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Testing Guide

tristan-orourke edited this page Oct 20, 2020 · 5 revisions

Testing Guide

This page will help you write and run automated tests, as well as help you decide what to test.

We currently use three testing frameworks:

  • PHPUnit, for unit tests and feature tests of php code (the Laravel backend)
  • Jest, for unit tests of typescript code (React frontend)
  • TestCafe, for browser tests that interact with pages like a user would


PHPUnit uses environment variables from the .env.travis file. Before running tests, you must create the testing database with the command psql -U talentcloud -c "create database testing with owner talentcloud".

You can run tests from the project folder with the command vendor/bin/phpunit. You may find the following options useful:

  • --no-coverage: skips outputting testing coverage data. Keeps terminal output cleaner when you only want to know which tests failed.
  • --filter <Name of file or function>: runs only tests that match the given string.

To be continued...