Day - 1: Docker -
What is docker? What is a Container?
Docker vs. Virtual Machine
Docker installation
Main commands
Debugging a Container
Developing with Containers
Docker Compose - Running multiple services
Dockerfile - Building own Docker image
Private Docker Repository (AWS)
Deploying the containerized App
Volumes - Persiting Data
Volumes demo
package, necessary dependencies and configuration
portable artifact, shared and moved
develop and deploy, more efficient
Container is made of images (linux image layer, ..., application image layer)
- Container repository (
Before containers: New projects -> install serivices (PostgresSQL, Redis, Node, ...) -> Many steps, version, OS
After containers: New projects -> install isolated environment, packaged with all needed configuration -> one command for one service
- Different between container and image
- CONTAINER Port vs HOST port
docker pull
(version tag)docker run
(-d, :version, -p)docker start
docker stop
docker ps
(-a)docker exec -it
(/bin/bash) (ls, cd, pwd, env, exit)docker logs
Docker network connect two containers (if their in the same network)
Restart container -> data is gone (using volumes for data persistence)
Using docker-compose file to structure command when using docker to run container (also it auto did the network stuff for you)
Adjust dockerfile -> rebuild the image
docker-compose up -d
docker rm
docker rmi
docker build
Docker private repository (on AWS ECR, AWS CLI, Credential configure)
Registry options
Image naming in docker registries (registryDomain/imageName:tag)
docker images
docker login
docker push
Add my-app image (project image) on the docker-compose file
change the MongoCLient.connect url to mongodb
should use Named Volume volumes when working with product
change from container affect host and vice versa (speicific file is configured in docker-compose
if using CLI)