- Team Info: Group 18 / Frontend Flamingos
- Meeting Title: Brainstorming Part 8
- Present Members:
- Kunal Singla
- Amal Kaduwela
- Yue Zhuo
- Avinash Nayak
- Matthew Jiang
- Anokhi Mehta
- Angel Martinez
- Sergio Talavera
- Anudeep Alam
- Absent Members:
- None
- Meeting location: Zoom
- Meeting Subject: Fixing Starting Pitch
- Meeting Plan:
- Design Index + Future Log pages
- Exploritory Coding Intro + Github Issues
- Discuss How we will do pages
- Undiscussed Plans: (from last time)
- How we will store information
- Meeting Decisions/Results: Any decisions made & their reasoning (if there were dissenting opinions include them, then write why the group decided to make that decision anyways)
- Decided on implementing a simple design for index page, and upgrade it later with available time
- Decided to standardize naming of logs to make it easier to search and find
- Decided on Future Log Page
- Start on Exploratory Coding to see what's possible
- Time: Thursday 2:30 - 3:45 PM (PST)