status | flip | authors | sponsor | updated |
implemented |
217 |
Daniel Sainati ([email protected]) |
Daniel Sainati ([email protected]) |
2023-10-24 |
This FLIP proposes to remove the ability for attachments to require
entitlements to their base
to remove a foot-gun from the language, and replace it with a per-function entitlement inference for
the base
and self
variables in attachments.
Currently, attachments present a major foot-gun with respect to their interaction with entitlements.
In particular, it is possible to authorize an attachment to some entitlement, and then use that to obtain access
to the attachment's base value. While this is safe in and of itself, if a value with attachments is transferred
to another user, the attachments on that value are transferred as well and may contain attachments with entitlements
that the user is not expecting.
Consider the following example, in which an attachment is used to backdoor a resource:
// standard code
access(all) entitlement Withdraw
access(all) entitlement Deposit
access(all) resource Vault {
access(all) var balance: UFix64
init(balance: UFix64) {
self.balance = balance
access(Withdraw) fun withdraw(amount: UFix64): @Vault {
self.balance = self.balance - amount
return <-create Vault(balance: amount)
access(Deposit) fun deposit(from: @Vault) {
self.balance = self.balance + from.balance
from.balance = 0.0
destroy from
// Victim code starts - designed without thinking about attachments
access(all) resource Company {
access(self) var vault: @Vault
init(incorporationEquity: @Vault) {
pre {
incorporationEquity.balance >= 100.0
self.vault <- incorporationEquity
access(all) fun getDepositOnlyReference(): auth(Deposit) &Vault {
return &self.vault as auth(Deposit) &Vault
// Victim code ends
access(all) attachment Backdoor for Vault {
require entitlement Withdraw
access(all) fun sneakyWithdraw(amount: UFix64): @Vault {
return <- base.withdraw(amount: amount)
access(all) fun main(): UFix64 {
let backdooredVault <- attach Backdoor() to (<- create Vault(balance: 100.0)) with (Withdraw)
let c <- create Company(incorporationEquity: <- backdooredVault)
var ref = c.getDepositOnlyReference()
// The following would fail because we only have a Deposit entitlement
// var x <- ref.withdraw(amount: ref.balance)
// Luckily we have backdoored the underlying vault so we can do this:
var x <- ref[Backdoor]!.sneakyWithdraw(amount: ref.balance)
var amountOfFundsStolen = x.balance
destroy x
destroy c
return amountOfFundsStolen
In this code sample, a resource that wraps a vault is vulnerable to backdooring via an attachment.
A malicious attachment author, as in this example, could write an attachment that requires the ability to Withdraw
from its base Vault
attach it to this Vault
, and then provide that input Vault
to someone else's resource without that other person knowing that the Vault
is compromised. The only way for the author of the Company
resource in this example to defend against this attack is for them to "sanitize" their
inputs by enforcing that they have no attachments on them, which is unwieldly and would impose an extremely defensive coding style that is
detrimental to composability on chain.
This would enable contract authors to write their contracts in a more natural, intuitive style without compromising the safety of their code.
This proposes two main changes to how attachments and entitlements interact. The first changes how access is determined for attachment functions, while the second changes how authorization is decided for attachments on access from references.
Removing the
require entitlement
syntax fromattachment
declarations, along with the ability to declareattachment
s with mapped access. Instead, all attachments will be declared withaccess(all)
access on their declaration, and the entitlements of theself
references in each function will be determined by the entitlements used in the access of that function. So, for example, theBackdoor
attachment above would fail if written as:access(all) attachment Backdoor for Vault { access(all) fun sneakyWithdraw(amount: UFix64): @Vault { return <- base.withdraw(amount: amount) } }
withdraw would not type check because it is declared asaccess(all)
, meaning thatself
are unentitled in its body. Conversely, if the definition were written asaccess(all) attachment Backdoor for Vault { access(Withdraw) fun sneakyWithdraw(amount: UFix64): @Vault { return <- base.withdraw(amount: amount) } }
This definition would type check, as since
access, this means thatself
are entitled toWithdraw
in its body. This brings us to the second proposed change: -
Attachment access always propagates entitlements from its base as if through the
map. Equivalently,v[A]
always produces a reference toA
that is entitled to the same entitlements asv
. This means that in the above example, the definition ofsneakyWithdraw
is safe because aWithdraw
-entitled reference toBackdoor
can only be obtained from aWithdraw
-entitled reference toVault
. Effectively, this means that the owner of an value with attachments has the sole ability to decide the entitlements with which those attachments can be used, since they are the only one who can create references to that value. Since references are invalidated when resources are transferred, resource owners do not "inherit" attachment entitlements upon receiving a value from another user.
