- Team Info: Group 18 / Frontend Flamingos
- Meeting Title: Brainstorming Part 2
- Present Members:
- Kunal Singla
- Amal Kaduwela
- Yue Zhuo
- Avinash Nayak
- Matthew Jiang
- Anokhi Mehta
- Angel Martinez
- Sergio Talavera
- Absent Members:
- None
- Meeting location: Zoom
- Meeting Subject: Start deciding formats for BuJo, and begin persona
- Meeting Plan:
- Discuss Roles
- Evaluate sketches
- Begin Personas
- Undiscussed Plans: (from last time)
- Evaluated Fat Marker Sketches
- Meeting Decisions/Results: Any decisions made & their reasoning (if there were dissenting opinions include them, then write why the group decided to make that decision anyways)
- Two page layout to make it more authentic
- Daily Journal will be for journaling + Weekly would be for planning
- Main users are highschoolers to young adults, since they need the most help with time management and emotions
- Start with one template for every section, and add more if time allows
- Time: Thursday 2:30 - 3:30 PM (PST)