- F5 client requests a token from a server:
- F5 server sends a token to a client:
<?xml version="1.0"?><data><token>1</token><version>2.0</version><redirect_url>/my.policy</redirect_url><max_client_data>16384</max_client_data></data>
- F5 client generates an XML with client parameters:
<hostname>dGVzdA==</hostname> // base64("test")
Actual string:
- then client generates some signature with 16 bytes size (HMAC-MD5 or a simple MD5) based on token and probably client's useragent. If token is spoofed to
, then the signature is4sY+pQd3zrQ5c2Fl5BwkBg==
(base64([16]byte("e2c63ea50777ceb439736165e41c2406"))) - both XML and signature are base64 encoded and put into parameters:
client_data = sprintf(str, "session=%s&device_info=%s&agent_result=%s&token=%s&signature=%s", "", base64(xml), "", token, signature)
- The client_data string generated above is also base64 encoded and then sent as a POST request to F5
post_request = sprintf(str, "client_data=%s", base64(client_data))