to pay attention to the queen in the carpenter ant Camponotus japonicus
animal-behavior-and-cognition 0.990 2.473 2018-05-02 N Dynamic gait transition in the Scolopendromorpha scolopocryptops rubiginosus L. Koch centipede
animal-behavior-and-cognition 0.988 2.543 2014-08-12 N A quantitative analysis of objective feather colour assessment: measurements in the lab are more reliable than in the field
biochemistry 0.999 1.880 2018-10-01 Y Crystal structure of a Thermus aquaticus diversity-generating retroelement variable protein
biochemistry 0.999 2.014 2017-11-21 N Fe2+/H2O2-mediated oxidation of homogentisic acid indicates the production of ochronotic and non-ochronotic pigments. Implications in Alkaptonuria and beyond.
biochemistry 0.998 2.034 2019-02-01 N Effect of flow rate and freezing on cyanocobalamin recovery using a commercial solid phase extraction cartridge.
biochemistry 0.998 2.145 2014-01-22 Y Correcting a SHAPE-directed RNA structure by a mutate-map-rescue approach
biochemistry 0.997 2.145 2019-07-01 N Characterization of Sorbitol Dehydrogenase SmoS from Sinorhizobium meliloti 1021
biochemistry 0.996 2.284 2018-01-10 N 216 GHz Electron Paramagnetic Resonance of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Catalase-Peroxidase: The Role of the Arg418 Residue
biochemistry 0.996 2.342 2015-02-11 N The experimental determination of redox-potential of mutated cytochrome c with eight charge changing substitutions
biochemistry 0.995 2.360 2018-01-02 Y Biochemical analyses reveal amino acid residues critical for cell cycle-dependent phosphorylation of human Cdc14A phosphatase by cyclin-dependent kinase 1
biochemistry 0.994 2.371 2019-02-01 N Development of Triazoles based on AZT and their Anti-Viral Activity Against HIV-1
biochemistry 0.994 2.429 2018-10-02 Y Structural and biochemical characterization on the cognate and heterologous interactions of the MazEF-mt9 TA system
bioengineering 0.998 1.430 2015-07-07 Y Automated segmentation of skin strata in reflectance confocal microscopy depth stacks
bioengineering 0.997 1.598 2019-03-01 N Deconvolving multiplexed protease signatures with substrate reduction and activity clustering
bioengineering 0.996 1.620 2019-05-01 N Targeting Fe3O4 Au nanoparticles in photoacoustic nuclear magnetic dual-mode imaging
bioengineering 0.995 1.652 2018-11-01 N Osmotic Swelling Responses are Conserved Across Cartilaginous Tissues with Varied Sulfated-Glycosaminoglycan Contents
bioengineering 0.994 1.717 2018-11-01 Y Structural and Practical Identifiability of Dual-input Kinetic Modeling in Dynamic PET of Liver Inflammation
bioengineering 0.993 1.985 2018-11-26 Y Thermopneumatic suction integrated microfluidic blood analysis system
bioengineering 0.993 2.016 2019-07-01 N Tissue-specific changes in size and shape of the ligaments and tendons of the porcine knee during post-natal growth
bioengineering 0.992 2.033 2019-03-01 N Molecular Phenotyping of Oxidative Stress in Diabetes Mellitus with Point-of-care NMR system
bioengineering 0.991 2.087 2019-03-01 Y The Microbial Metagenome and Tissue Composition in Mice with Microbiome-Induced Reductions in Bone Strength
bioinformatics 1.000 0.718 2013-11-15 N Gappy TotalReCaller for RNASeq Base-Calling and Mapping
bioinformatics 1.000 0.795 2013-11-15 Y Unexpected links reflect the noise in networks
bioinformatics 0.999 1.161 2014-02-03 N Improving Protein Docking with Constraint Programming and Coevolution Data
bioinformatics 0.999 1.468 2019-07-01 N A geometric approach to human stress based on stress-related surrogate measures
bioinformatics 0.999 1.482 2014-04-09 N A signature of power law network dynamics
bioinformatics 0.999 1.515 2013-11-25 Y Inferring tree causal models of cancer progression with probability raising
bioinformatics 0.999 1.582 2013-12-12 Y libRoadRunner: A High Performance SBML Compliant Simulator
bioinformatics 0.999 1.598 2018-11-01 N Predicting JNK1 Inhibitors Regulating Autophagy in Cancer using Random Forest Classifier
bioinformatics 0.998 1.691 2014-07-25 N Data mining of Gene expression profiles of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in response to mild heat stress response
bioinformatics 0.998 1.705 2018-12-03 N Bayesian parameter estimation in non-stationary semiflexible polymers from ensembles of trajectories
biophysics 1.000 0.974 2014-01-13 N Quantification of nuclear transport in single cells
biophysics 0.999 1.146 2018-01-02 Y Modified Potential Functions Result in Enhanced Predictions of a Protein Complex by All-Atom MD Simulations, Confirming a Step-wise Association Process for Native PPIs
biophysics 0.999 1.393 2014-06-04 Y Spatial epidemiology of networked metapopulation: An overview
biophysics 0.998 1.423 2014-01-13 Y Shifts in stability and control effectiveness during evolution of Paraves support aerial maneuvering hypotheses for flight origins
biophysics 0.998 1.553 2016-09-16 Y Single variant bottleneck in the early dynamics of H. influenzae bacteremia in neonatal rats questions the theory of independent action
biophysics 0.997 1.618 2014-03-04 N Does ‘information control the living state’?
