The listed tests, except for JS- and R-Client, have only been developed by using github actions. A local execution of single test classes only took place on a limited scale, so just the correct execution of tests via the github actions can be guaranteed. Although there should not be a general problem, when trying to set up these test scenarios locally with the given data in this repository or with dynamically generated data within the actions. For setting up JS- and R-Client testscenarios locally, follow instructions below.
pytest is used as a testing framework
- Testdata for the unittests is provided by the development teams that wrote the tests
- Testdata for the end-to-end tests is located within the python scripts for checking SST and NDVI/SENTINEL processes.
- Testdata for the backend-validator is located in the BackendValidator directory in this repository in json-format.
- The repositories of the Microservices (submodules of this repository) contain test folders with Python-Files, which include Unittests
- These commands can be executed using the command
- Unittests are written by the responsible developerteams and are only checked and optimized by the testing team
- These commands can be executed using the command
- End-to-end Tests run with docker-compose and test the communication between microservices by executing multiple HTTP-Requests to different endpoints of multiple services
- e2e-Tests are written by the testing team and are deployed in the TestRepo in and
- Downloaded files, for both NDVI and SST cases, are copied from the database containers subdirectories to the actions running machine. Then, two test files, xr_ndvi and xr_sst, are executed, that check the downloaded files for correctness.
The OpenEO Backend-Validator can be used to assess the Open-EO conformity of our Backend by referring to a dynamically by the action created config.json.
In order to check, if the backend is able to communicate with JS- and R-environments, the openEO JS-Client and the openEO R-Client have been developed. These have been included into our test-environment.
The test methods listed above are integrated in Continuous Integration through Github Actions
As a Linting-Tool we use flake8 to check for correct Python Syntax
The Unittest-Workflow runs by schedule three times a day, as well as on certain events like pull-requests
- The Unittest-Workflow depends on the Update-Submodules Workflow, which ensures that all submodules are up to date and the latest requirements can be installed
- The Unittest-Workflow also hands back a coverage report regarding the Testcoverage by using the pytest-plugin pytest-cov
- If the Unittest-Workflow fails, the responsible development teams receive an email, so that they can fix the problem that occured
In the End to End Workflow End-to-End Tests are executed
- In addition to the end to end tests that cover the final implementation, we also provided end to end tests based on the implementation of demo 5
In the Backend-Validator Workflow the openEO backend validator is installed and tests for openEO Conformity by schedule three times a day as well
- If the Backend-Validator workflow fails, the responsible developer teams receive an email, so that they can fix the problem that occured
In the R-Client Workflow a connection to our backend is established using the openEO R-Client. Additionally a test suite is executed.
In the JS-Client Workflow a connection to our backend is established using the openEO JS-Client. A js-script checks for the correct number of collections and processes provided by the backend.
- In order to connect to our Backend with the openEO R-Client locally, please follow these Instructions:
- Execute the command
git clone
- Execute the command
docker-compose up
- In RStudio or RConsole execute this Skript, which also contains a Test Suite
- Execute the command
- In order to connect to our Backend with the openEO JS-Client locally, please follow these Instructions:
- Execute the command
git clone
- Execute the command
docker-compose up
- Navigate into the js-client folder
- Open the html file. After 5 seconds you will be able to see the evaluated test results.
- Execute the command
- For the R-Client testthat is used as a testing framework
- For the JS-Client QUnit is used as a testing framework