This repo is all the code written for 1322L's problem sets. I figured it would be easier to keep track of all my code for the course if I dropped it on GitHub. So here it is. Live List of Problem Sets. Live Rules of KSU Pseudocode.
The second course in computer science provides coverage of more advanced topics of object-oriented programming. This includes the use of static variables and classes, multi-dimensional arrays, inheritance and polymorphism, text files and exception handling, recursion, and parameterized types. Elementary data structures (linked lists, stacks, and queues) are introduced to solve application problems. Graphical user interfaces and event driven programming are also introduced.
- Lab 3 - OOP and Inheritance
- Lab 4 - Abstract Classes and Interfaces
- Assignment 2A and 2B - PDF
- Lab 5 - GUI
- Lab 6 - GUI and Strings
- Assignment 3 - Coding Assignment
- Lab 7 - Recursion
- Lab 8 - Recursion II
- Assignment 4 - PDF
- Lab 9 - ArrayLists and Linked Lists
- Lab 10 - Stacks and Queues
- Assignment 5B - Coding Assignment
- Lab 11 - Exceptions (turned in)
- Lab 12 - File I/O (turned in)
- Assignment 6B - Coding Assignment | Zipped up text file (turned in)
- Lab 14 - Parallelism | (turned in)
- Assignment 7B - Coding Assignment (turned in)