biophysics 0.997 1.620 2018-10-01 N An information thermodynamic approach quantifying MAPK-related signaling cascades by average entropy production rate
biophysics 0.997 1.633 2018-04-02 N Velocity and Diameter Measurements of Penetrating Arteries by Model Based Analysis of Complex Difference Images in Phase Contrast MRI
biophysics 0.996 1.707 2018-10-01 N How to obtain cell volume from dynamic pH, temperature and pressure in plants
biophysics 0.996 1.707 2019-03-01 Y Robust Determination of Protein Allosteric Signaling Pathways
cancer-biology 0.999 1.457 2018-10-01 Y A seleno-hormetine protects bone marrow hematopoietic cells against ionizing radiation-induced toxicity
cancer-biology 0.999 1.726 2019-07-01 N Reducing expression of dynamin-related protein 1 increases radiation sensitivity of glioblastoma cells
cancer-biology 0.998 1.753 2018-12-02 Y Dynamic urinary proteomic analysis in a Walker 256 intracerebral tumor model
cancer-biology 0.998 1.774 2019-07-01 N Injectable diblock copolypeptide hydrogel provides platform to maintain high local concentrations of taxol and local tumor control
cancer-biology 0.997 1.778 2019-04-02 N Different localization of fluorescently labeled N- and C-termini of nucleolin variants in human glioblastoma cell culture
cancer-biology 0.997 1.884 2013-11-07 Y A filter-flow perspective of hematogenous metastasis offers a non-genetic paradigm for personalized cancer therapy
cancer-biology 0.996 1.944 2018-01-02 N Candidate urine biomarker discovery from only five pairs of samples before and after tumor resection in glioma patients
cancer-biology 0.996 1.967 2019-03-03 Y MicroRNA-138 negatively regulates the hypoxia-inducible factor 1α to suppress melanoma growth and metastasis
cancer-biology 0.995 1.978 2018-04-01 N Co-expression of MDM2 and CDK4 in transformed human mesenchymal stem cells induces dedifferentiated liposarcoma potency
cancer-biology 0.994 1.989 2013-12-02 N Mutated SF3B1 is associated with transcript isoform changes of the genes UQCC and RPL31 both in CLLs and uveal melanomas
cell-biology 1.000 1.228 2019-05-01 N The Ras family members follow the blood progesterone level during formation and regression in bovine corpus luteum
cell-biology 0.999 1.294 2018-02-05 N Ultrastructure of viruliferous Javesella pellucida transmitting Festuca leaf streak virus (genus Cytorhabdovirus)
cell-biology 0.999 1.554 2019-05-01 Y Impact of Itga2-Gp6-double collagen receptor deficient mice for bone marrow megakaryocytes and platelets
cell-biology 0.999 1.658 2016-09-19 Y N-Acyl Dopamines Induce Apoptosis in PC12 Cell Line via the O-1918-Sensitive non-CB1-non-CB2 Receptor
cell-biology 0.998 1.697 2018-12-02 N Neutrophil Elastase Activates Macrophage MMPs, Promotes Cell Adhesion And Cytokine Production Via Integrin-Src Kinases Pathway
cell-biology 0.998 1.831 2013-11-22 N Journey to the Center of the Mitochondria Guided by the Tail Anchor of Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase 1B
cell-biology 0.998 1.831 2018-11-22 N Effects of 5-aza-2 ́-deoxycytidine on human osteoarthritic chondrocytes
cell-biology 0.997 1.921 2016-09-16 Y Lipid metabolic perturbation is an early-onset phenotype in adult spin mutants: a Drosophila model for lysosomal storage disorders
cell-biology 0.997 1.933 2019-04-03 N Potential role of heat shock protein 90 in regulation of hyperthermia-driven differentiation of neural stem cells
cell-biology 0.996 1.935 2019-03-01 N Predicting nucleation sites in chemotaxing Dictyostelium discoideum
clinical-trials 0.990 3.429 2016-12-07 N Optimizing Communication of Emergency Response Adaptive Randomization Clinical Trials to Potential Participants
clinical-trials 0.980 3.901 2018-11-02 Y Characterization of intact proviruses in blood and lymph node from HIV-infected individuals undergoing analytical treatment interruption
clinical-trials 0.970 4.094 2017-06-08 Y Performance Of Children With Autism In Parent-Administered Cognitive And Language Exercises
clinical-trials 0.960 4.114 2016-11-05 N Cis-Compound Mutations are Prevalent in Triple Negative Breast Cancer and Can Drive Tumor Progression
clinical-trials 0.949 4.131 2018-12-07 N Brain volumes of very low birth weight infants measured by two dimensional cranial ultrasonography, a prospective cohort study
clinical-trials 0.939 4.547 2018-04-06 N Economic evaluation of a healthy lifestyle intervention for chronic low back pain: a randomised controlled trial
clinical-trials 0.929 4.582 2018-11-14 N A factorial cluster-randomised controlled trial combining home-environmental and early child development interventions to improve child health and development: rationale, trial design and baseline findings.
