ATTENTION: The new version can be found here. This will not be getting updates as the new one is a full rewrite.
NOTE: This was modified for personal use, however can be used for getting data of audio files.
vis.js is a modifcation of the version owned by caseif for the use of getting sound data for use on ROBLOX. This is a more speicalized version, and you should refer to the original if you are looking at this one.
If you want to reproduce these files, do the following:
1. Create a fork of this repositionary
2. Go into /index.html, replace both cases of TheNexusAvenger (lines 21 and 32) with your GitHub username
3. Go into /js/util/config.js and replace TheNexusAvenger (line 8) with your GitHub username
4. Go into /README.MD and replace both case of TheNexusAvenger in the links(lines 4 and 5) with your GitHub username
5. Keep the reference to the original under caseif. I just modified this, I didn't create it.
Note: This is meant to work with You may need to modify teh links further in steps 2-4 to work with your domain or changed repositionary name.
The output of this modification is a ModuleScript in a .rbxmx file, which returns a table with each frame sample and an ordered set of the positions of the bars (in practice, the max they reach is ~240-250). This is meant to be directly inserted into Roblox Studio. If you need to change this to another format, the file is created in /js/audio.loader.js, /js/audio/node_helper.js, and /js/visual.js.
(Following was not modified as it is still relevant)
✔️ Google Chrome
✔️ Microsoft Edge (minor issues but nothing huge)
at 2048, resulting in odd/glitchy spectrum behavior)
❌ Microsoft Internet Explorer (no support for the AudioNode API)
First and foremost, verify that you're using a supported browser as per the above section.
Spectrum is jittery/choppy
If the spectrum is jittery even though the framerate isn't dropping, you may need to reconfigure your system's audio settings. vis.js functions best at a sample rate of 44.1kHz. Higher rates may affect the visual quality of the spectrum.
"Could not get audio context! (Are you using IE?)"
The audio node could not be initialized because it is not supported by your browser. This is seen most commonly in Internet Explorer, which does not support the Audio API.
"Could not set optimal fftSize! This may look a bit weird..."
The audio node was not initialized properly. This might be resolved by using a different browser, although it may be a restriction caused by your system.
404 in console on local install when loading audio
vis.js needs a reverse proxy to be configured on the webserver in order to function due to Javascript restrictions. More specifically,
should point to
See the visualizer in action here.
Based on schisma/vis.