diff --git a/bot_handler.py b/bot_handler.py
index cd345519..4610d122 100644
--- a/bot_handler.py
+++ b/bot_handler.py
@@ -1240,13 +1240,18 @@ async def bot_command_broadcast(self, update: Update, context: ContextTypes.DEFA
             except Exception as e:
                 logging.warning(f"Error sending message to {broadcast_user_id}", exc_info=e)
-        # Send final message with list of users
-        await _send_safe(
-            user_id,
-            self.messages.get_message("broadcast_done", lang_id=lang_id).format(
-                broadcast_ok_users="\n".join(broadcast_ok_users)
-            ),
-            context,
+        # Send list of users with auto-splitting
+        message = self.messages.get_message("broadcast_done", lang_id=lang_id).format(
+            broadcast_ok_users="\n".join(broadcast_ok_users)
+        )
+        request_response = request_response_container.RequestResponseContainer(
+            user_id=user_id,
+            reply_message_id=update.effective_message.id,
+            module_name="",
+            response_text=message,
+        )
+        await bot_sender.send_message_async(
+            self.config.get("telegram"), self.messages, request_response, end=True, plain_text=True
     async def bot_command_module(self, update: Update, context: ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE):