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It can be filtered to an analog output \n using a low-pass filter (eg. an RC filter). \n\n* Principle of operation:\n\nThis works by repeatedly adding the input (din) value to an accumulator of the \nsame width, and setting the output to \"1\" if the accumulator overflows. \nThe remainder after overflow is left in the accumulator for the next cycle, \nand has the effect of averaging out any errors. \n\n(The accumulator has to be an extra bit wider than data-in to accomodate \nthe overflow (output) bit). \n", "readonly": true }, "position": { - "x": 320, - "y": -256 + "x": 384, + "y": 752 }, "size": { "width": 760, @@ -619,303 +266,182 @@ } }, { - "id": "59d33c5b-518d-4ad2-9887-fbba5269dab4", + "id": "84f30124-bb0d-465a-91f3-789d855aaba3", "type": "basic.info", "data": { "info": "## Credits\n\nThis module has been ported from the [Tiny-synth project](https://github.com/gundy/tiny-synth) \ndeveloped by [Gundy](https://github.com/gundy)\n", "readonly": true }, "position": { - "x": 1272, - 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Initial value\nreg qi = INI;\n\n//-- Capture the input data \n//-- on the rising edge of \n//-- the system clock\nalways @(posedge clk)\n qi <= d;\n \n//-- Connect the register with the\n//-- output\nassign q = qi;", + "params": [ + { + "name": "INI" + } + ], + "ports": { + "in": [ + { + "name": "clk" + }, + { + "name": "d" + } + ], + "out": [ + { + "name": "q" + } + ] + } + }, + "position": { + "x": 384, + "y": 168 + }, + "size": { + "width": 352, + "height": 192 + } + }, + { + "id": "53d11290-50b3-40fb-b253-222cb296b075", + "type": "basic.info", + "data": { + "info": "Parameter: Initial value", + "readonly": true + }, + "position": { + "x": 488, + "y": 32 + }, + "size": { + "width": 208, + "height": 40 + } + }, + { + "id": "c25a29cd-d5ed-435e-b375-e6d5557660d8", + "type": "basic.info", + "data": { + "info": "System clock", + "readonly": true + }, + "position": { + "x": 208, + "y": 160 + }, + "size": { + "width": 120, + "height": 32 + } + }, + { + "id": 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It can be filtered to an analog output \n using a low-pass filter (eg. an RC filter). \n\n* Principle of operation:\n\nThis works by repeatedly adding the input (din) value to an accumulator of the \nsame width, and setting the output to \"1\" if the accumulator overflows. \nThe remainder after overflow is left in the accumulator for the next cycle, \nand has the effect of averaging out any errors. \n\n(The accumulator has to be an extra bit wider than data-in to accomodate \nthe overflow (output) bit). \n", - "readonly": true - }, + "id": "776614c6-7e90-4828-ac11-cf91158e0156", + "type": "ae13be3e513e7cb48d47d3fb3aa840dd85dc1f5e", "position": { - "x": 320, - "y": -256 + "x": 1056, + "y": 816 }, "size": { - "width": 760, - "height": 272 + "width": 96, + "height": 64 } }, { - "id": "59d33c5b-518d-4ad2-9887-fbba5269dab4", - "type": "basic.info", - "data": { - "info": "## Credits\n\nThis module has been ported from the [Tiny-synth project](https://github.com/gundy/tiny-synth) \ndeveloped by [Gundy](https://github.com/gundy)\n", - 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Block implementation", "author": "Juan González-Gómez (Obijuan)", - "image": "%3Csvg%20xmlns=%22http://www.w3.org/2000/svg%22%20width=%22354.768%22%20height=%22241.058%22%20viewBox=%220%200%20332.59497%20225.99201%22%3E%3Cpath%20d=%22M168.377%2077.643l61.147-60.938C240.21%206.25%20254.56.461%20269.484.5h62.611v26.186l-61.698.046c-8.012-.043-15.705%203.133-21.47%208.81L187.48%2096.857a57.292%2057.292%200%200%201-39.993%2016.139%2057.292%2057.292%200%200%201%2039.993%2016.14l61.448%2061.314c5.765%205.677%2013.458%208.853%2021.47%208.81l61.698.046v26.186h-62.612c-14.924.039-29.463-5.9-40.204-16.28l-60.902-60.863a29.857%2029.857%200%200%200-21.347-8.81L.5%20139.427V86.457h146.524a29.884%2029.884%200%200%200%2021.353-8.814z%22%20fill=%22green%22%20stroke=%22#000%22%20stroke-linecap=%22round%22%20stroke-linejoin=%22round%22/%3E%3C/svg%3E" + "image": "%3Csvg%20xmlns=%22http://www.w3.org/2000/svg%22%20width=%22185.363%22%20height=%22183.398%22%20viewBox=%220%200%2049.043981%2048.524089%22%3E%3Cg%20stroke-linecap=%22round%22%3E%3Cg%20fill=%22none%22%20stroke=%22#00f%22%3E%3Cpath%20d=%22M13.478%2032.434l6.026%207.975-5.054%206.03%201.749%201.556m-3.96-15.367l-3.5%207.976-7.97%201.555.583%202.529%22%20stroke-width=%221.058%22%20stroke-linejoin=%22round%22/%3E%3Cpath%20d=%22M12.773%2032.628V2.686%22%20stroke-width=%223.969%22/%3E%3Cpath%20d=%22M1.984%2012.436L12.673%201.984l10.35%2010.452%22%20stroke-width=%223.969%22%20stroke-linejoin=%22round%22/%3E%3C/g%3E%3Cg%20transform=%22matrix(.842%200%200%20.842%20-48.178%20-26.157)%22%20stroke=%22green%22%3E%3Ccircle%20r=%2214.559%22%20cy=%2273.815%22%20cx=%22100.602%22%20fill=%22#ececec%22%20stroke-width=%22.608%22%20stroke-linejoin=%22round%22/%3E%3Cpath%20d=%22M106.978%2082.142h-3.353V63.316H97.54v18.678h-3.652%22%20fill=%22none%22%20stroke-width=%221.521%22/%3E%3C/g%3E%3C/g%3E%3C/svg%3E" }, "design": { "graph": { "blocks": [ { - 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\nThe output es 1\n\nIn any other case the output is 0", + "readonly": true }, "position": { - "x": 680, - "y": 184 + "x": 728, + "y": 256 + }, + "size": { + "width": 344, + "height": 96 } }, { - "id": "bf2f0c53-2d04-4cba-aa70-2df85502d24f", - "type": "basic.input", + "id": "c3990bfd-57a6-4602-ab46-800486326dd6", + "type": "basic.info", "data": { - "name": "", - "clock": false + "info": "**Delay**: 0 clock cycles \n\nThere is no delay between the arrival of a rising edge \nand its detection", + "readonly": true }, "position": { - "x": 192, - "y": 232 + "x": 528, + "y": 504 + }, + "size": { + "width": 416, + "height": 88 } }, { - "id": "65194b18-5d2a-41b2-bd86-01be99978ad6", - "type": "basic.constant", - "data": { - "name": "", - "value": "0", - "local": false - }, + "id": "70cfa680-3def-482c-b194-054c1f522357", + "type": "3676a00f3a70e406487ed14b901daf3e4984e63d", "position": { - "x": 456, - "y": 64 + "x": 552, + "y": 280 + }, + "size": { + "width": 96, + "height": 64 } }, { - "id": "bdc170f0-4468-4137-bd79-4624c9cadf2b", - "type": "basic.code", - "data": { - "code": "reg q = INI;\nalways @(posedge clk)\n q <= d;", - "params": [ - { - "name": "INI" - } - ], - "ports": { - "in": [ - { - "name": "clk" - }, - { - "name": "d" - } - ], - "out": [ - { - "name": "q" - } - ] - } + "id": "49c498a6-eb89-4e72-889d-26e39cea5ad0", + "type": "ba518ee261a2be13a9739cd3a01cdcebe0ef63c0", + "position": { + "x": 696, + "y": 400 }, + "size": { + "width": 96, + "height": 64 + } + }, + { + "id": "4f9cbe33-5c5a-43fb-bb20-863555cd0c64", + "type": "58ed2b5c7e33e2f215ccba6c101d9ea4ff60f284", "position": { - "x": 384, - "y": 168 + "x": 320, + "y": 264 }, "size": { - "width": 232, - "height": 88 + "width": 96, + "height": 64 } } ], "wires": [ { "source": { - "block": "3943e194-090b-4553-9df3-88bc4b17abc2", + "block": "9ca5353b-32fd-4f1f-af0b-5339bd50b1ff", "port": "out" }, "target": { - "block": "bdc170f0-4468-4137-bd79-4624c9cadf2b", - "port": "clk" + "block": "4f9cbe33-5c5a-43fb-bb20-863555cd0c64", + "port": "bf2f0c53-2d04-4cba-aa70-2df85502d24f" } }, { "source": { - "block": "bdc170f0-4468-4137-bd79-4624c9cadf2b", - "port": "q" + "block": "2708468d-1088-4570-be63-fb0d4799a941", + "port": "out" }, "target": { - "block": "aa84d31e-cd92-44c7-bb38-c7a4cd903a78", - "port": "in" + "block": "4f9cbe33-5c5a-43fb-bb20-863555cd0c64", + "port": "3943e194-090b-4553-9df3-88bc4b17abc2" } }, { "source": { - "block": "65194b18-5d2a-41b2-bd86-01be99978ad6", - "port": "constant-out" + "block": "4f9cbe33-5c5a-43fb-bb20-863555cd0c64", + "port": "aa84d31e-cd92-44c7-bb38-c7a4cd903a78" }, "target": { - "block": "bdc170f0-4468-4137-bd79-4624c9cadf2b", - "port": "INI" + "block": "70cfa680-3def-482c-b194-054c1f522357", + "port": "18c2ebc7-5152-439c-9b3f-851c59bac834" } }, { "source": { - "block": "bf2f0c53-2d04-4cba-aa70-2df85502d24f", + "block": "70cfa680-3def-482c-b194-054c1f522357", + "port": "664caf9e-5f40-4df4-800a-b626af702e62" + }, + "target": { + "block": "49c498a6-eb89-4e72-889d-26e39cea5ad0", + "port": "18c2ebc7-5152-439c-9b3f-851c59bac834" + } + }, + { + "source": { + "block": "9ca5353b-32fd-4f1f-af0b-5339bd50b1ff", "port": "out" }, "target": { - "block": "bdc170f0-4468-4137-bd79-4624c9cadf2b", - "port": "d" + "block": "49c498a6-eb89-4e72-889d-26e39cea5ad0", + "port": "97b51945-d716-4b6c-9db9-970d08541249" + } + }, + { + "source": { + "block": "49c498a6-eb89-4e72-889d-26e39cea5ad0", + "port": "664caf9e-5f40-4df4-800a-b626af702e62" + }, + "target": { + "block": "1c25e08e-e664-4fab-9b30-cedc1f8a3739", + "port": "in" } } ] } } }, - "5ad97e1e35a295d0ec722addd6df97c806fc6b7c": { + "3676a00f3a70e406487ed14b901daf3e4984e63d": { "package": { - "name": "Constante-8bits", - "version": "0.0.1", - "description": "Valor genérico constante, de 8 bits. 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RS Flip-flop with priority set. Implementation in verilog", + "author": "Juan González-Gómez (Obijuan)", + "image": 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Block implementation", + "author": "Juan González-Gómez (Obijuan)", + "image": 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It can be filtered to an analog output \n using a low-pass filter (eg. an RC filter). \n\n* Principle of operation:\n\nThis works by repeatedly adding the input (din) value to an accumulator of the \nsame width, and setting the output to \"1\" if the accumulator overflows. \nThe remainder after overflow is left in the accumulator for the next cycle, \nand has the effect of averaging out any errors. \n\n(The accumulator has to be an extra bit wider than data-in to accomodate \nthe overflow (output) bit). \n", + "readonly": true + }, + "position": { + "x": 384, + "y": 752 + }, + "size": { + "width": 760, + "height": 272 + } + }, + { + "id": "84f30124-bb0d-465a-91f3-789d855aaba3", + "type": "basic.info", + "data": { + "info": "## Credits\n\nThis module has been ported from the [Tiny-synth project](https://github.com/gundy/tiny-synth) \ndeveloped by [Gundy](https://github.com/gundy)\n", + "readonly": true + }, + "position": { + "x": 1336, + "y": 760 + }, + "size": { + "width": 496, + 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It can be filtered to an analog output \n using a low-pass filter (eg. an RC filter). \n\n* Principle of operation:\n\nThis works by repeatedly adding the input (din) value to an accumulator of the \nsame width, and setting the output to \"1\" if the accumulator overflows. \nThe remainder after overflow is left in the accumulator for the next cycle, \nand has the effect of averaging out any errors. \n\n(The accumulator has to be an extra bit wider than data-in to accomodate \nthe overflow (output) bit). \n", + "info": "Accumulator: The value is incremented by \nthe k constant on every system clock", "readonly": true }, "position": { - "x": 320, - "y": -256 + "x": 584, + "y": 744 }, "size": { - "width": 760, - "height": 272 + "width": 336, + "height": 56 } }, { - "id": "59d33c5b-518d-4ad2-9887-fbba5269dab4", + "id": "18c59370-73e4-4e97-bf75-08f720ef4b7a", "type": "basic.info", "data": { - "info": "## Credits\n\nThis module has been ported from the [Tiny-synth project](https://github.com/gundy/tiny-synth) \ndeveloped by [Gundy](https://github.com/gundy)\n", + "info": "The output is a tic", "readonly": true }, "position": { - 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\nThe output es 1\n\nIn any other case the output is 0", + "readonly": true }, "position": { - "x": 680, - "y": 184 + "x": 728, + "y": 256 + }, + "size": { + "width": 344, + "height": 96 } }, { - "id": "bf2f0c53-2d04-4cba-aa70-2df85502d24f", - "type": "basic.input", + "id": "c3990bfd-57a6-4602-ab46-800486326dd6", + "type": "basic.info", "data": { - "name": "", - "clock": false + "info": "**Delay**: 0 clock cycles \n\nThere is no delay between the arrival of a rising edge \nand its detection", + "readonly": true }, "position": { - "x": 192, - "y": 232 + "x": 528, + "y": 504 + }, + "size": { + "width": 416, + "height": 88 } }, { - "id": "65194b18-5d2a-41b2-bd86-01be99978ad6", - "type": "basic.constant", - "data": { - "name": "", - "value": "0", - "local": false - }, + "id": "70cfa680-3def-482c-b194-054c1f522357", + "type": "3676a00f3a70e406487ed14b901daf3e4984e63d", "position": { - "x": 456, - "y": 64 + "x": 552, + "y": 280 + }, + "size": { + "width": 96, + "height": 64 } }, { - "id": "bdc170f0-4468-4137-bd79-4624c9cadf2b", - "type": "basic.code", - "data": { - "code": "reg q = INI;\nalways @(posedge clk)\n q <= d;", - "params": [ - { - "name": "INI" - } - ], - "ports": { - "in": [ - { - "name": "clk" - }, - { - "name": "d" - } - ], - "out": [ - { - "name": "q" - } - ] - } + "id": "49c498a6-eb89-4e72-889d-26e39cea5ad0", + "type": "ba518ee261a2be13a9739cd3a01cdcebe0ef63c0", + "position": { + "x": 696, + "y": 400 }, + "size": { + "width": 96, + "height": 64 + } + }, + { + "id": "4f9cbe33-5c5a-43fb-bb20-863555cd0c64", + "type": "58ed2b5c7e33e2f215ccba6c101d9ea4ff60f284", "position": { - "x": 384, - "y": 168 + "x": 320, + "y": 264 }, "size": { - "width": 232, - "height": 88 + "width": 96, + "height": 64 } } ], "wires": [ { "source": { - "block": "3943e194-090b-4553-9df3-88bc4b17abc2", + "block": "9ca5353b-32fd-4f1f-af0b-5339bd50b1ff", "port": "out" }, "target": { - "block": "bdc170f0-4468-4137-bd79-4624c9cadf2b", - "port": "clk" + "block": "4f9cbe33-5c5a-43fb-bb20-863555cd0c64", + "port": "bf2f0c53-2d04-4cba-aa70-2df85502d24f" } }, { "source": { - "block": "bdc170f0-4468-4137-bd79-4624c9cadf2b", - "port": "q" + "block": "2708468d-1088-4570-be63-fb0d4799a941", + "port": "out" }, "target": { - "block": "aa84d31e-cd92-44c7-bb38-c7a4cd903a78", - "port": "in" + "block": "4f9cbe33-5c5a-43fb-bb20-863555cd0c64", + "port": "3943e194-090b-4553-9df3-88bc4b17abc2" } }, { "source": { - "block": "65194b18-5d2a-41b2-bd86-01be99978ad6", - "port": "constant-out" + "block": "4f9cbe33-5c5a-43fb-bb20-863555cd0c64", + "port": "aa84d31e-cd92-44c7-bb38-c7a4cd903a78" }, "target": { - "block": "bdc170f0-4468-4137-bd79-4624c9cadf2b", - "port": "INI" + "block": "70cfa680-3def-482c-b194-054c1f522357", + "port": "18c2ebc7-5152-439c-9b3f-851c59bac834" } }, { "source": { - "block": "bf2f0c53-2d04-4cba-aa70-2df85502d24f", + "block": "70cfa680-3def-482c-b194-054c1f522357", + "port": "664caf9e-5f40-4df4-800a-b626af702e62" + }, + "target": { + "block": "49c498a6-eb89-4e72-889d-26e39cea5ad0", + "port": "18c2ebc7-5152-439c-9b3f-851c59bac834" + } + }, + { + "source": { + "block": "9ca5353b-32fd-4f1f-af0b-5339bd50b1ff", "port": "out" }, "target": { - "block": "bdc170f0-4468-4137-bd79-4624c9cadf2b", - "port": "d" + "block": "49c498a6-eb89-4e72-889d-26e39cea5ad0", + "port": "97b51945-d716-4b6c-9db9-970d08541249" + } + }, + { + "source": { + "block": "49c498a6-eb89-4e72-889d-26e39cea5ad0", + "port": "664caf9e-5f40-4df4-800a-b626af702e62" + }, + "target": { + "block": "1c25e08e-e664-4fab-9b30-cedc1f8a3739", + "port": "in" } } ] } } }, - "5ad97e1e35a295d0ec722addd6df97c806fc6b7c": { + "3676a00f3a70e406487ed14b901daf3e4984e63d": { "package": { - "name": "Constante-8bits", - "version": "0.0.1", - "description": "Valor genérico constante, de 8 bits. 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It can be filtered to an analog output \n using a low-pass filter (eg. an RC filter). \n\n* Principle of operation:\n\nThis works by repeatedly adding the input (din) value to an accumulator of the \nsame width, and setting the output to \"1\" if the accumulator overflows. \nThe remainder after overflow is left in the accumulator for the next cycle, \nand has the effect of averaging out any errors. \n\n(The accumulator has to be an extra bit wider than data-in to accomodate \nthe overflow (output) bit). \n", + "readonly": true }, "position": { - "x": 112, - "y": 144 + "x": 384, + "y": 752 + }, + "size": { + "width": 760, + "height": 272 } }, { - "id": "d624472a-880a-4d3c-8d8d-7e439e2868f3", - "type": "basic.output", + "id": "84f30124-bb0d-465a-91f3-789d855aaba3", + "type": "basic.info", "data": { - "name": "o", - "range": "[23:0]", - "size": 24 + "info": "## Credits\n\nThis module has been ported from the [Tiny-synth project](https://github.com/gundy/tiny-synth) \ndeveloped by [Gundy](https://github.com/gundy)\n", + "readonly": true }, "position": { - "x": 608, - "y": 200 + "x": 1336, + "y": 760 + }, + "size": { + "width": 496, + "height": 184 } }, { - "id": "7f6efb27-b8e8-4da0-a945-bc13ede9c98f", - "type": "basic.input", - "data": { - "name": "i0", - "range": "[15:0]", - "clock": false, - "size": 16 - }, + "id": "9390d5d8-d0fd-4a55-9461-32c7d886e7ec", + "type": "58ed2b5c7e33e2f215ccba6c101d9ea4ff60f284", "position": { - "x": 128, - "y": 288 + "x": 1112, + "y": 1264 + }, + "size": { + "width": 96, + "height": 64 } }, { - "id": "16e78204-213e-4833-9096-89d735307ec2", - "type": "basic.code", - "data": { - "code": "assign o = {i1, i0};\n", - "params": [], - "ports": { - "in": [ - { - "name": "i1", - "range": "[7:0]", - "size": 8 - }, - { - "name": "i0", - "range": "[15:0]", - "size": 16 - } - ], - "out": [ - { - "name": "o", - "range": "[23:0]", - "size": 24 - } - ] - } - }, + "id": "f8ccae73-eebf-40dc-aabe-e4726209d30d", + "type": 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It can be filtered to an analog output \n using a low-pass filter (eg. an RC filter). \n\n* Principle of operation:\n\nThis works by repeatedly adding the input (din) value to an accumulator of the \nsame width, and setting the output to \"1\" if the accumulator overflows. \nThe remainder after overflow is left in the accumulator for the next cycle, \nand has the effect of averaging out any errors. \n\n(The accumulator has to be an extra bit wider than data-in to accomodate \nthe overflow (output) bit). \n", + "info": "## 1MHZ Heart", "readonly": true }, "position": { - "x": 320, - "y": -256 + "x": 568, + "y": 424 }, "size": { - "width": 760, - "height": 272 + "width": 136, + "height": 40 } }, { - "id": "59d33c5b-518d-4ad2-9887-fbba5269dab4", + "id": "0349028a-b6ab-4724-87cb-fa615235b14d", "type": "basic.info", "data": { - "info": "## Credits\n\nThis module has been ported from the [Tiny-synth project](https://github.com/gundy/tiny-synth) \ndeveloped by [Gundy](https://github.com/gundy)\n", + "info": "Constant value: \nk = Full_scale / Sys_clock", "readonly": true }, "position": { - 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\nThe output es 1\n\nIn any other case the output is 0", + "readonly": true }, "position": { - "x": 192, - "y": 232 + "x": 728, + "y": 256 + }, + "size": { + "width": 344, + "height": 96 } }, { - "id": "65194b18-5d2a-41b2-bd86-01be99978ad6", - "type": "basic.constant", + "id": "c3990bfd-57a6-4602-ab46-800486326dd6", + "type": "basic.info", "data": { - "name": "", - "value": "0", - "local": false + "info": "**Delay**: 0 clock cycles \n\nThere is no delay between the arrival of a rising edge \nand its detection", + "readonly": true }, "position": { - "x": 456, - "y": 64 + "x": 528, + "y": 504 + }, + "size": { + "width": 416, + "height": 88 } }, { - "id": "bdc170f0-4468-4137-bd79-4624c9cadf2b", - "type": "basic.code", - "data": { - "code": "reg q = INI;\nalways @(posedge clk)\n q <= d;", - "params": [ - { - "name": "INI" - } - ], - "ports": { - "in": [ - { - "name": "clk" - }, - { - "name": "d" - } - ], - "out": [ - { - "name": "q" - } - ] - } + "id": "70cfa680-3def-482c-b194-054c1f522357", + "type": "3676a00f3a70e406487ed14b901daf3e4984e63d", + "position": { + "x": 552, + "y": 280 }, + "size": { + "width": 96, + "height": 64 + } + }, + { + "id": "49c498a6-eb89-4e72-889d-26e39cea5ad0", + "type": "ba518ee261a2be13a9739cd3a01cdcebe0ef63c0", "position": { - "x": 384, - "y": 168 + "x": 696, + "y": 400 }, "size": { - "width": 232, - "height": 88 + "width": 96, + "height": 64 + } + }, + { + "id": "4f9cbe33-5c5a-43fb-bb20-863555cd0c64", + "type": "58ed2b5c7e33e2f215ccba6c101d9ea4ff60f284", + "position": { + "x": 320, + "y": 264 + }, + "size": { + "width": 96, + "height": 64 } } ], "wires": [ { "source": { - "block": "3943e194-090b-4553-9df3-88bc4b17abc2", + "block": "9ca5353b-32fd-4f1f-af0b-5339bd50b1ff", "port": "out" }, "target": { - "block": "bdc170f0-4468-4137-bd79-4624c9cadf2b", - "port": "clk" + "block": "4f9cbe33-5c5a-43fb-bb20-863555cd0c64", + "port": "bf2f0c53-2d04-4cba-aa70-2df85502d24f" } }, { "source": { - "block": "bdc170f0-4468-4137-bd79-4624c9cadf2b", - "port": "q" + "block": "2708468d-1088-4570-be63-fb0d4799a941", + "port": "out" }, "target": { - "block": "aa84d31e-cd92-44c7-bb38-c7a4cd903a78", - "port": "in" + "block": "4f9cbe33-5c5a-43fb-bb20-863555cd0c64", + "port": "3943e194-090b-4553-9df3-88bc4b17abc2" } }, { "source": { - "block": "65194b18-5d2a-41b2-bd86-01be99978ad6", - "port": "constant-out" + "block": "4f9cbe33-5c5a-43fb-bb20-863555cd0c64", + "port": "aa84d31e-cd92-44c7-bb38-c7a4cd903a78" }, "target": { - "block": "bdc170f0-4468-4137-bd79-4624c9cadf2b", - "port": "INI" + "block": "70cfa680-3def-482c-b194-054c1f522357", + "port": "18c2ebc7-5152-439c-9b3f-851c59bac834" } }, { "source": { - "block": "bf2f0c53-2d04-4cba-aa70-2df85502d24f", + "block": "70cfa680-3def-482c-b194-054c1f522357", + "port": "664caf9e-5f40-4df4-800a-b626af702e62" + }, + "target": { + "block": "49c498a6-eb89-4e72-889d-26e39cea5ad0", + "port": "18c2ebc7-5152-439c-9b3f-851c59bac834" + } + }, + { + "source": { + "block": "9ca5353b-32fd-4f1f-af0b-5339bd50b1ff", "port": "out" }, "target": { - "block": "bdc170f0-4468-4137-bd79-4624c9cadf2b", - "port": "d" + "block": "49c498a6-eb89-4e72-889d-26e39cea5ad0", + "port": "97b51945-d716-4b6c-9db9-970d08541249" + } + }, + { + "source": { + "block": "49c498a6-eb89-4e72-889d-26e39cea5ad0", + "port": "664caf9e-5f40-4df4-800a-b626af702e62" + }, + "target": { + "block": "1c25e08e-e664-4fab-9b30-cedc1f8a3739", + "port": "in" } } ] } } }, - "5ad97e1e35a295d0ec722addd6df97c806fc6b7c": { + "3676a00f3a70e406487ed14b901daf3e4984e63d": { "package": { - "name": "Constante-8bits", - "version": "0.0.1", - "description": "Valor genérico constante, de 8 bits. 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It can be filtered to an analog output \n using a low-pass filter (eg. an RC filter). \n\n* Principle of operation:\n\nThis works by repeatedly adding the input (din) value to an accumulator of the \nsame width, and setting the output to \"1\" if the accumulator overflows. \nThe remainder after overflow is left in the accumulator for the next cycle, \nand has the effect of averaging out any errors. \n\n(The accumulator has to be an extra bit wider than data-in to accomodate \nthe overflow (output) bit). \n", + "readonly": true }, "position": { - "x": 48, - "y": 272 + "x": 384, + "y": 752 + }, + "size": { + "width": 760, + "height": 272 } }, { - "id": "382a9fb0-59ee-42b4-aafd-da02afde08c4", - "type": "0b81b8e1e01d92b35ab459001f261115129544e8", + "id": "84f30124-bb0d-465a-91f3-789d855aaba3", + "type": "basic.info", + "data": { + "info": "## Credits\n\nThis module has been ported from the [Tiny-synth project](https://github.com/gundy/tiny-synth) \ndeveloped by [Gundy](https://github.com/gundy)\n", + "readonly": true + }, "position": { - 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Su valor se introduce como parámetro. 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begin\n clk_t <= 1;\n divcounter = 0;\n end \n else begin\n divcounter <= divcounter + 1;\n clk_t = 0;\n end \n \nreg clk_o = 0; \n \n//-- Biestable T para obtener ciclo de trabajo del 50%\nalways @(posedge clk)\n if (clk_t)\n clk_o <= ~clk_o;\n", + "code": "assign k = VALUE;", "params": [ { - "name": "MS" + "name": "VALUE" } ], "ports": { - "in": [ - { - "name": "clk" - } - ], + "in": [], "out": [ { - "name": "clk_o" + "name": "k", + "range": "[3:0]", + "size": 4 } ] } }, "position": { - "x": -104, - "y": -104 + "x": 672, + "y": 248 }, "size": { - "width": 528, - "height": 528 + "width": 208, + "height": 64 } } ], "wires": [ { "source": { - "block": "7e864797-b165-408f-a9ce-2e71dc63f8b8", - "port": "clk_o" + "block": "7dbe7521-0f9f-43ee-ab0c-0439e2c20bc2", + "port": "k" }, "target": { - "block": "70887b0b-826c-4150-a873-605b77da8272", + "block": "5ed3ad73-16e5-4dda-9483-c36394a97ad2", "port": "in" - } - }, - { - "source": { - "block": "4656865c-bcf1-4668-8e13-9221e32222d3", - "port": 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It can be filtered to an analog output \n using a low-pass filter (eg. an RC filter). \n\n* Principle of operation:\n\nThis works by repeatedly adding the input (din) value to an accumulator of the \nsame width, and setting the output to \"1\" if the accumulator overflows. \nThe remainder after overflow is left in the accumulator for the next cycle, \nand has the effect of averaging out any errors. \n\n(The accumulator has to be an extra bit wider than data-in to accomodate \nthe overflow (output) bit). \n", + "info": "Accumulator: The value is incremented by \nthe k constant on every system clock", "readonly": true }, "position": { - "x": 320, - "y": -256 + "x": 584, + "y": 744 }, "size": { - "width": 760, - "height": 272 + "width": 336, + "height": 56 } }, { - "id": "59d33c5b-518d-4ad2-9887-fbba5269dab4", + "id": "18c59370-73e4-4e97-bf75-08f720ef4b7a", "type": "basic.info", "data": { - "info": "## Credits\n\nThis module has been ported from the [Tiny-synth project](https://github.com/gundy/tiny-synth) \ndeveloped by [Gundy](https://github.com/gundy)\n", + "info": "The output is a tic", "readonly": true }, "position": { - 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It can be filtered to an analog output \n using a low-pass filter (eg. an RC filter). \n\n* Principle of operation:\n\nThis works by repeatedly adding the input (din) value to an accumulator of the \nsame width, and setting the output to \"1\" if the accumulator overflows. \nThe remainder after overflow is left in the accumulator for the next cycle, \nand has the effect of averaging out any errors. \n\n(The accumulator has to be an extra bit wider than data-in to accomodate \nthe overflow (output) bit). \n", + "readonly": true + }, + "position": { + "x": 384, + "y": 752 + }, + "size": { + "width": 760, + "height": 272 + } + }, + { + "id": "84f30124-bb0d-465a-91f3-789d855aaba3", + "type": "basic.info", + "data": { + "info": "## Credits\n\nThis module has been ported from the [Tiny-synth project](https://github.com/gundy/tiny-synth) \ndeveloped by [Gundy](https://github.com/gundy)\n", + "readonly": true + }, + "position": { + "x": 1336, + "y": 760 + }, + "size": { + "width": 496, + 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clk_o <= ~clk_o;\n", - "params": [ - { - "name": "MS" - } - ], "ports": { "in": [ { - "name": "clk" + "name": "i1", + "range": "[11:0]", + "size": 12 + }, + { + "name": "i0", + "range": "[11:0]", + "size": 12 + }, + { + "name": "sel" } ], "out": [ { - "name": "clk_o" + "name": "o", + "range": "[11:0]", + "size": 12 } ] - } + }, + "params": [], + "code": "//-- 2-to-1 Multiplexer \n\nassign o = sel ? i1 : i0;" }, "position": { - "x": -104, - "y": -104 + "x": 560, + "y": -80 }, "size": { - "width": 528, - "height": 528 + "width": 304, + "height": 272 } } ], "wires": [ { "source": { - "block": "7e864797-b165-408f-a9ce-2e71dc63f8b8", - "port": "clk_o" + "block": "1e7e3cd6-ed00-468a-9f7c-0bb91e020dce", + "port": "out" + }, + "target": { + "block": "b64f5610-774d-45c0-bbc6-85b1a6713f43", + "port": "sel" + }, + "vertices": [] + }, + { + "source": { + "block": "b64f5610-774d-45c0-bbc6-85b1a6713f43", + "port": "o" }, "target": { - "block": "70887b0b-826c-4150-a873-605b77da8272", + "block": 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It can be filtered to an analog output \n using a low-pass filter (eg. an RC filter). \n\n* Principle of operation:\n\nThis works by repeatedly adding the input (din) value to an accumulator of the \nsame width, and setting the output to \"1\" if the accumulator overflows. \nThe remainder after overflow is left in the accumulator for the next cycle, \nand has the effect of averaging out any errors. \n\n(The accumulator has to be an extra bit wider than data-in to accomodate \nthe overflow (output) bit). \n", - "readonly": true + "source": { + "block": "36bde024-b4d5-447f-baca-32fdfaccd1b3", + "port": "out" }, - "position": { - "x": 320, - "y": -256 + "target": { + "block": "34e6d77b-15a8-4b7c-8c41-09e9b8d4d2be", + "port": "i2" }, - "size": { - "width": 760, - "height": 272 - } + "size": 12 }, - { - "id": "59d33c5b-518d-4ad2-9887-fbba5269dab4", - "type": "basic.info", - "data": { - "info": "## Credits\n\nThis module has been ported from the [Tiny-synth project](https://github.com/gundy/tiny-synth) \ndeveloped by [Gundy](https://github.com/gundy)\n", - "readonly": true - }, - "position": { - "x": 1272, - "y": -248 - }, - "size": { - "width": 496, - "height": 184 - } - } - ], - "wires": [ { "source": { - "block": "f0f84554-d7fd-4594-b042-5358d3ab4034", + "block": "5439f597-1d7a-450f-ba6c-56aeb4dacb0e", "port": "out" }, "target": { - "block": "64705ba5-88b2-4c3b-a49d-7d66ee96e556", - "port": "inlabel" + "block": "34e6d77b-15a8-4b7c-8c41-09e9b8d4d2be", + "port": "i3" }, - "vertices": [] - }, + "size": 12 + } + ] + } + } + }, + "9bcc065f9661d93d2037a3bccf05b884964e1f4b": { + "package": { + "name": "PDM-1bit-DAC", + "version": "0.3", + "description": "Pulse-density modulated 1-bit DAC", + "author": "Juan González-Gómez (Obijuan)", + "image": 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equivalent \n to the data-in (din) value. It can be filtered to an analog output \n using a low-pass filter (eg. an RC filter). \n\n* Principle of operation:\n\nThis works by repeatedly adding the input (din) value to an accumulator of the \nsame width, and setting the output to \"1\" if the accumulator overflows. \nThe remainder after overflow is left in the accumulator for the next cycle, \nand has the effect of averaging out any errors. \n\n(The accumulator has to be an extra bit wider than data-in to accomodate \nthe overflow (output) bit). \n", + "readonly": true + }, + "position": { + "x": 384, + "y": 752 + }, + "size": { + "width": 760, + "height": 272 + } + }, + { + "id": "84f30124-bb0d-465a-91f3-789d855aaba3", + "type": "basic.info", + "data": { + "info": "## Credits\n\nThis module has been ported from the [Tiny-synth project](https://github.com/gundy/tiny-synth) \ndeveloped by [Gundy](https://github.com/gundy)\n", + "readonly": true + }, + "position": { + "x": 1336, + "y": 760 + }, + "size": { + "width": 