clinical-trials 0.919 4.750 2018-09-20 N Predictive Modelling of The Dynamic Patterns of Thinking in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Diagnostic Accuracy of Spatiotemporal Fractal Measures
clinical-trials 0.909 4.785 2017-06-14 Y A multicenter, randomized study of decitabine as epigenetic priming with induction chemotherapy in children with AML
clinical-trials 0.899 4.835 2018-11-02 N Meropenem vs standard of care for treatment of neonatal late onset sepsis (NeoMero1): a randomised controlled trial
developmental-biology 0.999 1.870 2014-10-24 N Interplay of TGFb superfamily members governs optic fissure closure
developmental-biology 0.999 1.871 2014-10-08 Y Epithelial flow into the optic cup facilitated by suppression of BMP drives eye morphogenesis
developmental-biology 0.998 1.933 2014-10-03 N DevoWorm: differentiation waves and computation in C. elegans embryogenesis
developmental-biology 0.998 2.065 2018-11-01 N Inferring novel lncRNA associated with Ventricular septal defect by DNA methylation interaction network
developmental-biology 0.997 2.116 2015-07-07 N The relationship between interpregnancy interval (IP) and mother’s preceding pregnancies
developmental-biology 0.996 2.146 2017-07-04 N Physiological tolerance of the early life history stages of fresh water prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii De Man, 1879) to environmental stress
developmental-biology 0.996 2.150 2017-07-13 N Cadmium Disrupts Vestibular Function by Interfering with Otolith Formation
developmental-biology 0.995 2.176 2015-09-01 Y Species Tailoured Contribution of Volumetric Growth and Tissue Convergence to Posterior Body Elongation in Vertebrates
developmental-biology 0.995 2.176 2015-11-08 N Assisted reproduction causes intrauterus growth restriction by disrupting placental lipid metabolism
developmental-biology 0.994 2.195 2017-06-06 N Impairment of zebrafish reproduction upon exposure to melengestrol acetate
ecology 1.000 0.662 2014-01-14 N Emergence of structural and dynamical properties of ecological mutualistic networks
ecology 0.999 0.716 2014-01-17 N Estimating seed bank accumulation and dynamics in three obligate-seeder Proteaceae species
ecology 0.999 0.856 2019-04-02 Y Managing congestion at visitor hotspots using park-level use level data: Case study of a Chinese World Heritage site
ecology 0.998 0.989 2019-05-01 N Feral pig exclusion fencing provides limited fish conservation value on tropical floodplains
ecology 0.998 1.000 2013-11-19 N Sap flow through petioles and petioles reveals leaf-level responses to light and vapor pressure deficit in the tropical tree Tabebuia rosea (Bignoniaceae)
ecology 0.998 1.000 2018-12-03 N Population dynamics of Cymodocea nodosa under future ocean scenarios.
ecology 0.997 1.016 2019-07-01 N Effects of simulated acid rain on soil respiration and microbial community in a Moso bamboo forest in subtropical China
ecology 0.997 1.023 2018-12-03 N Implementation of the Perfect Plasticity Approximation with biogeochemical compartments in R
ecology 0.996 1.103 2013-11-25 Y The Effectiveness of China�s National Forest Protection Program and National-level Nature Reserves, 2000 to 2010
ecology 0.996 1.113 2019-07-01 N Seasonal diversity of soil microarthropods in two different vegetable plots of Aligarh-India
epidemiology 0.999 0.933 2019-04-02 N Primary pterygium was not associated with corneal endothelial cell decrease in a rural Chinese population
epidemiology 0.999 1.078 2019-04-02 N Prevalence and socioeconomic determinants of development delay among children in Ceará, Brazil: a population-based study
epidemiology 0.998 1.213 2019-02-01 N Countries are out of step with international recommendations for tuberculosis testing, treatment, and care: Findings from a 29-country survey of policy adoption and implementation
epidemiology 0.997 1.295 2018-12-03 N Health seeking behaviour and cost of fever treatment to households in a malaria endemic setting of northern Ghana: A cross sectional study
epidemiology 0.997 1.344 2019-04-02 N Prevalence and determinants of neonatal danger signs in northwest Ethiopia: a multilevel analysis
epidemiology 0.996 1.371 2019-02-01 N More accuracy estimation of the worm burden in the ascariasis of children in Kinshasa
epidemiology 0.995 1.371 2018-11-23 N Regional reinfection by Dengue: a network approach using data from Mexico
epidemiology 0.995 1.378 2019-04-02 N Nasal and gut microbiota for sows of different health status within six commercial swine farms from one swine production system
epidemiology 0.994 1.391 2019-05-01 N Role of ethnicity and socio-economic status (SES) in the presentation of retinoblastoma: findings from the UK
epidemiology 0.993 1.398 2018-12-03 N Mass media promotion of a smartphone smoking cessation app: Modeled health and cost impacts
evolutionary-biology 1.000 0.756 2013-11-07 Y A Scalable Formulation for Engineering Combination Therapies for Evolutionary Dynamics of Disease
evolutionary-biology 0.999 0.965 2013-11-07 Y Speciation and introgression between Mimulus nasutus and Mimulus guttatus
evolutionary-biology 0.999 1.091 2018-12-03 N Evolution of host resistance and damage-limiting mechanisms to an emerging bacterial pathogen
evolutionary-biology 0.999 1.100 2014-02-20 Y Mapping the structure of drosophilid behavior
evolutionary-biology 0.999 1.293 2018-10-01 N Sequence data from the internal and external transcribed spacers of nuclear ribosomal DNA of Cyclamen purpurascens allow geographic mapping
evolutionary-biology 0.998 1.347 2014-03-21 N Response to a population bottleneck can be used to infer recessive selection
evolutionary-biology 0.998 1.351 2013-12-17 N Direct Reciprocity Under Uncertainty Does Not Explain One-Shot Cooperation, But It Can Explain Norm Psychology
evolutionary-biology 0.998 1.371 2014-01-21 Y Coalescence 2.0: a multiple branching of recent theoretical developments and their applications
evolutionary-biology 0.998 1.375 2018-12-03 N The Olson conjecture for discrete public goods
evolutionary-biology 0.997 1.388 2018-11-26 N Immunological female role tested on artificial plugs in three scorpion species
genetics 1.000 1.295 2018-12-03 N Mutational analysis of N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU) in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe.
