Kubebuilder makes use of a tool called controller-gen for generating utility code and Kubernetes YAML. This code and config generation is controlled by the presence of special "marker comments" in Go code.
Markers are single-line comments that start with a plus, followed by a marker name, optionally followed by some marker specific configuration:
// +kubebuilder:validation:Optional
// +kubebuilder:validation:MaxItems=2
// +kubebuilder:printcolumn:JSONPath=".status.replicas",name=Replicas,type=string
Controller-gen supports both (see the output of controller-gen crd -www
). +kubebuilder:validation:Optional
and +optional
can be applied to fields.
But +kubebuilder:validation:Optional
can also be applied at the package level such that it applies to every field in the package.
If you're using controller-gen only then they're redundant, but if you're using other generators or you want developers that need to build their own clients for your API, you'll want to also include +optional
The most reliable way in 1.x to get +optional
is omitempty
See each subsection for information about different types of code and YAML generation.
Kubebuilder projects have two make
targets that make use of
make manifests
generates Kubernetes object YAML, like CustomResourceDefinitions, WebhookConfigurations, and RBAC roles. -
make generate
generates code, like runtime.Object/DeepCopy implementations.
See Generating CRDs for a comprehensive overview.
Exact syntax is described in the godocs for controller-tools.
In general, markers may either be:
Empty (
): empty markers are like boolean flags on the command line -- just specifying them enables some behavior. -
Anonymous (
): anonymous markers take a single value as their argument. -
Multi-option (
): multi-option markers take one or more named arguments. The first argument is separated from the name by a colon, and latter arguments are comma-separated. Order of arguments doesn't matter. Some arguments may be optional.
Marker arguments may be strings, ints, bools, slices, or maps thereof. Strings, ints, and bools follow their Go syntax:
// +kubebuilder:validation:ExclusiveMaximum=false
// +kubebuilder:validation:Format="date-time"
// +kubebuilder:validation:Maximum=42
For convenience, in simple cases the quotes may be omitted from strings, although this is not encouraged for anything other than single-word strings:
// +kubebuilder:validation:Type=string
Slices may be specified either by surrounding them with curly braces and separating with commas:
// +kubebuilder:webhooks:Enum={"crackers, Gromit, we forgot the crackers!","not even wensleydale?"}
or, in simple cases, by separating with semicolons:
// +kubebuilder:validation:Enum=Wallace;Gromit;Chicken
Maps are specified with string keys and values of any type (effectively
). A map is surrounded by curly braces ({}
each key and value is separated by a colon (:
), and each key-value
pair is separated by a comma:
// +kubebuilder:default={magic: {numero: 42, stringified: forty-two}}