496, + "height": 184 + } + }, + { + "id": "9390d5d8-d0fd-4a55-9461-32c7d886e7ec", + "type": "58ed2b5c7e33e2f215ccba6c101d9ea4ff60f284", + "position": { + "x": 1112, + "y": 1264 + }, + "size": { + "width": 96, + "height": 64 + } }, + { + "id": "f8ccae73-eebf-40dc-aabe-e4726209d30d", + "type": "4a3e5082790168ab13226b6a032ed6e45e656420", + "position": { + "x": 352, + "y": 1280 + }, + "size": { + "width": 96, + "height": 64 + } + } + ], + "wires": [ { "source": { - "block": "096f61b6-6d5c-4907-9512-e65b25969458", + "block": "ef451927-f90b-424b-ad34-6ac114143513", "port": "out" }, "target": { - "block": "32106310-bfdc-41db-9a7c-2dadd5016c3f", - "port": "clk" - } + "block": "368745ec-a341-4b73-a8c7-44fdef0d201d", + "port": "inlabel" + }, + "vertices": [] }, { "source": { - "block": "32106310-bfdc-41db-9a7c-2dadd5016c3f", - "port": "q" + "block": "56c80258-8515-47c4-98b9-af247b8fa77b", + "port": "out", + "size": 12 }, "target": { - "block": "a225cbb1-1735-4c72-ada2-bd1772d0f7c2", - "port": "in" + "block": "c41a8459-1b3e-4bb5-b825-76aef094597b", + "port": "inlabel" }, + "vertices": [], "size": 12 }, { "source": { - "block": "72dd5873-fe3f-4d8d-b4bd-e078bd20cc06", - "port": "out" + "block": "5bf6574b-ea67-4a1a-bf71-6ef83373109f", + "port": "outlabel" }, "target": { - "block": "32106310-bfdc-41db-9a7c-2dadd5016c3f", - "port": "d" + "block": "66506529-500d-4c4d-ba99-a40ed72c4c5f", + "port": "129075ea-3d36-456a-86dc-fb0ef0f99ff6", + "size": 12 + }, + "vertices": [], + "size": 12 + }, + { + "source": { + "block": "9567f7ab-0a3e-46ee-9f7e-ef5a851fae98", + "port": "d3293383-456c-471c-974d-342cc97e652b", + "size": 12 + }, + "target": { + "block": "d8912692-c881-4f65-afd4-ef323a15a78d", + "port": "inlabel" + }, + "vertices": [], + "size": 12 + }, + { + "source": { + "block": "a3f5b136-3870-4db7-9fb0-ddb608653902", + "port": "outlabel" + }, + "target": { + "block": "9390d5d8-d0fd-4a55-9461-32c7d886e7ec", + "port": "3943e194-090b-4553-9df3-88bc4b17abc2" + }, + "vertices": [] + }, + { + "source": { + "block": "309765f3-0e44-49b6-98a7-c4490b748153", + "port": "outlabel" + }, + "target": { + "block": "f8ccae73-eebf-40dc-aabe-e4726209d30d", + "port": "096f61b6-6d5c-4907-9512-e65b25969458" + }, + "vertices": [] + }, + { + "source": { + "block": "626fe170-4ece-4558-9a88-104a4ad5e559", + "port": "outlabel" + }, + "target": { + "block": "f8ccae73-eebf-40dc-aabe-e4726209d30d", + "port": "72dd5873-fe3f-4d8d-b4bd-e078bd20cc06", + "size": 12 + }, + "vertices": [], + "size": 12 + }, + { + "source": { + "block": "66506529-500d-4c4d-ba99-a40ed72c4c5f", + "port": "54fd7dec-c4c3-481f-8ea6-ed9039e5496d" + }, + "target": { + "block": "9567f7ab-0a3e-46ee-9f7e-ef5a851fae98", + "port": "ecf75200-3425-42bf-b093-a4b731cadab6" + }, + "vertices": [], + "size": 13 + }, + { + "source": { + "block": "9390d5d8-d0fd-4a55-9461-32c7d886e7ec", + "port": "aa84d31e-cd92-44c7-bb38-c7a4cd903a78" + }, + "target": { + "block": "10b8133a-fc07-4bd5-9c90-9e7f13adcf8d", + "port": "in" + }, + "vertices": [] + }, + { + "source": { + "block": "9567f7ab-0a3e-46ee-9f7e-ef5a851fae98", + "port": "127b10ed-7f6a-4388-8fc2-fc8af12f971d" + }, + "target": { + "block": "9390d5d8-d0fd-4a55-9461-32c7d886e7ec", + "port": "bf2f0c53-2d04-4cba-aa70-2df85502d24f" + }, + "vertices": [] + }, + { + "source": { + "block": "f8ccae73-eebf-40dc-aabe-e4726209d30d", + "port": "a225cbb1-1735-4c72-ada2-bd1772d0f7c2" + }, + "target": { + "block": "66506529-500d-4c4d-ba99-a40ed72c4c5f", + "port": "559fc193-0f4c-40b0-89cf-1e9e3bcaec2b" }, + "vertices": [], "size": 12 } ] @@ -3457,17 +3788,28 @@ } } }, - "1c7dae7144d376f2ee4896fcc502a29110e2db37": { + "58ed2b5c7e33e2f215ccba6c101d9ea4ff60f284": { "package": { - "name": "Biestable-D", - "version": "0.1", - "description": "Biestable de datos (Tipo D). 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23;\n\n//-- Initial value\nreg [N-1:0] qi = INI;\n\nalways @(posedge clk)\nbegin\n\n //-- Shift to the left when the\n //-- shift iput is 1\n if (shift == 1)\n\n //-- Shift to the left\n qi <= {qi[N-2:0], sin};\nend\n\n//-- Serial out: \n//-- It is the most significant bit\nassign sout = qi[N-1];\n\n//-- Paralell out\nassign q = qi;\n" }, "position": { - "x": -464, - "y": -104 + "x": 376, + "y": 16 }, "size": { - "width": 304, - "height": 272 + "width": 352, + "height": 384 } } ], "wires": [ { "source": { - "block": "1e637a79-4a6d-495c-bcac-9664bdbe4b94", + "block": "ca7c5f10-efb6-43f9-9364-52d751fc0bc6", "port": "out" }, "target": { - "block": "34e6d77b-15a8-4b7c-8c41-09e9b8d4d2be", - "port": "sel" + "block": "2b116f4a-1eb0-4542-b65d-b383511a5085", + "port": "clk" } }, { "source": { - "block": "2eea7157-f118-4e81-9eeb-fbea4e4d0c17", + "block": "adb65ce3-8256-4acb-ad39-154262efb1ad", "port": "out" }, "target": { - "block": "34e6d77b-15a8-4b7c-8c41-09e9b8d4d2be", - "port": "i1" + 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output is the inverse of the input)", + "readonly": true + }, + "position": { + "x": 632, + "y": 392 + }, + "size": { + "width": 336, + "height": 96 + } + }, + { + "id": "68880edb-df66-4540-8ee4-f3836fdb5f0e", + "type": "basic.info", + "data": { + "info": "### Truth table for XOR\n\n| k | input | output | function |\n|---|-------|--------|----------|\n| 0 | 0 | 0 | wire |\n| 0 | 1 | 1 | wire |\n| 1 | 0 | 1 | Not |\n| 1 | 1 | 0 | Not |", + "readonly": true + }, + "position": { + "x": 728, + "y": 8 + }, + "size": { + "width": 296, + "height": 144 + } + }, + { + "id": "100882d4-91fe-428f-9ce9-9e02ed2b2a9d", + "type": "d1240143e1ff7afe57f0f11565da980612b2bb76", + "position": { + "x": 672, + "y": 304 + }, + "size": { + "width": 96, + "height": 64 + } + } + ], + "wires": [ + { + "source": { + "block": "2cd40fd8-3a2b-46f7-a922-fedf146ed11a", + "port": "constant-out" + }, + "target": { + "block": "160f76e9-4d8d-424e-8689-bb890101823c", + "port": "c0fb4784-5e8c-4f41-9f4b-6daa2e9e03a4" + }, + 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Su valor se introduce como parámetro. 