genetics 0.999 1.364 2018-12-03 Y Construction of a genetic linkage map in Pyropia yezoensis (Bangiales, Rhodophyta) and QTL analysis of several economic traits of blades
genetics 0.999 1.511 2018-12-03 N Genetic interactions among Ghd7, Ghd7.1, Ghd8 and Hd1 contribute to large variation in heading date in rice
genetics 0.999 1.584 2018-12-02 N A combined in silico, in vitro and clinical approach to characterise novel pathogenic missense variants in PRPF31 in retinitis pigmentosa
genetics 0.998 1.790 2013-11-12 Y Matchmaker, Matchmaker, Make Me a Match: Migration of Populations via Marriages in the Past
genetics 0.998 1.888 2019-02-01 Y Plasmodium knowlesi clinical isolates from Malaysia show extensive diversity and strong differential selection pressure at the merozoite surface protein 7D (MSP7D)
genetics 0.998 1.919 2019-07-01 N Linkage disequilibrium and haplotype block patterns in popcorn populations
genetics 0.998 2.099 2019-05-02 N Models for infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis development in patients with esophageal atresia
genetics 0.997 2.120 2018-05-01 Y Antioxidant activity and phycoremediation ability of four cyanobacterial isolates obtained from a stressed aquatic system
genetics 0.997 2.127 2013-11-14 Y The evolution of sex differences in disease genetics
genomics 1.000 0.915 2013-11-22 N Genomics via Optical Mapping (I): 0-1 Laws for Mapping with Single Molecules
genomics 0.999 1.413 2013-11-13 Y On the Reproducibility of TCGA Ovarian Cancer MicroRNA Profiles
genomics 0.999 1.476 2014-01-28 N Transcriptome pyrosequencing of abnormal phenotypes in Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigotes after ectopic expression of a small zinc finger protein
genomics 0.999 1.678 2014-05-06 N N-BLR, a primate-specific non-coding transcript, modulates the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition and leads to colorectal cancer invasion and migration
genomics 0.999 1.741 2013-11-12 Y A genome wide dosage suppressor network reveals genetic robustness and a novel mechanism for Huntington�s disease
genomics 0.998 1.750 2014-01-23 Y Genome-wide patterns of copy number variation in the diversified chicken genomes using next-generation sequencing
genomics 0.998 1.778 2013-11-12 N A Complete Public Domain Family Genomics Dataset
genomics 0.998 1.822 2014-08-20 Y Genome-wide Comparative Analysis Reveals Possible Common Ancestors of NBS Domain Containing Genes in Hybrid Citrus sinensis Genome and Original Citrus clementina Genome
genomics 0.998 1.897 2013-11-25 N The-LHON-Enigma: explaining the behaviour of Leber�s Hereditary Optic Neuropathy by the use of a simple computer model
genomics 0.997 1.975 2014-04-11 Y Whole Genome Bisulfite Sequencing of Cell Free DNA and its Cellular Contributors Uncovers Placenta Hypomethylated Domains
immunology 0.999 0.753 2013-11-16 N Lack of evidence for the presence of an interferon in invertebrate
immunology 0.999 0.922 2014-04-28 Y Lack of association between Toll Like Receptor-2 & Toll Like Receptor-4 Gene Polymorphisms and Iranian Asthmatics risk or features
immunology 0.998 1.128 2014-02-12 Y Genomic V-gene repertoire in reptiles
immunology 0.997 1.194 2017-06-30 Y CD18-mediated adhesion is required for lung inflammation induced by mononuclear cell-derived extracellular vesicles
immunology 0.996 1.716 2014-01-17 Y Tracking global changes induced in the CD4 T cell receptor repertoire by immunization with a complex antigen using short stretches of CDR3 protein sequence.
