A User Interface for Glow dapps on Blockchain Networks.
First, Install Glow. You currently also need a working Gerbil scheme installation.
Then install the gerbil package.
gxpkg install github.com/drewc/gloui
Now run the server.
gxi -e "(import :mukn/gloui/gloui)" -e '(start-server!)' -e '(display "started GloUI Server\n")' -
With the server running, head over to http://localhost:6741 wait 30 seconds or so for it to load. Done!
quasar dev
quasar build
See Configuring quasar.conf.js.
So, to tangle code in emacs, org-babel-tangle-file
is the function, and the
interactive org-babel-tangle (C-c C-v C-t)
is of good use if you happen to
use emacs as your editor.
(import :std/misc/process)
;; # Change to where this file lives
;; cd "$(dirname "$0")"
(def srcdir (path-normalize (path-directory (this-source-file))))
(def source-of-source
;; # Use Emacs to tangle the files.
;; tangle() {
;; emacs --batch -l org --eval "(org-babel-tangle-file \"$1\")"
;; }
(def (tangle srcdir file)
(run-process ["emacs" "--batch" "-l" "org" "--eval"
(string-append" (print (org-babel-tangle-file \""file"\"))")]
directory: srcdir)))
;; # Tangle the files!
(for-each (cut tangle srcdir <>) source-of-source)