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calculation\n\nFor CLK=12MHZ, a 16-bit counter reaches its \nmaximum every 2 ** 16 * 1/F = 5.5ms aprox \nIF more time is needed for debouncing, \nuse a counter with more bits (17, 18...)", + "readonly": true + }, + "position": { + "x": 432, + "y": -640 + }, + "size": { + "width": 360, + "height": 120 + } + }, + { + "id": "f998abd9-dfc8-42d4-8816-c89f07a61e6f", + "type": "basic.info", + "data": { + "info": "## Debouncer \n\nA value is considered stable when \nthere is no changes during 5.5ms \naprox. When a value is stable it is \ncaptured on the output flip-flop", + "readonly": true + }, + "position": { + "x": -8, + "y": -648 + }, + "size": { + "width": 312, + "height": 128 + } + }, + { + "id": "ababfa12-265a-4c7c-a482-8ed44cf9171c", + "type": "basic.info", + "data": { + "info": "Stable output", + "readonly": true + }, + "position": { + "x": 880, + "y": -280 + }, + "size": { + "width": 136, + "height": 40 + } + }, + { + "id": "656df089-b248-432e-b6b5-ecd4bb5cc8eb", + "type": "basic.info", + "data": { + "info": "Counter", + "readonly": true + }, + "position": { + "x": 536, + "y": -232 + }, + "size": { + "width": 96, + "height": 40 + } + }, + { + "id": "a409a5ab-68e2-4e36-b698-f6c309afdd54", + "type": "1ed41a9f9beacd7b446f07558a35d3b77dc87319", + "position": { + "x": 240, + "y": -192 + }, + "size": { + "width": 96, + "height": 64 + } + }, + { + "id": "626e9279-30e7-4e81-8427-1f969a1f7789", + "type": "8a23ffd0491010ff595493182b82c722bd6902d7", + "position": { + "x": 704, + "y": -368 + }, + "size": { + "width": 96, + "height": 96 + } + }, + { + "id": "3bc0627a-8d4d-4e19-a4aa-83b0dbfa525a", + "type": "e8e3e62a1e1b5f4e98c7e128c7cd1bdf59b8f307", + "position": { + "x": 520, + "y": -192 + }, + "size": { + "width": 96, + "height": 64 + } + } + ], + "wires": [ + { + "source": { + "block": "4bf41c17-a2da-4140-95f7-2a80d51b1e1a", + "port": "out" + }, + "target": { + "block": "a0474543-ff59-4f6f-8d2e-3993d79c13de", + "port": "inlabel" + } + }, + { + "source": { + "block": "d8572528-e0db-413c-a4ff-64d8cfee021d", + "port": "outlabel" + }, + "target": { + "block": "a409a5ab-68e2-4e36-b698-f6c309afdd54", + "port": "2708468d-1088-4570-be63-fb0d4799a941" + } + }, + { + "source": { + "block": "5d12a177-7618-4517-9067-3012f7cb42ce", + "port": "outlabel" + }, + "target": { + "block": "626e9279-30e7-4e81-8427-1f969a1f7789", + "port": "df0c1bb1-f8ef-49f3-b71f-9384c29a9735" + } + }, + { + "source": { + "block": "c1243e04-edbf-4cc6-9d85-f7bf35ac1dae", + "port": "outlabel" + }, + "target": { + "block": "3bc0627a-8d4d-4e19-a4aa-83b0dbfa525a", + "port": "ca7c5f10-efb6-43f9-9364-52d751fc0bc6" + } + }, + { + "source": { + "block": "c9e1af2a-6f09-4cf6-a5b3-fdf7ec2c6530", + "port": "out" + }, + "target": { + "block": "b0e427bd-ce26-43b5-9d61-685f1c1ab922", + "port": "inlabel" + } + }, + { + "source": { + "block": "ba86528a-72e9-40f7-a1e6-c2e684026c24", + "port": "outlabel" + }, + "target": { + "block": "a409a5ab-68e2-4e36-b698-f6c309afdd54", + "port": "9ca5353b-32fd-4f1f-af0b-5339bd50b1ff" + } + }, + { + "source": { + "block": "626e9279-30e7-4e81-8427-1f969a1f7789", + "port": "4e8afe74-8f38-4873-97ee-f7585d99a4aa" + }, + "target": { + "block": "2f1050dd-a720-4ede-890e-612ce370ba61", + "port": "inlabel" + } + }, + { + "source": { + "block": "20d06e62-fd81-4956-b93c-ade0e616fb98", + "port": "outlabel" + }, + "target": { + "block": "22ff3fa1-943b-4d1a-bd89-36e1c054d077", + "port": "in" + } + }, + { + "source": { + "block": "761cc74e-6d08-4b08-acf3-70197fd7076a", + "port": "outlabel" + }, + "target": { + "block": "626e9279-30e7-4e81-8427-1f969a1f7789", + "port": "adf3a6ae-71e2-43dd-b504-c2cdbc14dab7" + } + }, + { + "source": { + "block": "3bc0627a-8d4d-4e19-a4aa-83b0dbfa525a", + "port": "88e0e872-0460-4ecc-bf26-8a7a5598a024" + }, + "target": { + "block": "626e9279-30e7-4e81-8427-1f969a1f7789", + "port": "58d2c88e-2434-438f-986b-0f5b9c3654ca" + }, + "vertices": [] + }, + { + "source": { + "block": "a409a5ab-68e2-4e36-b698-f6c309afdd54", + "port": "1c25e08e-e664-4fab-9b30-cedc1f8a3739" + }, + "target": { + "block": "3bc0627a-8d4d-4e19-a4aa-83b0dbfa525a", + "port": "2a921d76-1cbd-48fe-82a9-11b0ab4dbc06" + } + } + ] + } + } + }, + "1ed41a9f9beacd7b446f07558a35d3b77dc87319": { + "package": { + "name": "Edges-detector-block", + "version": "0.3", + "description": "Edges detector. 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"name": "", - "value": "" - }, - { - "index": "11", - "name": "", - "value": "" - }, - { - "index": "10", - "name": "", - "value": "" - }, - { - "index": "9", - "name": "", - "value": "" - }, - { - "index": "8", - "name": "", - "value": "" - }, - { - "index": "7", - "name": "", - "value": "" - }, - { - "index": "6", - "name": "", - "value": "" - }, - { - "index": "5", - "name": "", - "value": "" - }, - { - "index": "4", - "name": "", - "value": "" - }, - { - "index": "3", - "name": "", - "value": "" - }, - { - "index": "2", - "name": "", - "value": "" - }, - { - "index": "1", - "name": "", - "value": "" - }, - { - "index": "0", - "name": "", - "value": "" - } - ], - "virtual": false, - "clock": false + "name": "", + "range": "[7:0]", + "size": 8 }, "position": { - "x": 120, - "y": 416 + "x": 832, + "y": 264 } }, { - "id": "d80bfd80-1f6d-46af-b5de-5cd121ebe630", - "type": "basic.memory", + "id": "113cd79e-1b76-4860-b465-34306703725a", + "type": "basic.input", "data": { "name": "", - "list": "00\n00\n", - "local": false, - "format": 10 + "range": "[7:0]", + "clock": false, + "size": 8 }, "position": { - "x": 496, - "y": 24 - }, - "size": { - "width": 136, - "height": 112 + "x": 200, + "y": 264 } }, { - "id": "f5619044-1e4b-4218-bfc2-44eced6cb16a", + "id": "a8d15f9d-bba5-432f-b698-17964638c83a", "type": "basic.code", "data": { - "code": "//-- Anchura del bus de direcciones\nlocalparam ADDR_WIDTH = 13;\nlocalparam DATA_WIDTH = 8;\n\n//-- Tamano de la memoria\nlocalparam TAM = 1 << ADDR_WIDTH;\n\n//-- NO inicializar!