immunology 0.996 1.773 2014-06-27 N Regulatory vs. helper CD4+ T-cell ratios and the progression of HIV/AIDS disease
immunology 0.995 1.788 2014-07-08 N A framework of immunities for pathogens and hypersensitivities
immunology 0.994 1.791 2017-06-02 N Mycophenolate Mofetil Increases Inflammation Resolution In Zebrafish Via Neutrophil Apoptosis
immunology 0.993 1.860 2017-06-30 Y Decreased intra-lymphocyte cytokines measurement in septic shock patients: a proof of concept study in whole blood
immunology 0.993 1.946 2018-11-01 Y TLR3 deficiency exacerbates the loss of epithelial barrier function during genital tract Chlamydia muridarum infection
microbiology 1.000 0.919 2019-07-01 N Effects of a novel thermophilic cellulose-degrading agent on the quality of compost and change in microbial community of garden waste
microbiology 1.000 1.078 2018-12-01 N Alternative Promoters Drive Human Cytomegalovirus Reactivation from Latency
microbiology 0.999 1.239 2018-11-01 Y A pilot study of the effects of Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae exposure on domestic lamb growth and performance
microbiology 0.999 1.242 2019-07-01 N Preserving cultural heritage: Analyzing the antifungal potential of ionic liquids tested in paper restoration
microbiology 0.999 1.289 2014-06-03 Y Bacillus Calmette-Guerin infection in NADPH oxidase deficiency: defective mycobacterial sequestration and granuloma formation
microbiology 0.999 1.295 2019-07-02 N Treatment of Mixed Azo Dyes in an Aerobic Sequential Batch Reactor and Toxicity Assessment using Vigna radiata
microbiology 0.998 1.337 2018-05-01 N The Impact of Remediation Through Stabilizing Amendments on Taxonomic and Metabolic Patterns of Bacteria and Archaea in Cadmium-Contaminated Paddy Fields in Southwestern China
microbiology 0.998 1.337 2018-10-01 Y Experimental co-transmission of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) and the macaque homologs of the Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)
microbiology 0.998 1.352 2018-12-03 N Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance Among Gram Negative Bacterial Isolates from Patients in Khartoum State Hospitals
microbiology 0.998 1.371 2014-02-28 N High Bacterial Load Predicts Poor Outcomes in Patients with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
molecular-biology 0.999 1.259 2013-11-12 Y Water and the biology of prions and plaques
molecular-biology 0.999 1.267 2013-11-18 N Differentiation-dependent telomeric long non-coding transcription in a model of skeletal myogenesis
molecular-biology 0.998 1.409 2018-12-03 N Deciphering the molecular pathways of apoptosis using leaf extract of Basella alba against Ehrlichs Ascites Carcinoma (EAC) cell line in Swiss albino mice model
molecular-biology 0.998 1.557 2018-12-03 Y The chaperone-client network subordinates cell-cycle entry to growth and stress
molecular-biology 0.997 1.596 2017-05-04 N Smc6 And Top1 Prevent Aberrant Recombination At The Silent Mating-Type Locus HMR In Budding Yeast
molecular-biology 0.997 1.603 2014-06-25 N ADP-ribose derived Nuclear ATP is Required for Chromatin Remodeling and Hormonal Gene Regulation
molecular-biology 0.996 1.691 2015-01-23 Y The positive inside rule is stronger when followed by a transmembrane helix.
molecular-biology 0.995 1.694 2019-07-01 N Serum miR-379 expression is related to the development and progression of hypercholesterolemia in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
molecular-biology 0.995 1.846 2018-10-02 N Functional characterization of Komagataella phaffii centromeres by a color-based plasmid stability assay
molecular-biology 0.994 1.934 2018-05-02 N Interaction between Retinoschisin and Norrin: Physical or Functional Relationship?
neuroscience 1.000 0.891 2018-10-01 N The effect of facial expression on contrast sensitivity: a behavioural investigation and extension of Hedger, Garner, & Adams (2015).
