So what is a program? It's something like this:
The basic job of a computer program is to process data. Even the most beautiful and interactive programs are just processing data behind the scenes. One of the biggest tricks to programming is figuring out how to model your problem using data so computer can help you solve the problem.
The programs you'll be studying in this module are focused on processing text data ("strings" in JavaScript). This is a good place to start because you are already used to reading and working with text so it shouldn't be too hard to understand what's happening inside the computer:
- The user inputs some text data into a pop-up.
- The program processes the data. (tracing!)
- Some new data is displayed to the user in a pop-up.
Later on you'll learn how to make better user interfaces than just a pop-up, but the main idea will remain the same: The user interface is just a human-friendly way for the user to interact with your program, the actual program is running behind the scenes processing their data and producing new data.
What is data? In the simplest sense, data is just information. This information can be represented or stored in many different ways. JavaScript has several data types, the one that matters most for now are strings. Strings are how JavaScript stores and manipulates text:
'use strict';
// strings are any text wrapped in quotation marks
console.log('this is a string');
// you can check type of some data using `typeof`
// you'll learn a lot more about this later
// for now just know that it's possible
console.log(typeof 'hello'); // "string"
console.log(typeof 5); // "number"
console.log(typeof '5'); // "string
// you can find the length of a string with `.length`
console.log('abc'.length); // 3
console.log('ab'.length); // 2
console.log('a'.length); // 1
console.log(''.length); // 0
// string concatenation:
// you can combine two strings using concatenation
console.log('a' + 'b' + 'c'); // 'abc'
You don't need to understand very much about JavaScript types for now, just that the programs in this folder are all processing text data represented in JavaScript by strings.
A very important skill to learn as a programmer is not being afraid of code you don't understand. There is always something you can understand and there is always a way to understand the rest. You aren't expected understand all the syntax in this folder just yet.
Instead focus on what you can understand about each program at a higher level, like in the diagram at the top of this README. For all of these examples and exercises try running the program many times inputting different data and seeing what comes out.
Practice explaining what is happening in each program using these terms:
- Program Behavior: You can answer these questions just by comparing inputs
and outputs! You don't need to read a single line of code:
- What does the program do?
- What happens to the user data, how is it transformed or processed in the program?
- Data In: What data does the program expect? Try to say this in a normal human sentence.
- Data Out: What data does the program expect? Try to say this in a normal human sentence.
- Test Cases: Specific examples of data that goes in and the data that comes out.
In the /examples
folder you will find a few programs with a comment describing
the behavior, data in and data out. Your challenge in /exercises
is to fill in the same information for new programs.
Be very careful about your formatting! Study the example comments closely and do your best to format yours exactly the same:
'use strict';
/* Program Title
Description of program's behavior.
Data In:
Describe the data that goes in.
Data Out:
Describe the data that comes out.
Test Cases:
'an example input' -> 'the matching output'
'another input' -> 'the other output'
// ... the rest of the code