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File metadata and controls

191 lines (133 loc) · 19.5 KB


npm (scoped) npm

This module defines tasks to persist the output of other tasks (namely, entities extending the base Record model). Concretely, it includes:

  • A local, document-based store for entities meeting the Record interface.
  • Optional one-way data synchronization of the local records store to any external store (e.g., a remote backend).
  • The possibility to query and observe updates on the records stored locally.
  • Ready-to-use data exporters to dump the stored records to JSON and CSV files.
  • A generic data store class to define entity-specific persistence stores, for data models that don't meet the Record specification.

This plugin has been built as a wrapper of Triniwiz's NativeScript Couchbase plugin, adapted to work with the records and the task model of the AwarNS Framework.

Install the plugin using the following command line instruction:

ns plugin add @awarns/persistence


After installing and configuring this plugin, you'll be granted with two interaction mechanisms to work with it:

  1. The plugin API. Through it, you'll be able to manage the stored records, query them and export them using the most common information exchange formats.
  2. A task to write Record interface-compliant entities, which allows to persist one or more records locally (with optional one-way server synchronization), to later query and/or export them.


This plugin requires you to register its loader during the framework initialization, like this:

// ... platform imports
import { awarns } from '@awarns/core';
import { demoTasks } from '../tasks';
import { demoTaskGraph } from '../graph';
import { registerPersistencePlugin } from '@awarns/persistence';

import { externalRecordsStore } from './external-store';

        externalRecordsStore: externalRecordsStore,
        oldRecordsMaxAgeHours: 7 * 24 // 1 week
  // ... handle initialization promise

Plugin loader config parameter options:

Property Type Description
externalRecordsStore RecordsStore (Optional) Inject an adapter to an external records store and enable one-way synchronization of the stored records. The table below describes the methods that this adapter needs to implement
oldRecordsMaxAgeHours number (Optional) Tell the plugin to regularly cleanup old local records. By default, all records are kept

RecordsStore (external)

Method Return type Description
insert(record: Record) Promise<void> Persist the given record. Throw an error if something goes wrong. The write will be retried during the next app initialization

Due to that, for now, this plugin only supports one-way synchronization, the rest of the methods are meant for future use and don't need to be implemented at the moment. You can throw unimplemented errors inside them, so that you can more easily recognize when they start being used in future versions.


The API of this plugin can be classified in 3 groups: records' storage, data exporters and custom data stores.

Records storage


In the records' storage group, there is the recordsStore singleton object, with the following methods:

Method Return type Description
insert(record: Record) Promise<void> Persist the given record. On success, if provided during plugin initialization, it will try to automatically synchronize the new record to the external store
getAll(reverseOrder?: boolean, limitSize?: number) Promise<Array<Record>> Allows to retrieve the current latest (by default) or first records, optionally limiting the resulting list in size
list(size?: number) Observable<Record> Allows to observe the "n" most recent records, where "n" is determined by the value given to the size parameter. By default, size is 100
listBy(recordType: string, order: 'asc' | 'desc', conditions?: Array) Observable<Array<Record>> Allows to observe all the records of a given type. The sorting of the records can be controlled using the order parameter. The default order is last records come first (desc). It is possible to filter the resulting records by one or more FetchConditions
listLast(recordType: string, conditions?: Array<FetchCondition>) Observable<Record> Allows to obtain updates on the last record of a given type. It is possible to filter the resulting records by one or more FetchConditions
listLastGroupedBy(recordType: string, groupByProperty: string, conditions?: Array<FetchCondition>) Observable<Array<Record>> Allows to obtain updates on the latest records of a given type, grouped by the unique values of a certain property. Property grouping allows nested property paths using the dot (.) character, e.g., property.nestedProperty. It is possible to filter the resulting records by one or more FetchConditions
deleteBy(recordType: string) Promise<void> Allows to delete all the stored records of a given type from the local database
clear() Promise<void> Allows to clear all the stored records from the local database. Use with care! To only remove old records, configure the oldRecordsMaxAgeHours option during plugin initialization
changes (property) Observable<Array<string>> Listen to this observable property to know when a record has been created. It propagates updates on the ids of the records that have been recently stored

Note: It is recommended to install RxJS, to operate with the methods that return an Observable.