neuroscience 1.000 0.968 2019-07-01 N Chronic paroxetine blunts stress response and normalizes adverse behavioral effects seen acutely in nulliparous rats
neuroscience 1.000 1.000 2018-12-03 Y Visual mismatch negativity to disappearing parts of objects and textures
neuroscience 1.000 1.054 2018-10-01 Y Relationship between MEG global dynamic functional network connectivity measures and symptoms in schizophrenia
neuroscience 0.999 1.082 2017-09-07 Y A comparison between the neural correlates of laser and electric pain stimulation and their modulation by expectation
neuroscience 0.999 1.102 2018-12-03 Y Bilateral spontaneous otoacoustic emissions show coupling between active oscillators in the two ears
neuroscience 0.999 1.117 2017-11-16 N Hyperacuity Bayesian methods to enhance temporal resolution of two-photon recording of the complex spikes in the cerebellar Purkinje cells
neuroscience 0.999 1.130 2019-03-01 N Effective Public Apologies
neuroscience 0.999 1.262 2019-07-02 N Foveal feedback supports peripheral perception of both object color and form
neuroscience 0.999 1.269 2014-04-14 N A novel paradigm for auditory discrimination training with social reinforcement in songbirds
NULL 0.955 1.000 2017-07-10 N shRNA mediated inhibition of Cdc42 gene expression in Calu-6 lung cancer cells
NULL 0.909 1.379 2018-12-04 N Genome-wide analysis of drug resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates causing pulmonary and extrapulmonary tuberculosis in Russia
NULL 0.864 1.602 2017-07-10 N Love, not food, could have paved the path for dog domestication: A lesson from free-ranging dogs
NULL 0.818 1.648 2019-02-02 N Scavenging dicarbonyls with 5’-O-pentyl-pyridoxamine improves insulin sensitivity and reduces atherosclerosis through modulating inflammatory Ly6Chi monocytosis and macrophage polarization
NULL 0.773 2.035 2015-09-06 N Crucial Roles of the Arp2/3 Complex during Mammalian Corticogenesis
NULL 0.727 6.256 2018-11-15 N Optogenetic vision restoration with high resolution
NULL 0.682 6.293 2019-02-15 N Endogenous and exogenous control of visuospatial selective attention in freely behaving mice
NULL 0.636 6.372 2018-11-15 N The double tubular contractile structure of the type VI secretion system displays striking flexibility and elasticity
NULL 0.591 6.500 2016-09-08 N Calculation of a distribution free estimate of effect size and confidence intervals using VBA/Excel
NULL 0.545 7.879 2019-07-30 N TIS7 and SKMc15 Regulate Adipocyte Differentiation and Intestinal Lipid Absorption
paleontology 0.987 2.169 2014-06-04 Y Osmunda pulchella sp. nov. from the Jurassic of Sweden�reconciling molecular and fossil evidence in the phylogeny of Osmundaceae
paleontology 0.974 2.747 2015-03-10 N Fables and foibles: a critical analysis of the Palaeoflora database and the Coexistence approach for palaeoclimate reconstruction
paleontology 0.961 3.581 2017-11-19 Y Root grooves on two adjacent anterior teeth of Australopithecus africanus
paleontology 0.948 4.512 2018-08-09 N Modern botanical analogue of endangered Yak (Bos mutus) dung from India: Plausible linkage with living and extinct megaherbivores
paleontology 0.935 4.539 2015-02-01 Y Community stability and selective extinction during Earth’s greatest mass extinction
paleontology 0.922 4.569 2017-07-21 Y Three-dimensional mobility and muscle attachments in the pectoral limb of the Triassic cynodont Massetognathus pascuali
paleontology 0.909 4.641 2017-08-15 N The measurement of species selection on evolving characters
paleontology 0.896 4.732 2018-11-22 Y Ignoring stratigraphic age uncertainty leads to erroneous estimates of species divergence times under the fossilized birth-death process
paleontology 0.883 5.111 2019-04-02 N Dental caries in human evolution: frequency of carious lesions in South African fossil hominins
paleontology 0.870 5.244 2018-01-01 N Stability, incumbency and ecological reorganization after the Permian-Triassic mass extinction
pathology 0.996 1.330 2018-12-03 Y Changes choroidal area following trabeculectomy: long-term effect of intraocular pressure reduction
pathology 0.993 1.557 2018-12-03 N Cerebral amyloid angiopathy and comparative analysis of amyloid-β protein in birds
pathology 0.985 2.194 2019-07-01 N Dynamic healing and remodeling of mandibular ramus in segmental mobility and cortical overlap after intraoral vertical osteotomy
pathology 0.981 2.253 2019-05-02 N Glomerulosclerosis and kidney failure in a mouse model of monoclonal immunoglobulin light-chain deposition disease
pathology 0.978 2.256 2019-06-11 N The P387 Thrombospondin-4 Variant Promotes Accumulation of Macrophages in Atherosclerotic Lesions
pathology 0.974 2.271 2017-09-07 N The function of macromolecular complex of CFTR-NHERF2-LPA2 in inflammatory responses of intestinal epithelial cells
pathology 0.970 2.316 2018-01-12 N A laboratory demand optimisation project in primary care
pathology 0.967 2.422 2017-07-03 N A mouse model of necrotic biliary pancreatitis induced by combining gallstone formation and ligation of the biliary-pancreatic duct
pathology 0.963 2.465 2014-04-21 N Notorious Novel Avian Influenza Viruses H10N8 and H7N9 in China in 2013 Co-originated from H9N2
