Firstly, thank you for considering contributing to Swifty WebService. It’s people like you that help make Swifty the best it ever can be.
Also, if it's your first time contributing to open source, don't hesitate. We were all beginners once :)
If you encounter a bug or something isn't working the way it's supposed to, don't hesitate to file in an issue here. Try to give a detailed explanation of the issue you're facing, and some steps to reproduce it, if possible.
Please include the version of Swifty you're using, as well as your platform in the issues that you file to make debugging easier.
If you have ideas about what Swifty can do better, or even requirements that Swifty does not fulfil yet, feel free to post them here!
Feel free to contact any of the contributors, including me to discuss anything, or just share new ideas :D
A good place to start is to look at the currently open issues & feature requests, and see if you have any ideas about how to fix/add them. If you do, feel free to try and implement them, and then raise a Pull Request. If you're unsure about how to implement your ideas or are having trouble understanding the current codebase, no problem, start a converstation, and ask for help! It would, at the least, lead to an awesome discussion!