Android application for working with Nunaliit atlas data while offline.
In development:
- sync documents to Android device (version 6 or higher) while online
- add, edit, and delete documents
- record and attach multimedia to documents
- insert device location into documents
- submit new and modified documents to atlas submissions database when online
Near future features:
- Filter document list by schema type
- Sort document list alphabetically, chronologically, by proximity to device
- Search documents
- Backup app data to SDCard
- Restore app data from SDCard
Wish list:
- online map view
- offline-capable map view
After cloning you must build nunaliit2.
- The nunaliit2 project is referenced as a git submodule and needs to be cloned separately after cloning the Android project repo:
git submodule init && git submodule update
- Then the nunaliit2-js and nunaliit2-js-external components need to be built (requires maven):
cd nunaliit2 && mvn clean install
cd nunaliit2-js && mvn package
cd ../nunaliit2-js-external && mvn package
After doing the above steps you should have the entrypoint script used by the Android app's webview, nunaliit2-debug.js, and be able to build & run it in Android Studio.
git fetch
git pull origin master
git submodule update
cd nunaliit2 && mvn clean install
Possible pitfalls:
If Android Studio won't run the app and asks to select an Android SDK, you may need to select Tools -> Android -> Sync Project with Gradle Files.
If the app runs but the webview fails to load the nunaliit2 interface, you may have skipped steps above.
If Android Studio gives warnings such as
Warning: License for package Android SDK Build-Tools 27.0.3 not accepted.
, you will need to download the version that is missing. Go to the menu Android Studio > Preferences and open Appearance & Behaviour > System Settings > Android SDK. Check off the missing versions and click OK.
Plugins must be added manually and cannot use the CLI. To do so:
- Download Plugin from the github.
- Add the java source files to app/java/
- Using the plugin.xml as a reference, update: app/src/main/res/xml/config.xml, app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml, and app/src/main/assets/www/cordova_plugins.js.
- Add plugin js code to app/src/main/assets/www/plugins/
- If the plugin js files depend on
global variables, wrap the code with : cordova.define("", function(require, exports, module) { // plugin code... // "" must match the name given in app/src/main/assets/www/cordova_plugins.js }); - Cross your fingers and use Chrome's device console to debug issues. (chrome://inspect/#devices)