Releases: FromDoppler/doppler-webapp
Releases · FromDoppler/doppler-webapp
1.0.0 (2019-05-24)
Bug Fixes
- cdn: allow using index in any CDN folder (46e4e70)
- docker: add hot reload to watch script (f815506)
- docker: move comment up (46be52c)
- localization: avoid transform input date based on client timezone (48ef37f)
- localization: translate loading text (b2263a2)
- localization: translate placeholder text (e1a2d48)
- localization: use user's session language (d05f9b2)
- login: send complete WebApp URL to Doppler login (c0c9c8e)
- session: make HeaderData parsing more robust (0239bf1)
- style: fix background in signup confirmation page (c62d755)
- accept null verification dates (6520cb2)
- add help button to trial activation page in Spanish (aaf6d5a)
- add id attributes to fields to "fix label" for behavior (c7df552)
- add includes pollyfill (ee933f7)
- add missing behavior when domain list is empty (2fcf4a7)
- add Promise pollyfill (52c8f69)
- add react intl pluralization handling for plurals (e1673ed)
- add right classes for error message (0422c9b)
- add some patches for recaptcha in IE11 and maybe Edge (5dd6404)
- add support to weird real scenarios (929c14a)
- add utm parameters in signup copyright message link (444e3d8)
- apply changes based on feedback on #182 (adbe9f6)
- avoid dead-end when user closes captcha challenge window (5bb4208)
- button styles (cf9afa5)
- change class by className to avoid JSX error (6aaeb45)
- change forgot password email placeholder and remove content (23ff118)
- change of alphabetical order (d2e374b)
- change SendRegistrationEmail URL (756cfd0)
- disabled all pages dropdown (eb63220)
- do not add password property to error when password is fine (cc09be9)
- do not show required message for check required checkboxes (8743bc5)
- do not update session status before redirecting to login (10b396e)
- favicon and title (fb6eb5e)
- fech visits when user data update (deef3f2)
- fix data mapping after call SendUpgradePlanContactEmail/GetUpgradePlanData (799467d)
- fix email validation (6d151ed)
- fix legales URL in Spanish (8d6ac6d)
- fix login button content (0394982)
- fix Login page refresh refactoring this page as function in place of class (96b4dfd)
- fix types in Datahub data and localization of verification date (2c96040)
- fix validateRequiredField to also accept 0 (c806894)
- footer privacy link (d86ce5c)
- header client manager (d17ead6)
- header messages tests (51aa4aa)
- header prepaid plan buy credits (95a7811)
- include captcha token in login (186a4a7)
- include doppler logo (31bdefa)
- issues with line-height and font declaration specificity (2508934)
- issues with user menu (848254e)
- link to (almost) right URL in Page Ranking (7c387c0)
- localize "loading..." literal (a0541ed)
- logo in signup confirmation (47429c0)
- make DopplerIntlProvider robust in case of receiving unexpected language (95ffe5e)
- minor fixes in locales (a8d9e5f)
- minor typo in content (7786d9f)
- mobile menu (fa8e3c2)
- normalize Password word in uppercase (83cc578)
- normalize recaptcha legals in all public pages (1166ddd)
- not allow dot before @ (07cd0ca)
- Privacy Policy & Legals (dbcdb34)
- Recaptcha in terms and conditioons (886065d)
- recaptcha links should be colored as default text (fdabaf7)
- refactor loading spinners (6ec5eca)
- refactor password into two components one with validation for signup and the regular for login (606f4c3)
- refactor password validation into validations common file (0816c3e)
- refactor, change component name and add success validation. (73f2b26)
- remove auxiliar in "Forgot your Password" question (3363ae0)
- remove key from IntlProvider because it force completely state lost when language changes (d593ab8)
- remove link to not implemented feature "forgot password" (3765235)
- remove loading from spinner word when the app (and language) is not loaded yet (b6261c0)
- remove not implemented action "Verify domain again" (e197911)
- remove redundant line ending in legal notes (a828706)
- remove text content in loading component (bb1252a)
- remove wrong code related to cancel requests on unmounting components (ecf4ef4)
- rename accountNotValidated error flag (925076e)
- rename registerUser payload fields (3fdd376)
- reports page ranking test (d6730ab)
- restore email required validation in signup (20b55bb)
- sanitize navigator language before using it in the app (95246c6)
- select first item by default (45d209f)
- support email in Spanish (a887eaa)
- transalate validation error message (f490542)
- trying with polyfill (fbf72f2)
- ty...