Introduction to computing principles and programming practices with an emphasis on the design, construction and implementation of problem solutions use of software tools.
- To understand the basic concepts of computer programming in a high-level language.
- To be able to use and combine control flow constructs to form useful programs.
- To understand and become familiar with a number of simple data structures.
- To understand the process and skills necessary to effectively deal with problem solving in relation to writing programs.
- To be able to test and debug programs.
- To understand and employ functions and modularity.
- Through labs become comfortable with common software packages in use today.
- Homework 01 - Functions and Expressions
- Homework 02 - Conditionals
- Homework 03 - Iteration
- Homework 04 - Strings, Indexing, & Lists
- Homework 07 - File I/O & CSV
- Homework 08 - APIs
- Homework 09 - Recursion
- Homework 10 - Object Oriented Programming
- Homework EC - Extra Credit