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Peter Robinson edited this page Jun 1, 2020 · 85 revisions

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We've moved!

All torque engines have moved to a new organization, Torque Game Engines. It can be found at This repository will not be updated. We encourage you to use the new repository instead of this one. Thank you!

Torque 2D is an extremely powerful, flexible, and fast open-source engine dedicated to 2D game development. Used in hundreds of professional games, Torque 2D was developed as a cross platform solution supporting a wide variety of devices on Windows, OS X, Linux, iOS, Android, and web platforms. It includes an OpenGL batched rendering system, Box2D physics, the TorqueScript scripting language, audio, animation, asset management, a team-oriented modular project structure, and much more... read more...





Torque 2D Engine References


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