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1-to-1 Tutorial for Windows

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This tutorial enables you to quickly get started developing a Windows app with video chat. With this sample app you can:

  • Join and leave a channel
  • Mute and unmute audio
  • Enable or disable video


  • Visual Studio 2013 or higher
  • Windows 7 or higher

Quick Start

This section shows you how to prepare, build, and run the sample application.

Obtain an App ID

To build and run the sample application, get an App ID:

  1. Create a developer account at Once you finish the signup process, you will be redirected to the Dashboard.

  2. Navigate in the Dashboard tree on the left to Projects > Project List.

  3. Save the App ID from the Dashboard for later use.

  4. Generate a temp Access Token (valid for 24 hours) from dashboard page with given channel name, save for later use.

  5. Define the APP_ID with your App ID.

    #define APP_ID _T("Your App ID")

Integrate the Agora Video SDK

  1. Download the Agora Video SDK from SDK. Unzip the downloaded SDK package and copy the sdk to the AgoraTutorial folder in project(the old one may be over written.
  2. Open AgoraTutorial.sln, build the solution and run.



The MIT License (MIT)