Property Type Description
property string The path to the property where the condition will be applied. Works with nested property paths too, using the dot (.) character, e.g., property.nestedProperty
comparison '=' The comparison operation to apply over the property values. At the moment, only property equality (=) is supported
value unknown The value to use in the comparison. At the moment, comparing complex objects is not supported

Data exporters


In the data exporters group, there is the createRecordsExporter() function, with the following parameters:

Parameter Type Description
folder Folder System folder object. Use NativeScript FileSystem API to define where the exports file will be saved
format 'csv' | 'json' Select the information exchange format to use. Defaults to csv
options RecordsExporterOptions (Optional) Object containing export options such as the file name to use for the exports file, or the type of records to include in the exports
Parameter Type Description
fileName string (Optional) Specify the file name to use for the exports file (without extension). Defaults to current date and time
recordTypes string[] (Optional) Specify the types of records to export

The createRecordsExporter() returns an Exporter object.

Method Return type Description
export() Promise<ExportResult> Tell the exporter to export the records, and save them inside to the configured exports file. Returns an ExportResult once done
Property Return type Description
exportCount number The amount of records that have been exported
fileName string The name of the exports file that has been saved

Custom data stores


In the final group, the custom data stores, the core entity is the generic AwarnsStore class. Each AwarnStore has the following methods (replace the T with the concrete entity type being stored):

Method Return type Description
AwarnsStore(docType: string, serialize: (entity: T) => unknown, deserialize: (doc: unknown) => T) AwarnsStore Creates a new AwarnsStore instance. Takes as parameters: a string to uniquely identify the type of the entity being stored, an entity serialization function and an entity deserialization function
create(entity: T, id?: string) Promise<string> Inserts a new entity into the store. Optionally, an id can be provided. When not provided, an UUID will be generated. On success, returns the id of the newly stored entity
insert(entities: Array<T>, id?: string) Promise<Array<string>> Bulk-inserts multiple entities into the store. On success, returns an array with the id of the newly stored entities (the order is kept)
get(id: string) Promise<T> Searches for an entity using the given id
fetch(q?: Query) Promise<Array<T>> Grants access to the more advanced underlying query interface. Provides the same API as the underlying Couchbase Lite DB query() method
update(id: string, props: unknown) Promise<void> Updates an existing entity with the given id, using the provided properties. Only overrides the values of the given properties
delete(id: string) Promise<void> Deletes an existing entity with the given id
clear() Promise<void> Clears all the entities stored in this concrete AwarnsStore. This is, all the entities that share the same docType value. To clear all the records from all the stores see the clearAwarnsDB() function next

Inside the same group, there exists the clearAwarnsDB() function. Use this function to clear EVERYTHING persisted by this plugin. This is, the local records' database and any custom store created using an AwarnsStore instance. This function returns a Promise to inform about when the process has finished.


Task name Description
writeRecords Persists, inside the local records' database, one or more records contained in the invocation event's payload. If specified at plugin initialization time, it will also try to remotely synchronize the newly stored records. If the process fails, it will be retried during the next application start

Persist records

To register this task for its use, you just need to import it and call its generator function inside your application's task list:

import { Task } from '@awarns/core/tasks';
import { writeRecordsTask } from '@awarns/persistence';

export const demoTasks: Array<Task> = [

Task generator parameters:

The task generator takes no parameters.

Task event output:

  • writeRecordsFinished (default, no content)

Example usage in the application task graph:

This task is not meant to be used alone, check the docs of any other framework plugin of your choice to see how this task can be used with others. Some examples exist in the battery, human activity and geolocation packages, to name a few


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