pharmacology-and-toxicology 0.998 1.452 2019-07-01 N Prevalence of Alcohol use during pregnancy and its association with partner alcohol use in East Africa: systematic review and meta-analysis
pharmacology-and-toxicology 0.996 1.609 2014-05-24 N Novel Natural Product Discovery from Marine Sponges and their Obligate Symbiotic Organisms
pharmacology-and-toxicology 0.993 1.652 2018-10-01 Y Proteomic Profile of TGF-β1 treated Lung Fibroblasts identifies Novel Markers of Activated Fibroblasts in the Silica Exposed Rat Lung
pharmacology-and-toxicology 0.991 1.742 2019-07-01 N A 3D brain unit model to further improve prediction of local drug distribution within the brain
pharmacology-and-toxicology 0.989 1.826 2019-05-01 N Pharmacodynamics of linezolid-plus-fosfomycin against vancomycin-susceptible and -resistant enterococci in vitro and in vivo of a Galleria mellonella larval infection model
pharmacology-and-toxicology 0.987 1.978 2018-05-01 Y The Biological Evaluation of Fusidic Acid and Its Hydrogenation Derivative as Antimicrobial and Anti-inflammatory Agents
pharmacology-and-toxicology 0.985 2.095 2017-06-09 N Development of an HPTLC method for determination of hypoglycin A in aqueous extracts of seedlings and samaras of Acer species
pharmacology-and-toxicology 0.983 2.141 2018-08-01 Y A standardised framework to identify optimal animal models for efficacy assessment in drug development
pharmacology-and-toxicology 0.980 2.144 2017-07-03 N Light-dependent decomposition of FICZ, an endogenous ligand of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor
pharmacology-and-toxicology 0.978 2.163 2017-06-07 N Effects of Progesterone on the reproductive physiology in zebrafish
physiology 0.998 0.866 2014-05-26 N Hip and knee kinematics display complex and time-varying sagittal kinematics during repetitive stepping: Implications for design of a functional fatigue model of the knee extensors and flexors
physiology 0.997 1.250 2019-03-01 Y An Oculometrics-based Biofeedback System to Impede Fatigue Development during Computer Work: a Proof-of-Concept Study
physiology 0.995 1.370 2018-06-01 N Phloem structure and development in Illicium parviflorum, a basal angiosperm shrub
physiology 0.994 1.391 2018-10-01 N APAP–induced organ toxicity in rats: The prophylactic role of Acrocarpus fraxinifolius
physiology 0.992 1.467 2019-05-01 N Purification and characterization of fat body lipase from the Greater Wax Moth Galleria mellonella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae).
physiology 0.991 1.493 2018-11-26 N Effects of food restriction on body mass, energy metabolism and thermogenesis in a tree shrew (Tupaia belangeri)
physiology 0.989 1.500 2018-10-01 N Decreased integrity of exercise-induced plasma cell free nuclear DNA – negative association with the increased oxidants production by circulating phagocytes
physiology 0.988 1.725 2018-05-02 N Altered Fecal Microbiota and Urine Metabolome as Signatures of Soman Poisoning
physiology 0.986 1.770 2018-12-04 Y Urinary AQP5 is independently associated with eGFR decline in patients with type 2 diabetes and nephropathy
physiology 0.985 1.787 2014-12-16 N Estimation of erythrocyte surface area in mammals
plant-biology 0.999 1.271 2014-08-08 N Growth of Primary and Lateral Roots of Vicia faba L. in the Solution of Calcium Sulfate
plant-biology 0.999 1.516 2014-02-28 N Effect of alternating red and blue light irradiation generated by light emitting diodes on the growth of leaf lettuce
plant-biology 0.998 1.530 2014-05-27 N Different profile of transcriptome between wheat Yunong 201 and its high-yield mutant Yunong 3114
plant-biology 0.997 1.839 2017-07-06 N Genotype, nitrogen and herbivory shape plant defense: the case of a vitamin-enriched maize
plant-biology 0.997 2.200 2018-01-01 N Green-gradient based canopy segmentation: A multipurpose image mining technique with potential use in crop phenotyping and canopy studies
plant-biology 0.996 2.205 2018-12-03 N Arbuscular cotton-associated mycorrhizal fungi in Yeola region of Maharashtra, India
plant-biology 0.995 2.261 2014-06-24 N Mesoscale analyses of fungal networks as an approach for quantifying phenotypic traits
plant-biology 0.995 2.313 2014-03-26 Y Rice BiP3 regulates immunity mediated by the PRRs XA3 and XA21 but not immunity mediated by the NB-LRR protein, Pi5
plant-biology 0.994 2.319 2017-06-21 N Varying water deficit stress (WDS) tolerance in grain amaranths involves multifactorial shifts in WDS-related responses
plant-biology 0.994 2.363 2017-06-02 Y Alkyl Gallates Display Elicitor Activities In Tobacco Plants
scientific-communication-and-education 0.997 1.232 2014-07-11 N A plea for evidence in ecosystem service science: a framework and its application
scientific-communication-and-education 0.995 1.352 2018-11-22 N Construction of an index system for big data application in health care enterprises: A study based on the Delphi method
scientific-communication-and-education 0.992 1.511 2018-12-03 Y Trends and projections of universal health coverage indicators in Ghana, 1995-2030: A national and subnational study
scientific-communication-and-education 0.989 1.761 2018-10-01 Y Adherence to the iDSI reference case among published cost-per-DALY averted studies