Note that this necessarily implies that attachments can only support the same entitlements that exist on the base
value. I.e. an attachment defined for some
that only has entitlements X
and Y
will itself only support X
and Y
This does necessarily limit some use cases; it will no longer be possible to define separate entitlements for attachments for any new functionality that they may add on top of what the base can do. However, this is the least limiting solution we identified.
A number of alternatives exist for this change:
Leave the attachments feature as is, and encourage developers to code defensively. We would likely need to add some utility features to attachments, like a
hasAttachments: Bool
field on resource and aremoveAttachment(ty: Type)
method to allow authors to dynamically sanitize inputs to their resources. This would make writing attachments as simple as possible, as they would have the full range of expressivity they do in the current version of Stable Cadence. However, it would achieve this by placing an extreme burden on the authors of resources by forcing them to consider every possible attachment that might exist on their resources, and to code extremely defensively at all times. We feel that this is unfeasible, and would be an undue burden on developers. -
references to be entitled to the required entitlements to access attachments on them. In the example outlined in the "Motivation" section, one way to resolve this backdooring issue would be to require that anyVault
reference on which theBackdoor
attachment is accessed be itself entitled toWithdraw
. This way, thevar x <- ref[Backdoor]!.sneakyWithdraw(amount: ref.balance)
line would fail, asref
is not entitled toWithdraw
, and thusBackdoor
would not be accessible. In general, for some attachementA
ing entitlementE
would require thatv
either be a composite, or a reference entitled toE
.This idea is convenient because it still allows attachment authors to write most of their use cases as normal, and does not require base resource authors to defend against these kinds of backdooring attacks. There is no harm done in the definition of
in this model, as ifBackdoor
is accessible on any base, thatbase
was already able towithdraw
anyways, so no rights escalation occurs in practice. However, this is crucially limiting for one major reason: it becomes impossible to write an attachment that has multiple entitlements that should each be individually available. Consider the following use case, an attachment for aVault
that is designed to automatically convert between anA
currency, e.g (in pseudo-code):attachment BConverter for AVault { require entitlement Deposit, Withdraw access(Deposit) deposit(bVault: @BVault) { let aVault <- create AVault(b.balance * exchangeRate) base.deposit(<- aVault) // requires Deposit entitlement on base destroy bVault } access(Withdraw) withdraw(amountInB: UFix64): @BVault { let amountInA = amountInB * exchangeRate let aVault <- base.withdraw(amountInA) // requires Withdraw entitlement on base let bVault <- create BVault(a.balance / exchangeRate) destroy aVault return <- bVault } }
In this example, the
requires aDeposit
entitlement to itsAVault
base, so that it candeposit
into it from its owndeposit
function, andwithdraw
from it in itswithdraw
function. However, it does not need these two entitlements at the same time. So, if we were to require thatBConverter
is only accessible onAVault
references that are entitled to bothDeposit
, it would not be possible to access aBConverter
on anauth(Deposit) AVault
reference. This is unfortunate, as there is no reason that we should need to be able towithdraw
from anAVault
in order todeposit
a convertedB
currency into it.It could be possible to split the
into two attachmentsBDepositor
that each has only one of the two functions and thus requires only one of the two entitlements. Then someone with anauth(Deposit) &AVault
could access aBDepositor
, while aauth(Withdraw) &AVault
would be necessary for to access aBWithdrawer
. However, this only works when the entitlements in an attachment can be cleanly split like in this example, in more complex use cases this may not be feasible. It furthermore encourages a coding pattern where attachments must only handle exactly one piece of functionality, and "composition" attachments would become necessary to handle interaction between these many different kinds of attachments. Given that the presence of a sub attachment cannot be guaranteed statically, this would also require attachment authors to explicitly handle all possible combinations of sub-attachments that may or may not be necessary for their logic. -
Simply remove support for entitlements on attachments. This proposal is maximally safe, in that there is minimal risk of security issues, since it will be impossible to access any entitled features of the
reference. It is, however, also quite limiting, in that it would prevent a large number of potential attachment use cases from being expressible in Cadence.