This project propose an architecture for saving sqs messages into S3 in a JSON format. It does that using AWS Lambda and all the components are initiated with terraform.
- Create the lambda zip for deploy and custom layer.
$ cd infra/custom_layers/sqs_s3/
$ bash
$ cd ../../lambdas/
$ bash
- Initiate the terrafrom
$ cd ../
$ terraform init
$ terraform apply
All the paramters are passed to the function as payload in JSON format
- sqs_name = Name of the sqs queue
- db = sufix for saving into s3
- table = sufix for saving into s3
- s3_bucket_and_folder = bucket where the data will be saved
- partition = sufix for saving into s3
Final format on S3:
aws lambda invoke \
--cli-binary-format raw-in-base64-out \
--function-name sqs_to_s3 \
--invocation-type RequestResponse \
--payload '{ "sqs_name":"poc-lambdas3", "db":"database-test", "table":"tabela_imaginaria", "s3_bucket_and_folder":"s3://test-glue-create-table-terraform-8888/teste_dirr/", "partition":"20-09-2021" }' \
Terraform code of the aws components.
Code of the lambda functions.
Code of the custom layers.
Terraform has the limitation of not updating layers or lambda functions if no terraform code has change (e.g: you update your lambda code, but there is no TF update) in this case the terraform apply will not see this trigger.
This is an oppen issue and there is two workarounds:
- Do a terraform destroy and then a terraform apply
- Create a aws cli just to update the lambda and layer