There is not much to say about this demo as custom intersection is already detailed in this other demo.
One difference compared to the previous demo is that we use 2 custom functions:
std::vector<hiprtFuncNameSet> funcNameSets( GeomTypesCount );
funcNameSets[SphereTypeIndex].intersectFuncName = "intersectSphere";
funcNameSets[CircleTypeIndex].intersectFuncName = "intersectCircle";
we use the same intersectSphere
than in the previous demo, but we also introduce this new intersectCircle
custom intersection:
// check if there is a hit before ray.maxT. if there is, set it to tOut. hiprt will overwrite ray.maxT after this function
__device__ bool intersectCircle( const hiprtRay& ray, const void* data, void* payload, hiprtHit& hit )
const float4* o = reinterpret_cast<const float4*>( data );
float2 c = make_float2( o[hit.primID].x, o[hit.primID].y );
const float r = o[hit.primID].w;
c.x = c.x - ray.origin.x;
c.y = c.y - ray.origin.y;
float d = sqrtf( c.x * c.x + c.y * c.y );
bool hasHit = d < r;
if ( !hasHit ) return false;
hit.normal = normalize( make_float3( d, d, d ) );
return true;
Note that we now have 2 geomType
constexpr uint32_t SphereTypeIndex = 0;
constexpr uint32_t CircleTypeIndex = 1;
Another difference is that in this demo, we use a hiprtScene
, so in the kernel, we have to use hiprtSceneTraversalClosest
instead of hiprtGeomCustomTraversalClosest
, as explained in the demo introducing the hiprtScene.