All changes below here are by BahamutoD with the exception of my recompile.
v1.6.0 recompiled for 1.1.3 by westamastaflash
- 1.1 compat and path tool
- fix loading paths/deleting paths, fix deleting selected key
- set spatial blend to 3d audio
- Dogfight mode auto-resets when a new target is selected or active vessel is switched
- Auto targeting option with BDArmory AI pilot target
- Dogfight chase mode
- Autozoom margin slider
- Slight UI tweak
- Incremental buttons for manual offset
- Ability to save persistant settings
- Fixed part audio too loud when stationary
- Fixed inability to select auto position without unchecking manual position
- Stopped sonic boom being played when vessel breaks sound barrier after wavefront already passed camera
- Increased sonic boom volume
- Temporary fix for silent atmospheric audio when >~600m/s
- Atmospheric audio effects (toggleable)
- Camera shake (adjustable)
- 1.0+ Compatibility
- Manual camera position now persists after resetting camera
- Bind activate/reset key by recording instead of typing button name
- Camera no longer resets when pausing
- Added Orbit frame of reference
- Fixed issues with setting camera offset to vertically launching vehicles
- 0.25 update
- Added ability to set location -before- activating camera
- Fixed text fields in GUI (it won't fight you when entering negatives or decimals)
- Fixed Toolbar Icon
- Greatly reduced motion of stationary camera when vessel is accelerating/turning
- Initial release