- Air quality data (2018-2024): Pre-generated data from EPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency).https://aqs.epa.gov/aqsweb/airdata/download_files.html
- Fine resolution AQ data: Air Quality System (AQS) API https://aqs.epa.gov/aqsweb/documents/data_api.html
- COPD data: National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network https://ephtracking.cdc.gov/DataExplorer/
- Demographic data: Census data from the Office for National Statistics. https://www.ons.gov.uk/census
- the StateFIPS for South Dakota is 46.
- Note seperate AQ data is not being used at this stage.
- check counties_data.csv for all 66 counties' name and code in South Dakota.
- Ignore AQ_cleaning_join copy.py and AQ_remane.py files. (wrong methods)
- EDA_COPD.py: national level ranking of COPD prevalence and annual trends.
- SouthDakota.py: State level.
--> didn't work as expected, need further investigation. One niticed issue: missing data from API source (i.e., not every single county in the state have AQ data per qtr)