scientific-communication-and-education 0.987 1.771 2018-11-23 Y Evolution of international collaborative research efforts to develop non-Cochrane systematic reviews
scientific-communication-and-education 0.984 1.823 2019-07-01 N DENTAL CARIES AND ORAL HEALTH BEHAVIOR ASSESSMENT AMONG PORTUGUESE ADOLESCENTS
scientific-communication-and-education 0.981 1.955 2018-11-26 N Development of the Brief Personal Values Inventory for sense of values in the Japanese general population
scientific-communication-and-education 0.979 1.965 2014-10-08 Y An evidence assessment tool for ecosystem services and conservation studies
scientific-communication-and-education 0.976 2.306 2019-07-01 N Predicting long-term Type 2 Diabetes with Support Vector Machine using Oral Glucose Tolerance Test
scientific-communication-and-education 0.974 2.315 2018-06-01 Y Policy driven changes in animal research practices: mapping researchers’ attitudes towards animal-free innovations using the Netherlands as an example
synthetic-biology 0.998 0.965 2013-11-07 N Designing Robustness to Temperature in a Feedforward Loop Circuit
synthetic-biology 0.996 1.066 2014-03-02 N Complementation of a temperature sensitive Escherichia coli rpoD mutation using Lactobacillus sigma factors
synthetic-biology 0.994 1.171 2014-03-17 Y Hydrogen peroxide thermochemical oscillator as driver for primordial RNA replication
synthetic-biology 0.993 2.224 2014-10-08 N Recurrence-Based Information Processing in Gene Regulatory Networks
synthetic-biology 0.991 2.258 2013-12-02 Y Efficient Search, Mapping, and Optimization of Multi-protein Genetic Systems in Diverse Bacteria
synthetic-biology 0.989 2.355 2014-03-17 Y Rapidly characterizing the fast dynamics of RNA genetic circuitry with cell-free transcription-translation (TX-TL) systems
synthetic-biology 0.987 3.051 2013-11-15 Y Design and implementation of a synthetic biomolecular concentration tracker
synthetic-biology 0.985 3.267 2017-08-07 N Gossypol biosynthesis in cotton revealed through organ culture, plant grafting and gene expression profiling
synthetic-biology 0.983 3.543 2017-02-09 N Investigating circadian rhythmicity in pain sensitivity using a neural circuit model for spinal cord processing of pain
synthetic-biology 0.982 3.570 2017-05-14 N Expression Of Pokeweed Antiviral Protein Isoform S1 (PAP-S1) And Of Ricin-A-Chain/PAP-S1 Novel Fusion Protein (RTA/PAP-S1) In Escherichia coli And Their Comparative Inhibition Of Protein Synthesis In Vitro
systems-biology 0.999 0.813 2013-11-18 Y A structural classification of candidate oscillators and multistationary systems
systems-biology 0.999 0.835 2014-09-01 N Modelling reactions catalysed by carbohydrate-active enzymes
systems-biology 0.998 1.038 2013-11-14 Y A model of flux regulation in the cholesterol biosynthesis pathway: Immune mediated graduated flux reduction versus statin-like led stepped flux reduction
systems-biology 0.998 1.357 2014-05-09 N Mycoplasma stress response: adaptive regulation or broken brakes?
systems-biology 0.997 1.681 2017-06-02 N Deciphering Molecular Cascades In A Novel Acclimatization Strategy For Rapid Ascent To High Altitude
systems-biology 0.996 1.804 2018-10-01 N High content analysis methods enable high throughput nematode discovery screening for viability and movement behavior in a multiplex sample in response to natural product treatment.
systems-biology 0.996 2.100 2015-10-03 Y Mechanisms of blood homeostasis: lineage tracking and a neutral model of cell populations in rhesus macaque
systems-biology 0.995 2.185 2019-03-01 Y Operating regimes in a single enzymatic cascade at ensemble-level
systems-biology 0.994 2.197 2014-07-22 N Negative Feedback Facilitates Temperature Robustness in Biomolecular Circuit Dynamics
systems-biology 0.994 2.241 2015-10-14 Y An Effective Model of HL-60 Differentiation
zoology 0.996 1.565 2018-08-01 Y Moving in complex environments: a biomechanical analysis of locomotion on inclined and narrow substrates
zoology 0.993 1.588 2014-06-25 N The mandibular gland in Nasonia vitripennis (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae)
zoology 0.989 1.738 2014-06-13 N Mitochondrial DNA variation and structure among North American populations of Megaselia scalaris
zoology 0.985 1.837 2014-11-13 Y Recognition and identification of species in the Bombus lucorum-complex - A review and outlook
zoology 0.982 2.228 2014-08-14 Y The impact of radio-tags on Ruby-throated Hummingbirds (Archilochus colubris)
zoology 0.978 2.258 2018-06-04 Y Visual modelling supports the potential for prey detection by means of diurnal active photolocation in a small cryptobenthic fish
zoology 0.974 2.312 2015-10-16 Y Changes in the milk metabolome of the giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) with time after birth: Three phases in early lactation and progressive individual differences
zoology 0.971 2.500 2013-11-13 N Filling up the tree: considering the self-organization of avian roosting behavior
zoology 0.967 2.636 2015-10-16 N Blood circulation in the tunicate Corella inflata (Corellidae).
zoology 0.964 2.688 2018-08-13 N Co-invasion of the ladybird Harmonia axyridis and its parasites Hesperomyces virescens fungus and Parasitylenchus bifurcatus nematode to the Caucasus