Uses AI | 78.74% |
Does not use AI | 21.26% |
- The output the system produces is as good as that which a highly competent person could produce.
- I know what will happen the next time I use the system because I understand how it behaves.
- I believe the output of the the system even when I don't know for certAIn that it is correct.
- I have a personal preference for using such AI systems for my tasks.
- Overall, I trust the AI system I use.
There are 2 sets of these questions in the survey. The phrasing is slightly different, such that we can extrapolate trust from the non-usage group.
Distrust | 43 |
Neutral | 25 |
Trust | 59 |
Total | 127 |
Distrust% | 0.339 |
Neutral% | 0.196 |
Trust % | 0.465 |
Extrapolated from the mean of those 5 questions. If the mean was:
< 3
- distrust== 3
- neutral> 3
- trust
Removed - Using AI helps me when I am stuck while solving programming tasks.
Removed - Using AI makes me feel more confident about programming.
Removed - Overall, using AI has improved my motivation and engagement in programming/CS.
- Using AI helps me complete programming tasks.
- Using AI helps improve my knowledge about programming concepts.
Since this is a question AImed towards only those who have used AI. These questions are only concerning those who have used AI.
Using AI helps me complete programming tasks.
Median Answer: 4.0
5 12% Strongly Agree
4 52% Agree
3 26% Neutral
2 06% Disagree
1 04% Strongly Disagree
Using AI helps improve my knowledge about programming concepts.
Median Answer: 4.0
5 21% Strongly Agree
4 61% Agree
3 11% Neutral
2 05% Disagree
1 02% Strongly Disagree
Overall there tends to be a positive sentiment for AI tools helping when learning programming or completing tasks; with over 70% of participants reporting that programming AI improves their knowledge of programming concepts. On the opposite side, less than 10% suggest programming AI hinders them when learning programming concepts.
How do students perceive programming AI tools (overall positive/negative, skeptical, fear of losing jobs, etc.)?
This question is perfect for going through the open ended responses to see if there are any specific responses.
Removed - I have been encouraged to use AI tools.
Removed - Other people I know are using AI tools for programming tasks
Removed - I feel less like a real programmer when I use AI systems for programming. (Only for those who have used)
- Professionals use AI tools for programming tasks
- I worry that AI is going to replace programmers.
Professionals use AI tools for programming tasks
Median Answer: 3.0
5 07.09% Strongly Agree
4 37.01% Agree
3 42.52% Neutral
2 11.81% Disagree
1 01.57% Strongly Disagree
I worry that AI is going to replace programmers
Median Answer: 3.0
5 11.02% Strongly Agree
4 24.41% Agree
3 19.69% Neutral
2 31.50% Disagree
1 13.39% Strongly Disagree
AI vs Non-AI
==== AI ====
Professionals use AI tools for programming tasks
5 09.00% Strongly Agree
4 42.00% Agree
3 39.00% Neutral
2 08.00% Disagree
1 02.00% Strongly Disagree
Median of Professional: 4.0
I worry that AI is going to replace programmers
5 10.00% Strongly Agree
4 22.00% Agree
3 20.00% Neutral
2 33.00% Disagree
1 15.00% Strongly Disagree
Median of Worry: 3.0
==== NONAI ====
Professionals use AI tools for programming tasks
Median Answer: 3.0
4 18.52% Agree
3 55.56% Neutral
2 25.93% Disagree
I worry that AI is going to replace programmers
Median Answer: 3.0
5 14.81% Strongly Agree
4 33.33% Agree
3 18.52% Neutral
2 25.93% Disagree
1 07.41% Strongly Disagree
Overall there seems to be a positive perception of programming AI tools. There appears to be a difference between the groups that use AI and don't use AI. Those that don't use AI, tend to view using AI as less professional. They also worry are more likely to worry that AI is going to replace programmers.
Removed - I feel confident completing programming assignments when I am working with someone else (e.g., classmate).
Removed - I feel confident completing programming projects when I have someone to seek help from (e.g., tutor).
- I feel confident completing programming assignments by myself.
- I feel confident finding the steps to solve a programming assignment.
- I feel confident finding ways out when I am stuck on a programming problem.
Mean answer of each question on a 5 point likert scale:
Complete tasks alone | Finding steps to solve a problem | Finding ways out when they are stuck on a problem | |
Non-AI | 3.481481 | 3.740741 | 3.518519 |
AI-User | 3.555556 | 3.888889 | 3.767677 |
==== AI ====
Complete tasks alone
Median Answer: 4.0
5 15.15% Strongly Agree
4 47.47% Agree
3 19.19% Neutral
2 14.14% Disagree
1 04.04% Strongly Disagree
Finding steps to solve a problem
Median Answer: 4.0
5 22.22% Strongly Agree
4 52.53% Agree
3 19.19% Neutral
2 04.04% Disagree
1 02.02% Strongly Disagree
Finding ways out when they are stuck on a problem
Median Answer: 4.0
5 21.21% Strongly Agree
4 48.48% Agree
3 19.19% Neutral
2 08.08% Disagree
1 03.03% Strongly Disagree
==== NONAI ====
Complete tasks alone
Median Answer: 4.0
5 14.81% Strongly Agree
4 40.74% Agree
3 22.22% Neutral
2 22.22% Disagree
1 00.00% Strongly Disagree
Finding steps to solve a problem
Median Answer: 4.0
5 14.81% Strongly Agree
4 59.26% Agree
3 11.11% Neutral
2 14.81% Disagree
1 00.00% Strongly Disagree
Finding ways out when they are stuck on a problem
Median Answer: 4.0
4 37.04% Strongly Agree
3 25.93% Agree
5 18.52% Neutral
2 14.81% Disagree
1 03.70% Strongly Disagree
Overall the responses to confidence are positive; with more than 55% for any of the 3 questions being positive, regardless of whether they use AI or not. In fact there does not seem to be any difference on someones perception of their own programming abilities based on whether they use AI or not.