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283 lines (219 loc) · 8.55 KB

File metadata and controls

283 lines (219 loc) · 8.55 KB


Nunjucks components and filters for building pages with hmpo-form-wizard


npm install [--save] hmpo-components;


const path = require('path');
const express = require('express');
const i18n = require('hmpo-i18n');
const hmpoComponents = require('hmpo-template-components');

let views = [
    path.resolve(__dirname, 'views'),
    path.resolve(__dirname, 'node_modules', 'hmpo-components', 'components'),
    path.resolve(__dirname, 'node_modules', 'govuk-frontend'),
    path.resolve(__dirname, 'node_modules', 'govuk-frontend', 'components')

let nunjucksEnv = nunjucks.configure(views, { express: app });
hmpoComponents.setup(app, nunjucksEnv);

app.set('view engine', 'html');

app.use(function (req, res) {

If rendering as part of an HMPO controller's middleware chain then the field configuration will automatically be set to res.locals.options.fields by the controller, and will be loaded from here by the components


Translation is performed using a req.translate local function, for example as provided by hmpo-i18n


Components can be called as macros:

{% from "hmpo-input/macro.njk" import hmpoInput %}
{% from "hmpo-submit/macro.njk" import hmpoSubmit %}

{{ hmpoInput(ctx, { id: "fieldId" }) }}
{{ hmpoSubmit(ctx, { key: "textKey" }) }}

Available form wizard components:

hmpoForm(ctx, params)
hmpoErrorGroup(ctx, params)
hmpoAutoSubmit(ctx, params)
hmpoSubmit(ctx, params)
hmpoCharacterCount(ctx, params)
hmpoCheckboxes(ctx, params);
hmpoDate(ctx, params)
hmpoNumber(ctx, params)
hmpoPhone(ctx, params)
hmpoRadios(ctx, params)
hmpoSelect(ctx, params)
hmpoText(ctx, params)
hmpoTextarea(ctx, params)

Field parameters

Most govuk-frontend parameters can be specified in the fields config, or supplied to the component directly. Label, hint, and legend text is loaded from localisation using a default key structure unless overridden.

  • label.key: overridden label key.
  • legend.key: overridden legend key.
  • hint.key: overridden hint key
  • items: Array of select box, radio, or checkbox options, or an Array of govuk item objects.
  • legend: Applicable to radio button controls, which are wrapped in a HTML fieldset with a legend element.

Other available components:


Deprecated form wizard components

hmpoCharsLeft(ctx, params)

Helper and formatting components:


Using hmpoCharacterCount and hmpoWordCount

hmpoCharacterCount will be replacing hmpoCharsLeft however for backwards compatability it will still be remaining. When using hmpoCharacterCount you will need specify a maxlength validator for the component in fields.js whereas for hmpoWordCount you will need to specify a maxwords validator. An example can be found below.

'my-character-count': {
        validate: [
            { type: 'maxlength', arguments: 10 }
'my-word-count': {
        validate: [
            { type: 'maxwords', arguments: 10 }

You may also want to add a translation for the component and that can be found below. You will need to keep %{count} as this is used by the govuk frontend component to parse the character/word count:

Messages in the validation object are required by default

"my-character-count": {
     (The keys bellow will allow translation of the hint text. %{count} is parsed by gds to show dynamic count)

     "textareaDescriptionText": "Enter up to %{count} characters" - shown, instead of dynamic count, to the user if javascript is disabled,
     "charactersUnderLimitText": {
        "one": "you have one char left" - shown when user has one characters left
        "other": "you have %{count} characters left" - shown when user has n characters left

      } - shown to user when they have n characters remaining

      "charactersAtLimitText": "you have 0 characters remaining" - shown when user has no characters left

      "charactersOverLimitText": {
        "one": "you have entered 1 character too many " - shown when user has one character over the limit
        "other": "you have %{count} characters too many" - shown when user has n. characters over the limit

     } - shown to user when they have exceed number of allowed characters

     validation: {
        "maxlength": "You can only enter up to {{maxlength}} characters" - required by default
"my-word-count": {
     (The keys bellow will allow translation of the hint text. %{count} is parsed by gds to show dynamic count)

     "textareaDescriptionText": "Enter up to %{count} chars" - shown, instead of dynamic count, to the user if javascript is disabled,

     "wordsUnderLimitText": {
        "one": "you have one word left" - shown when user has one word left
        "other": "you have %{count} wrods left" - shown when user has n words left

      } - shown to user when they have n words remaining

      "wordsAtLimitText": "you have 0 words remaining" - shown when user has no words left

      "wordsOverLimitText": {
        "one": "you have entered one word too many " - shown when user has one word over the limit
        "other": "you have %{count} words too many" - shown when user has n. words over the limit

     } - shown to user when they have exceed number of allowed words 

     validation: {
        "maxwords": "You can only enter up to {{maxwords}} words" - required by default



date filter

Dates should be provided a a format that moment can decode, such as ISO String format, moment object, or epoch milliseconds.

{{ "2017-06-03T12:34:56.000Z" | date }}
3 June 2017

A moment format can be supplied. The default format is D MMMM YYYY.

{{ "2017-06-3T12:34:56.000Z" | date("DD MMM YYYY HH:MMa") }}
03 Jun 2017 12:34pm

time filter

The time formatter wraps a formatted time to correct for GDS standard:

{{ "3:00pm" | time }}

{{ "11 May 2017 at 12:00pm" | time }}
11 May 2017 at midday

{{ "12:00am" | time }}

Options can be provided to only do transforms for midday, midnight, or shortened time:

{{ "12:00pm" | time({ short: true, midnight: true, midnight: false }) }}

Controller mixins

Use the controller mixins to extend the base wizard controller:

const BaseController = require('hmpo-form-wizard').Controller;
const DateControllerMixin = require('hmpo-components').mixins.Date;

const DateController = DateControllerMixin(BaseController);

class MyController extends DateController {    

DateController mixin

The DateController mixin adds day, month, and year fields for a YYYY-MM-DD date field so the hmpoDate component can be validated and processed properly.

The date field must use the date validator to use this functionality.

Additional validation errors can be produced and need localisation, for example:

"validation": {
    "date": "Enter a complete {{name}}",
    "date-year": "Enter a valid year",
    "date-month": "Enter a valid month",
    "date-day": "Enter a valid day",

    "required-day": "Enter a complete {{name}}",
    "required-month": "Enter a complete {{name}}",
    "required-year": "Enter a complete {{name}}",

    "numeric-year": "Enter a year using numbers only",
    "numeric-month": "Enter a month using numbers only",
    "numeric-day": "Enter a day using numbers only"

Breaking changes


  • The error summary now links to the form field causing the error instead of the error text div. You can add a field parameter to custom errors to an error to override the link.
  • The first item in a set of radio buttons or checkboxes will now have the id set to fieldname instead of fieldname-value.


  • This version should only be used with govuk-frontend >= 4. See the govuk-frontend changelog for other breaking changes.
  • Summary lists have the hmpo styling by default. this can be turned off with a css variable $hmpo-summary-list: false;
  • The hmpo small font styling is applied by default. This can be changed using the css variable $hmpo-text-size: "big";