\n//-- Si se inicializa a 0 o cualquier otro\n//-- valor no se infiere una RAM\nreg data_out;\n\n//-- Array para la memoria\nreg [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] mem_8 [0:TAM-1];\n\n//-- Puerto de lectura\n//-- Para que se infiera una RAM\n//-- debe ser una lectura sincrona\nalways @(posedge clk)\nbegin\n //-- Puerto de lectura\n data_out <= mem_8[addr];\nend\n\n\n//-- Inicializacion de la memoria\ninitial begin\n \n if (ROMF)\n $readmemh(ROMF, mem_8, 0, TAM-1);\n \nend\n\n\n\n", - "params": [ - { - "name": "ROMF" - } - ], + "code": "wire [8:0] temp;\nassign temp = {1'b0, a} + {1'b0, b};\nassign s = temp[7:0];\nassign c = temp[8];\n//--test", + "params": [], "ports": { "in": [ { - "name": "clk" + "name": "a", + "range": "[7:0]", + "size": 8 }, { - "name": "addr", - "range": "[12:0]", - "size": 13 + "name": "b", + "range": "[7:0]", + "size": 8 } ], "out": [ { - "name": "data_out", + "name": "c" + }, + { + "name": "s", "range": "[7:0]", "size": 8 } @@ -2260,55 +14935,56 @@ } }, "position": { - "x": 312, - "y": 200 + "x": 384, + "y": 192 }, "size": { - "width": 504, - "height": 328 + "width": 336, + "height": 136 } } ], "wires": [ { "source": { - "block": "0b91cb0d-4144-4939-8755-e331104016db", - "port": "out" + "block": "a8d15f9d-bba5-432f-b698-17964638c83a", + "port": "c" }, "target": { - "block": "f5619044-1e4b-4218-bfc2-44eced6cb16a", - "port": "clk" + "block": "eb43abda-e818-4a4a-a2dd-890d780ac19a", + "port": "in" } }, { "source": { - "block": 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}, "design": { "graph": { "blocks": [ { - "id": "5340dd0d-17b9-42a2-b4d9-fbd56349f8c8", + "id": "0b91cb0d-4144-4939-8755-e331104016db", "type": "basic.input", "data": { "name": "", "clock": true }, "position": { - "x": 304, - "y": 96 - } - }, - { - "id": "b58132b2-2e39-4a85-ab5b-63bded91cecc", - "type": "basic.output", - "data": { - "name": "s" - }, - "position": { - "x": 976, - "y": 96 + "x": 120, + "y": 248 } }, { - "id": "997db8c4-b772-49d8-83e7-4427aff720e6", + "id": "c03fd679-daca-495e-9b11-03779b260f54", "type": "basic.output", "data": { - "name": "t" + "name": "", + "range": "[7:0]", + "size": 8 }, "position": { - "x": 968, - "y": 376 + "x": 936, + "y": 336 } }, { - "id": "21bc142d-a93a-430d-b37a-326435def9f9", + "id": "29c933b0-6dd4-4ada-bd69-57faffad57fa", "type": "basic.input", "data": { - "name": "", - "clock": false + "name": "a", + "range": "[12:0]", + "clock": false, + "size": 13 }, "position": { - "x": 304, - "y": 376 + "x": 120, + "y": 416 } }, { - "id": "7c4fa7d1-d70c-445e-b844-73a692fb95a9", - "type": "basic.info", + "id": "d80bfd80-1f6d-46af-b5de-5cd121ebe630", + "type": "basic.memory", "data": { - "info": "**Pulsador-tic**", - "readonly": true + "name": "", + "list": "00\n00\n", + "local": false, + "format": 10 }, "position": { "x": 496, - "y": -56 + "y": 24 }, "size": { - "width": 152, - "height": 40 + "width": 136, + "height": 112 } }, { - "id": "e1c281e9-6a22-456b-863e-20d2550b122c", + "id": "f5619044-1e4b-4218-bfc2-44eced6cb16a", "type": "basic.code", "data": { - "code": "// Sincronizacion. Evitar \n// problema de la metaestabilidad\n\nreg d2;\nreg r_in;\n\nalways @(posedge clk)\n d2 <= d;\n \nalways @(posedge clk)\n r_in <= d2;\n\n\n//-- Debouncer Circuit\n//-- It produces a stable output when the\n//-- input signal is bouncing\n\nreg btn_prev = 0;\nreg btn_out_r = 0;\n\nreg [16:0] counter = 0;\n\n\nalways @(posedge clk) begin\n\n //-- If btn_prev and btn_in are differents\n if (btn_prev ^ r_in == 1'b1) begin\n \n //-- Reset the counter\n counter <= 0;\n \n //-- Capture the button status\n btn_prev <= r_in;\n end\n \n //-- If no timeout, increase the counter\n else if (counter[16] == 1'b0)\n counter <= counter + 1;\n \n else\n //-- Set the output to the stable value\n btn_out_r <= btn_prev;\n\nend\n\n//-- Generar tic en flanco de subida del boton\nreg old;\n\nalways @(posedge clk)\n old <= btn_out_r;\n \nassign tic = !old & btn_out_r;\n\n//-- El estado del pulsador se saca por state\nassign state = btn_out_r;\n\n", - "params": [], + "code": "//-- Anchura del bus de direcciones\nlocalparam ADDR_WIDTH = 13;\nlocalparam DATA_WIDTH = 8;\n\n//-- Tamano de la memoria\nlocalparam TAM = 1 << ADDR_WIDTH;\n\n//-- NO inicializar!\n//-- Si se inicializa a 0 o cualquier otro\n//-- valor no se infiere una RAM\nreg [7:0] data_out_i;\nassign data_out = data_out_i;\n\n//-- Array para la memoria\nreg [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] mem_8 [0:TAM-1];\n\n//-- Puerto de lectura\n//-- Para que se infiera una RAM\n//-- debe ser una lectura sincrona\nalways @(posedge clk)\nbegin\n //-- Puerto de lectura\n data_out_i <= mem_8[addr];\nend\n\n\n//-- Inicializacion de la memoria\ninitial begin\n \n if (ROMF)\n $readmemh(ROMF, mem_8, 0, TAM-1);\n \nend\n\n\n\n", + "params": [ + { + "name": "ROMF" + } + ], "ports": { "in": [ { "name": "clk" }, { - "name": "d" + "name": "addr", + "range": "[12:0]", + "size": 13 } ], "out": [ { - "name": "state" - }, - { - "name": "tic" + "name": "data_out", + "range": "[7:0]", + "size": 8 } ] } }, "position": { - "x": 480, - "y": -16 + "x": 312, + "y": 200 }, "size": { - "width": 432, - "height": 560 + "width": 504, + "height": 328 } } ], "wires": [ { "source": { - "block": "21bc142d-a93a-430d-b37a-326435def9f9", + "block": "0b91cb0d-4144-4939-8755-e331104016db", "port": "out" }, "target": { - "block": "e1c281e9-6a22-456b-863e-20d2550b122c", - "port": "d" + "block": "f5619044-1e4b-4218-bfc2-44eced6cb16a", + "port": "clk" } }, { "source": { - "block": "e1c281e9-6a22-456b-863e-20d2550b122c", - "port": "tic" + "block": "d80bfd80-1f6d-46af-b5de-5cd121ebe630", + "port": "memory-out" }, "target": { - "block": "997db8c4-b772-49d8-83e7-4427aff720e6", - "port": "in" + "block": "f5619044-1e4b-4218-bfc2-44eced6cb16a", + "port": "ROMF" } }, { "source": { - "block": "5340dd0d-17b9-42a2-b4d9-fbd56349f8c8", + "block": "29c933b0-6dd4-4ada-bd69-57faffad57fa", "port": "out" }, "target": { - "block": "e1c281e9-6a22-456b-863e-20d2550b122c", - "port": "clk" - } + "block": "f5619044-1e4b-4218-bfc2-44eced6cb16a", + "port": "addr" + }, + "size": 13 }, { "source": { - "block": "e1c281e9-6a22-456b-863e-20d2550b122c", - "port": "state" + "block": "f5619044-1e4b-4218-bfc2-44eced6cb16a", + "port": "data_out" }, "target": { - "block": "b58132b2-2e39-4a85-ab5b-63bded91cecc", + "block": "c03fd679-daca-495e-9b11-03779b260f54", "port": "in" - } + }, + "size": 8 } ] }