Source file ../contracts/MakerDAOETHUSDPriceFeedSimulator.sol.
// BK Ok - This is only for testing MakerDAO's 0x729D... contract on Mainnet
pragma solidity ^0.4.25;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// BokkyPooBah's MakerDAO's "pip" PriceFeed Simulator for testing
// Used to simulate the MakerDAO ETH/USD pricefeed on the Ethereum mainnet at
// Enjoy. (c) BokkyPooBah / Bok Consulting Pty Ltd 2018. The MIT Licence.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// BK Ok
import "Owned.sol";
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Pricefeed with interface compatible with MakerDAO's "pip" PriceFeed
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// BK Ok
contract MakerDAOETHUSDPriceFeedSimulator is Owned {
// BK Next 2 Ok
uint public value;
bool public hasValue;
// BK Ok - Event
event SetValue(uint oldValue, bool oldHasValue, uint newValue, bool newHasValue);
// BK Ok - Constructor
constructor(uint _value, bool _hasValue) public {
// BK Ok - Initisalisation done
// BK Next 2 Ok
value = _value;
hasValue = _hasValue;
// BK Ok - Log event
emit SetValue(0, false, value, hasValue);
// BK Ok - Only owner can execute
function setValue(uint _value, bool _hasValue) public onlyOwner {
// BK Ok - Log event
emit SetValue(value, hasValue, _value, _hasValue);
// BK Next 2 Ok
value = _value;
hasValue = _hasValue;
// BK Ok - View function, matches `function peek() constant returns (bytes32, bool)` from MakerDAO 0x729D...
function peek() public view returns (bytes32 _value, bool _hasValue) {
// BK Next 2 Ok
_value = bytes32(value);
_hasValue = hasValue;